Too much Debt can be a very serious concern for some companies, but for BPLANT, Debt that they are able to repay it, and unlikely to default (because unlike some businesses that have overcapacity, CPO might have a structural supply issue over next few years, and they have LTAT behind them), and Debt that they used to invest in Land, and not airplanes or cruise ships, and pls take note that BPLANT is a very old company, they have not revalued their land for a long time, I do not believe the real NTA is only RM1.14...
Is there a REASOn why Bplant Has NOT revalue it LAND assets ??? Normally it would be done when their Assets has significantly increased in value to reflect Market Parices. Yet ...... they have KEPT QUITE ??
Waiting for "Reverse takeover" by management at a "CHEAP" price ???
why BPLANT on current price cant move because reach hit two previous higher point. But i believe it will break the resistance due to this company consider undervalue and etc,,,
Superb undervalued stock and very save to invest ,totally no risk with luxury reward According to calculation, you buy less than RM9,000 per hectare of the company palm oil land
BPLANT 2014,IPO price set at RM1.60 and After listing they give out bonus share to reward shareholders and average price including bonus share around 1.18
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
21,497 posts
Posted by KAQ4468 > 2020-09-01 16:06 | Report Abuse
stay cool stay invest