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+0.005 (9.09%)

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0.055 - 0.065

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1,947 comment(s). Last comment by bjtoto 21 hours ago

Madjin Gun

356 posts

Posted by Madjin Gun > 2023-09-29 11:00 | Report Abuse

All gone, after listed as PN17, ready to be delisted.


37 posts

Posted by AJWong > 2023-10-02 08:19 | Report Abuse

Still got assets and contracts. Once they announce there strategy to move forward I dun think they can be consider for PN17. Let hope they announce they management and strategy this month.


733 posts

Posted by lassy > 2023-10-02 15:02 | Report Abuse

NOT ALL PN17 company fall below 10sen a piece except SD who owe CREDITORs too much money and not enough assets to offset the liabilities. I just bought 10K HANDAL shares today for 0.095 sen that cost me only RM950 and hope to make RM500 if i can sell it for 0.145sen.


628 posts

Posted by fregend > 2023-10-02 16:08 | Report Abuse

wow handal drop like this nobody supporting?


733 posts

Posted by lassy > 2023-10-02 16:21 | Report Abuse

Whether the CHINESE CHINA national XUtiantian can weave his CHINESE magical wand need to be seen but something is brewing in this company whether is it a GOOD or BAD execution


733 posts

Posted by lassy > 2023-10-02 18:39 | Report Abuse

You cannot bet too much on this type of company because the operator will only allow you to have a SMALL GAIN.For me after spending RM950 and the price still go down 1 will collect it after i am PREPARE to loose RM3K buying this counter NOW.as Robert Walters say this is a very BAD COMPANY that carry very HIGH RISKS but he fail to mention HIGH GAIN for taking HIGH caculated RISK remember can only buy SMALL investment for this company .DON.T listen to people say can buy BIG in this lousy company.


733 posts

Posted by lassy > 2023-10-03 16:27 | Report Abuse

KNM a PN17 company with mountain of debts is still above 10sen .For me loosing that RM950 in grave will be less than the BIG BOSS cum operator.If i win SMALL the operator will win BIG but if I loose small the operator will loose even BIGGER consider it is rather at the low end .I just QUE another 10K Handle shares at 0.08 sen, just wait and see the reaction tomorrow when money is due to pay and force selling on Thursday.


733 posts

Posted by lassy > 2023-10-03 16:54 | Report Abuse

I was just wondering if I lost ALL RM950 investing handal shares ,just how much the BIG BOSS is going to loose considering it is already at the LOWER END with such low volumes.


733 posts

Posted by lassy > 2023-10-04 08:49 | Report Abuse

Maybe I can buy Handal @ 0.08sen together with BIG BOSS when someone sell the price down in order to collect it CHEAP during this DEPRESSED world stock markets but will certainly need time to recover and can only use SPARE MONEY and not interest bearing money like BIG BOSS


733 posts

Posted by lassy > 2023-10-05 06:07 | Report Abuse

Handal is a GOOD RTO target with accumulated losses to offset future profit of the RTO company and a main board listed company in MALAYSIA is worth a bundle if the assets of the company can offset the liabilities.The new RTO company can always sell back it business to the owner like HABIB jewel ,Rhythm publishing ......


108 posts

Posted by N4rc0t > 2023-10-05 17:20 | Report Abuse

Give handal more time to recover

Madjin Gun

356 posts

Posted by Madjin Gun > 2023-10-10 10:19 | Report Abuse

Wow, die die die. Only bilis left inside

Posted by massivekahuna > 2023-10-16 08:57 | Report Abuse

"The Group intends to utilise up to RM4.50 million of the total proceeds raised from the Proposed Private Placement for the partial repayment of the Group’s outstanding trade payables.

As at 31 July 2023, the total outstanding trade payables of the Group stood at RM20.06 million, of which approximately RM4.54 million has exceeded its credit terms. The trade payable turnover period of the Company is approximately 99 days.

KOMEN: Betul ke 99 days? Surat saman dgn wind up petition sudah keluar, apasal tak announce?

For information purposes, the normal credit terms granted to the Group by the suppliers are generally ranging from 30 days to 90 days.

KOMEN: Hahahaha. Kelakar betul! sepatutnya 300 days to 900 days lah!

The trade payables of the Group are mainly payable to suppliers for the supply of crane parts and provision of storage yards of the crane parts.

KOMEN: Hahaha. Teluk Kalong dah nak collapse lah!. Apa lagi cerita dongeng hang ni?

(2) The Group intends to utilise up to RM4.50 million of the total proceeds raised from the Proposed Private Placement for the repayment of their borrowings.

As at 31 July 2023, the Company has a total outstanding bank borrowings of approximately RM8.29 million, which are mainly bank overdrafts with AmBank Berhad and Hong Leong Bank Berhad. These bank borrowings were drawn down to finance the Group’s working capital purposes. The repayment of the bank borrowings is expected to result in annual interest savings of approximately RM0.40 million based on the prevailing interest rate.

KOMEN: tak percaya lah! Duit semua utk bayar gaji buntot besar! Tak boleh caya le!

Kami dah nak pindah office lagi! Kena tendang keluar sebab buntot besar tak nak bayar sewa office. Dah le tak nak bayar level 29 office, sekarang kena bagi notice of eviction pula utk level 27. Malu lah!

"At this juncture, Handal iMRO has secured purchase orders for Petronas Carigali Sabah, which are currently underway; and was also invited for the following tenders:
(i) Provision of rectification works and associated services for asset integrity findings (AIF) for Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd;
(ii) Provision of Pan-Malaysia Offshore Maintenance, Construction, Modification (MCM) and Hook-Up & Commissioning (HUC) Services (Package A); and
(iii) Provision of Pan-Malaysia Offshore Maintenance, Construction, Modification (MCM) and Hook-Up & Commissioning (HUC) Services (Package B).

KOMEN: Semua tender ni memang haprak lah! Terima tender sebab ada lesen tetapi, semua nak pakai cash. Bank dah tak nak pinjam sbb semua duit kena guna bayar gaji buntot besar dan kereta mewah2. Jual saja kereta2 tu. masih juga nak tunjuk lagak mcm ada banyak duit. parasit!!

The Company is also in active negotiations with international service providers to further develop Handal to become an integrated one stop shop for turbo machinery services as a non-OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) player."

KOMEN: Bila hang nak bayar hutang OEM2 yg lain? semua dah peka gara2 buntot lebar ni. janji macam2 kat OEM ttpi bila da buat kerja, dia tak nak bayar OEM. Siapa lagi you nak buat con job lagi?


141 posts

Posted by acnca84 > 2023-10-16 11:27 | Report Abuse

dah kata company nak bankrupt yang hang tunggu apa lagi bang ang? berentilah

Posted by massivekahuna > 2023-10-17 08:54 | Report Abuse

dengar ura2 mamat buntot besar nak beli mercedes baru lagi. berbuih2 mulut besar nye dan berkembang2 buntot nye lepas ni. dah le tak ada duit nak bayar saman2 yg masuk, dah bermimpi nak beli kereta baru lagi. Alahaaaiiii beruk ni betul2 ingat company ni masih milik bapa nenek dia ke? kami yg segelintir ni berharap ada mgmt baru masuk ttpi bayang pun haprak!

Posted by massivekahuna > 2023-10-17 20:43 | Report Abuse

office baru mcm sardine saja. dia saja nak duduk macam raja! Puikkkkk... macam taik lembu buntot lebar saja!


1,612 posts

Posted by Raiz368 > 2023-10-18 07:58 | Report Abuse

Everday up 10%, good start and warm up....


361 posts

Posted by Dehcomic01 > 2023-10-18 08:13 | Report Abuse

This company has been achieving negative ROE for 6 out of the past 7 years. And to think that it is in the oil and gas sector.


141 posts

Posted by acnca84 > 2023-10-18 08:16 | Report Abuse

dah tau teruk resignlah.. merengek apa kat sini.. sini tempat orang bincang bab saham.. menyemak ja..

Posted by massivekahuna > 2023-10-18 10:19 | Report Abuse

buntot punye tangan kanan kiri start lagi dgn account baru 😁
Apasal taknak pakai AJWong ke, atau apanama lagi

Apasal defender buntot besar AJWong tak komen2 lagi? Sibuk pindah office baru? Dengar2 banyak surat saman dan vendor datang office kat KL Trillion office cari you ke? 🤣🤣

Bila nak announce office dah pindah kat damansara? takut kena kejar ke? Nanti kami announce sini ye? Boleh ke? 😉😉😉

kami tak boleh resign :) kalau kena terminate, nanti kami minta bayar pampasan ye 😯😯

Boring juge kerja skarang ni.😴😴


141 posts

Posted by acnca84 > 2023-10-18 12:17 | Report Abuse

takkan asalkan tak setuju dengan hang terus dilabel macam2.. semak dengan komen acah2 "orang dalam".. takdak kaitan dengan pergerakan saham dengan apa yang berlaku dekat hang.. setiap kaunter ada operator dia dia bukan kira PN17 ka apa syarikat nak tutup ka.. jadi semak pulak.. padahal masa hang duk bising2 sebelum ni naik jugak sampai 28 sen.. dah pi main jauh2.. hang bukan terlibat pun pembelian saham di bursa.. asyik bertenggek kat sini saja..

Posted by massivekahuna > 2023-10-18 12:56 | Report Abuse

sape2 rasa pedas, dia yg makan cili padi kot? 😀
mcm2 lah PDO ni. Apa lah hang ingat ini bapa lu punya ka?🤐🤐


141 posts

Posted by acnca84 > 2023-10-18 13:00 | Report Abuse

ada sapa kesah dengan apa yang berlaku pada hang di ofis.. pembeli saham cuma nak untung dari pergerakan saham.. merengeklah hang kuikuikui..

Posted by massivekahuna > 2023-10-18 16:46 | Report Abuse

betul, pandai betul hang ni.👋👋
investor kena tau cerita2 mcm mana buntot besar dgn kroni2 jadi parasit dgn company kami. tak guna beli saham company ni selagi dia dgn kroni2 masih ada. semua dia nak makan besar, dan kami yg kecil2 ni makan sisa2 tulang ikan.

Posted by massivekahuna > 2023-10-19 10:22 | Report Abuse

cerite2 masa kopi2 tadi kata ada ura2 kes cuci duit dari kes2 buntot besar beli jual share handal baru2 ni dgn company deepetro knoni nye.
duit singapore di cuci beli dgn harga tinggi and jual dgn harga rendah. duit itu lah yg di pakai oleh seaoffshore utk nak 'tolong' handal imro tetapi dgn profit guarantee 25%. handal imro profit pun tak sampai 30%, jadi kesimpulan nye ialah, buntot besar akan jadi parasit yg paling tak berguna utk investor handal.


37 posts

Posted by AJWong > 2023-10-23 06:49 | Report Abuse

massivekahuna. I am not mouthpiece for Sunideep. I truely believed that based upon his passed performance that he can do good for handal. But it seem that I thought to much from him.
Now it seem handal have no leader and nobody know which direction handal taking.

Posted by massivekahuna > 2023-10-23 09:02 | Report Abuse

puikkkk.. buntot lebar masih lagi raja kampung KL Trillion behh.. pura2 tak tau.
nanti pindah ke plaza zurich hujung bulan, tolong announce ye? kalau dulu office nye tingkat 29, tolak 10 saje ye?


905 posts

Posted by Mar2083 > 2023-11-03 14:45 | Report Abuse

Look like may hit 15sen soon


1,612 posts

Posted by Raiz368 > 2023-11-03 15:30 | Report Abuse

To push up price before warrant to be issue...TP 20 cent and above


59 posts

Posted by Vincentpu > 2023-11-05 08:27 | Report Abuse

Bought 11 c 800k , wait to offload 20c soon

Some news brewing

Private placement press down
After announce warrant price rocketing

Sure winnnnn


1,612 posts

Posted by Raiz368 > 2023-11-07 11:38 | Report Abuse

More to go...price will moving up before EGM next mth. Reach to 20 cent is nothing possible.

Posted by muhaimin265 > 2023-11-07 14:43 | Report Abuse

nanti price jatuh baru ad massivekahuna comment..time naik diam2 je hahahaha


2,970 posts

Posted by Tripaka > 2023-11-07 15:00 | Report Abuse

Looks dangerous now. Up from 9sen. More than 50% gain. Big risk takers can continue to hold or charge.


7,797 posts

Posted by fl888 > 2023-11-07 15:19 | Report Abuse

Lucrative as got PP and free Bonus Warrant of 2 for 1….20cts….


7,797 posts

Posted by fl888 > 2023-11-07 16:01 | Report Abuse

40% Placement Shares is massive….just wonder the new substantial can pump and pump and not dump until reac NTA 20cts ?


1,453 posts

Posted by ChloeTai > 2023-11-07 16:11 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 7): Edaran Bhd’s share price hit an 18-month high of 71 sen in Tuesday morning trade, after its unit Edaran IT Services Sdn Bhd won a contract to maintain the Royal Malaysian Customs Department’s operating system and MySST (Malaysia Sales & Services Tax) application worth RM89.88 million — which is almost three times the company’s market capitalisation based on its Monday (Nov 6)’s closing price.

In a filing on Monday, Edaran said the contract, which was awarded by the Ministry of Finance, started on Sept 1 and will span a period of four years.


7,797 posts

Posted by fl888 > 2023-11-07 22:29 | Report Abuse

Possible Handal might have got a Big contract somewhere in Sabah/Sarawak…to be annouce soon…

Posted by massivekahuna > 2023-11-08 09:25 | Report Abuse

sorry ye, sibuk pindah office le. Buntot besar dapat office mewah dgn kereta2 mewah nye. Dia kate nak celebrate sbb dah withdraw duit dari Handal dan dapat gaji buta RM1.9 mil dgn tiada contract yg berguna.

sapa2 yg nak hantar surat saman ke, surat WUP ke, surat LOD ke, hantar je kat address ni ye?

Handal Energy Bhd
Tingkat 19, Plaza Zurich
12 Jalan Gelenggang,
Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur

Harap2 syerholder2 tendang keluar buntot besar dari Handal. biar kite start dari mula, janji kita tak de parasit dlm company.

Handal sudah kena blacklisted pasal buntot besar yg cakap besar! Skarang port minum2 arak kat bawah saja.

Posted by massivekahuna > 2023-11-08 16:11 | Report Abuse

EGM nak mai dah. Yg syer holder semue tu, tolong register ye:

dan tolong hantar petition utk tendang kluar buntot besar dgn kroni2 di company kami ni


Posted by massivekahuna > 2023-11-09 14:22 | Report Abuse

Satu persatu board member resigned:


kalau semua board member resigned, ini bukan perkara kecil.

Buntot besar pikiaq dia tukar job title macam tukar underware yg bau busuk tu ada meaning kah? Gaji masih 2 juta ringgit, kereta mewah 3 biji, rumah/makan/minuman arak semua di tanggung halal oleh company. Pooddahhhhh lah!


Boleh kira berapa kali nak tukar company secretary sejak 2 tahun? Jgn itu saja, berapa kali tukar driver dan secretary?

Posted by vsmartinvestor > 2023-11-09 14:35 | Report Abuse

massivekahuna you sound very jealous of this former employer of yours! were u fired for being lazy and now are jobless sitting at home writing these messages in the time that you have?
calling company yours, i take it you are hoping to be rehired one day.

Posted by massivekahuna > 2023-11-09 15:46 | Report Abuse

hahaha buntot besar buat account baru lagi. apasal tak nak pakai AjWong?

Hang korek2 lubang jubok yg lebar tiap2 hari apasal takde kerja ke?

Kami goyang2 kaki pakei VPN nak sabo you dan kroni hang lah. kite tengok berapa lama you boleh tahan.

Nak kaut 25% untung dari handal imro contract, dan handal dapat haprak - kosong! Ini lebih teruk dari lintah darat atau parasit! Poodahhhh lah!

Kami semua memang dah sbyng hajat supaya manusia macam muka beruk dan badan gajah tu di tendang dari handal. Apa yg dia dah buat kat kompany kami ni? semua dah jadi sia-sia!

Sekarang dia nak private placement lah, warrant lah untuk bayar gaji dan hutang2 yg dia tak nak bayar.

Sesiapa yg rajin dan yg ber-iya2 nak invest dgn kompany ini, tolong baca ini:


muka 2: dia kata Group ada RM21mil profit - jadi kenapa tak pakai duit ni utk bayar hutang

muka 70: Gearing ratio - 39.62 ke 18.20 tetapi annual report kata 0.04 (nak tipu lagi kan?)

muka 72: MATERIAL LITIGATION, CLAIMS AND ARBITRATION = baru keluar temberang AJWong aka Beruk buntot Gajah lagi. ada lagi dia tak nak report. Apa jadi dgn case 45 staff saman handal kat Terengganu? atau 10 staff saman handal kat KL?

macam2 lah beruk ni.

Posted by vsmartinvestor > 2023-11-09 15:55 | Report Abuse

you do sound very jealous... he seems to be in control and you are no where! what a loser you are

Posted by vsmartinvestor > 2023-11-09 16:02 | Report Abuse

this is an investment website, handal looks like a great investment with much potential. perhaps you are too dumb to understand that there are new shareholders!

Posted by vsmartinvestor > 2023-11-09 16:04 | Report Abuse

you have 129 posts all on same topic and a disgrunted employee who has nothing but jealously in mind. perhaps go and invest in a company n take risk and then maybe you cancall it your company. being fired from a company does not make it your company. 150 posts will not help you. why hide behind a nick name?

Posted by massivekahuna > 2023-11-09 21:35 | Report Abuse

hahahaha beruk besar buntot gajah sunildeep terasa pedas ke? sapa makan cili, mesti rasa muak kan?

Bukan jeles tapi nak sabo you je, boleh?


7,797 posts

Posted by fl888 > 2023-11-10 16:36 | Report Abuse

Mr.Sunildeep Singh redesignate as non-independent director will be good for Handal or not…

Posted by vsmartinvestor > 2023-11-10 17:53 | Report Abuse

he sold all his shares, i dont think he cares what massivekahuna thinks is chilli to him. i think handal has been bought over and are undergoing changes that will be positive....


6,611 posts

Posted by Superb99 > 2023-11-23 11:06 | Report Abuse

Should change its name to bodoh

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