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0.17 - 0.185
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Don't be greedy for few thousands, later you will lose double of it.
Velesto will ends up like Serbadk.
From 4.00 down to 0.15 (drop more than 1,000%), if the company don't have MAJOR crisis, it wouldn't drop more than 1,000%
1 month ago
nampak sangat velesto syndicate operated. Holiday, only left retailer.
syndicate the one pressing the price down.
1 month ago
IB says very bright outlook for Oil and Gas
Translation => Velesto drop another 5 sen 🤣
1 month ago
IB just only sms me bright outlook for OnG seconds ago
So be very careful Velesto may drop again.....
1 month ago
Yeah everyone dont buy ya. Wait Balian de Ibelin buy at the price he wants first then only u can buy.
Sot sot one.
1 month ago
just curious if PNB really find someone to acquire their 54% shares,what will happen to velesto?
1 month ago
54% stake at current price is a steal for a counter that’s going to be net cash soon.
Considering there is actually a strong team of COO and CFO doing their job both operationally and financially.
Will be exciting Q3,25 onwards.
1 month ago
Macgyver111 what you really think? You think velesto can rebound to 0.30 or should i sell at 0.19 lol
1 month ago
Why bother asking?
those sold will say better run while u can…
Those just bought will say to the moon!
1 month ago
Looks uptrend.
When Whales see people say uptrend, they will push down price by 5 sen.😁👍🤜
1 month ago
Price depends on Naga’s Utilization.
If all naga’s contracted, earning potential 60-80M profit a quarter.
Now only 3 Nagas contracted, that’s why price tanked.
Tenderbook increased from 3B to 5B, so if COO is really good; then have chance to get all naga’s contracted.
0 Naga contracted, PN17. 3 Naga contracted, this price. If all 6 naga’s contracted, easily above 30sen.
All depends on Nagas getting job.
1 month ago
It’s just some small small indirect lies amongst other promises and ‘blackouts’...or hideouts?
1 month ago
Drilling projects coming soon....!!
4 weeks ago
When Velesto was 0.155 one month ago, I was thinking PNB must be kidding, another round of no brainer bet.
4 weeks ago
Velesto has 2 hydraulic jack for extracting / decommision / plug Old well---Next 3 years this hydraulic jack
will be put into revenue generating units
2 weeks ago
Its target will be realised through projects such as the Kasawari gas development off Sarawak state on Borneo, and the redevelopment of the Gumusut-Kakap, Bekok, Tabu and Seligi oil and gas fields, among others, Petronas said in the report published on Tuesday.
For the next two years, about 15 exploration wells are forecast to be drilled each year, focusing on shallow-water wells and deepwater wells, according to the report.
Petronas said its outlook for upstream development projects remains steady for the next three years, with 69 development wells in 2025 compared to 56 in 2024.
Petronas forecasts more than 400 wells to be drilled, and expects 39 upstream projects to be executed over the next three years, including the construction of three offshore central processing platforms, three onshore facilities, and fabrication and installation of about 900 kms of pipelines.
2 weeks ago
Different story from IB…..Hence, we expect Velesto Energy Bhd's earnings to decline in the financial year 2025 in anticipation of lower utilisation rate and charter rates for new contracts secured this year
2 weeks ago
Global demand for oil will not fall until at least 2040, according to a new forecast by the world’s largest independent energy trader, in the latest signal that economies will struggle to break their dependence on petroleum.
Vitol, which trades about 7 per cent of the world’s oil supply every day, expects global demand to peak at almost 110mn barrels per day at the end of this decade, and then retreat to current levels of about 105mn b/d in 2040.
1 week ago
Following news is a sign of 大地回春in Malaysia Oil and Gas industry. This is right after the dispute between Petronas and Petroleum Sarawak Berhad settled. The industry has resumed the activities which were put on hold previously.
Thailand’s PTTEP has gone back to the drawing board on its hugely-important Lang Lebah giant sour gas field development offshore Malaysia in order to improve the economic viability of the project, with the final investment decision in 2025 now uncertain.
PTTEP has stopped detailing a timeline to exploit Lang Lebah on the Block SK 410B production sharing contract offshore Sarawak, which will incorporate a carbon capture and storage (CCS) scheme. The last known publicly stated schedule for
1 week ago
Do you want to explode or don't want to explode...veryslow, please make a decision quickly 😭😂🫣
1 week ago
Today is not a good day for Velesto. But look how fast the market makes a correction after it falls to 0.17. They push it before the market close.
2 days ago
very suspicious. One team sold 16M share down to 17 at 4.23pm. Another team bought 10M shares up back to 18.5sen before closing. No idea what they up to.
17 hours ago
I suspect got a team suppose to earn from short selling. The other team suppose to support the price so that PNB doesn’t look bad.
17 hours ago
PNB is sleeping. Doesn't know how to guide Velesto and appreciates the shareholders. 🤦🤦🤦
15 hours ago
Everyone is out to make money for themselves.
Only thing worth discussing is what they doing can benefit you.
13 hours ago
PNB upcoming plan
The three-year plan is focused on growing PNB’s AUM to RM400 billion by 2027, through the execution of transformation across six key pillars, which are sales and distribution, investment, PNB company transformation, knowledge, innovation, and sustainability.
10 hours ago
One way of achieving better returns for its funds, says Abdul Rahman, is “to drive corporate Malaysia” — particularly companies in which PNB has invested substantially — to deliver better shareholder value on a sustainable basis, given its large exposure to the local equity market.
10 hours ago
Let’s see if PNB will help velesto to have all their nagas contracted.
If yes, everyone wins!
6 hours ago
Going to bangkrup
1 month ago