Posted by Hustle > 2013-01-10 16:08 | Report Abuse

(雪蘭莪‧八打靈再也9日訊)公積金局公關經理聶阿芬迪指出,一名患癌男子投訴申請公積金以維持日常開銷卻不獲批,主因是他的健康狀態沒有達到最高醫療改進(maximum medical improvement(MMI))的標準。 《光明日報》在去年12月29日報導,來自巴也隆布的莫哈末沙敏證實患上第三期結腸癌,欲申領公積金以維持日常開銷但卻不獲批,每月僅有微薄的270令吉福利金,不足以養家活口。他因此向行動黨甲州主席吳良山尋求協助。 對於這則報導,公積金局週三發表文告回應。聶阿芬迪解釋,根據公積金醫藥局永久喪失工作能力的評估,該名會員的申請被拒絕是因為其健康狀態沒有達到最高醫療改進標準。 他進一步解釋,所謂最高醫療改進標準,即患者的病情在未來不太可能有重大變化、或無法再接受醫藥治療。(光明日報) Of course cannot claim the money lah,now need to use for goreng counter ma

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2 comment(s). Last comment by Hustle 2013-01-10 16:16

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2013-01-10 16:12 | Report Abuse

lol, i think epf should make it possible for their member to withdraw all their money if they get cancer, even if it is the earliest kind, because cancer get bigger chance to cure if it get treat earlier.


3,615 posts

Posted by Hustle > 2013-01-10 16:16 | Report Abuse

Sounds like a bit dictator management,you cannot touch your own money even smell the wood of coffin.

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