Posted by Tobby > 2021-02-26 17:21 | Report Abuse


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1 comment(s). Last comment by Tobby 2021-02-26 17:29


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Posted by Tobby > 2021-02-26 17:29 | Report Abuse

Back before GE14, Zahid convinced Najib that supporting Pas is the only way to win 100% of majority malay voters! And the logic is, once you unite Pas Umno, you have complete monopoly of malays!
But here's the catch! Pas is all about hodod! And unassumingly, many politicians are not aware that hodod is actually not a good card! It cause Pakatan Rakyat not winning GE13! Pas was blasting hodod card so loudly and yet LGE was very supporting of it! LGE and Hadi was having endless orgy of affection during GE13! And Pakatan Rakyat didn't win!
But nobody were aware of this! Najib took Zahid advise and embraced hodod card! Even bringing it into parliment several times and test the water!
GE14 however saw Umno losing many states! It would be clear by now that Pas is jinx! That any alliance with Pas is a no go!
Then Mohiden became PM! Mohiden like Pakatan and Najib assume that Pas will bring in the malay voters!
So yeah, it would be better for Umno to go alone in coming GE15! The problem with Umno is it's court cluster! If Tok Mat succeed in taking over leadership before GE15, then Umno would win lion share of majority malay voters! If Zahid remains, then Umno will meet it's certain death!
Even with Pas support, Zahid and his court cluster will destroy Umno!
Mohiden may be making a huge mistake going forward with Pas! Hodod card is a bad card! Majority malays silently reject it and show it during GE!
You have been warn!

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