scared what leh? During the AGM, Tan Sri already mentioned FY16 is better than FY15. It is almost close to impossible that next quarter's result will be worst than the comparative quarter. When the price drops like bird shit, you need to be able to separate between facts versus fiction. For all you know, maybe tc88 is trying to con people into selling cheap to him/ her. Make it a habit to attend AGMs.
if i have to choose between properties vs. oil & gas, i will definitely whack properties. For one, properties are not commodities related businesses and are not traded in the global markets. Two years ago, who can believe that oil price can hit USD30 per barrel? Impossible right? Furthermore, landbanks do not have futures market, unlike oil market which has oils future. Furthermore, i do not need to worry some assholes is going to produce shale oil or OPEC is flooding the world with oil.
Within the oil and gas industry, we have got the upstream and downstream oil and gas segment. Within this, we got many other sub-sectors such as exploration, extraction and refinement, R&D, trading and distribution and so on and so forth. It is very hard to understand the complexities of this industry - and the associated supply chain - coupled with the dynamics of the global market which is plaguing the oil price now. If you do not work in this industry for a long time, then it is hard to decipher the financial statements, let alone trying to form an opinion on the future economics of the companies that you are buying. I mean, numbers are just numbers - they are just bare skeletons that need to grow flesh, body and soul.
Properties business is very easy to understand. Great property companies are the one that - have been around for many years - that is why they can buy land at cheap prices and inflation will push the land price up, - able to monetize the landbanks and this is shown via very high EPS, - willingness to pay more than (>) 40% of EPS as dividends, - have very low cost and strategic landbanks and high market price for those landbanks, - very low gearing, or net cash companies, - high operating profits and ability to convert each dollar of operating profits into at least 50 cents of free cash flows, - have a few investment properties generating recurring rental income, - not engaged in stripping assets, - have good in-house construction teams or very long standing contractors working for them, and - extremely good management.
So far, my top pick for property companies that satisfy the above criteria is Tambun Indah, Matrix Concept and SHL. All three is trading at 20cents to 30 cents from their 1 year low. The downside is limited and the upside...well, now, is the best time to buy into them before property sector becomes hot again.
my point is that making money from the share market is difficult enough. Why wanna make it even harder by investing in some companies that you do not comprehend?
I call gadang direct line, you also can call 603-62756888. Receptionist will transfer to management then you can ask your concern. I just asking any project cancelled and biding project progress.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
180 posts
Posted by skl_81 > 2016-01-15 21:31 | Report Abuse
Gadang price still lower only PE8.05 not yet add on last quarter ...