You know the price of CPO or SUGAR has no correlation to the price of FGV in the past history. The price is only a reflection of FELDA's manipulation. Obviously with BN back it looks promising to FELDA.
1. The worst managed oil palm PLC in this whole wide world is called 'fgv'. Despite all the government support and about a million acres and TOP palm oil prices, they are struggling and struggling. The CEO said almost 2.5 years ago, "the worst is over for fgv"! Ha Ha.
2. They need to learn from the world's largest Oil Palm company called "wilmar' from Singapore.
3. fgv is not even a member of MPOA now !!!
4. End of the day, giving land to fgv is like giving a garland to a monkey.
$1.67 is the highest on 16/3/21. Long way to even get close to that! Need Bursa to do their job and get Felda to fix up the threshold % so we can have a bit more liquidity.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
14,963 posts
Posted by DickyMe > 2021-08-23 17:13 |
Post removed.Why?