KLSE (MYR): JAKS (4723)

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41 people like this. Showing 50 of 65,239 comments


Hoho Jaks got 2 Cash Cow Projects with Commercial Operating Date : 

1) Vietnam Power Plant 1200 MW : January 2021 with BOT 25 years contract . 

2) Local Solar LSS4 Project 50 MW in Penang : is COD on 21 August 2023 with 25 years TNB PPA ( increased from 21 years )

👉Looking forward to Solar CGPP 30 MW project which is scheduled COD by end 2025 ..

1 day ago


1.) Vietnam Power Plant Share of Profit n Dividends :

2020 : RM 3.8 million ( 1 Power Plant is COD on Nov 2020 )

2021 : RM 140.7 million ( The 2nd Power Plant is COD on January 2021 ) .

2022 : RM 156.2 million , Dividend RM 70.0 million

2023 : 1QR = RM 28.326 M , 2QR = RM 32.312 M , 3QR = RM 35.862 M , 4QR = RM 34.503 M plus Dividend RM 27.386 M

2023 : RM 131 million , Dividend RM 27.385 million

Total Share of Profit = RM 431.703 Million

Total Dividend = RM 97.386 Million

Total = RM 529.089 Million

> Share of Profit in QR ended March 2024 =
RM 32.384 million

>> Total = RM 561.463 million

> Share of Profit in QR ended June 2024 = Rm 21.33 million

Dividend = RM 14.21 million

👉 Total = RM 597 million.

> > Share of Profit in QR ended September 2024 = Rm 36.29 million

👉Grand Total 🟰 RM 633.3 million 👍

> Jaks 30 % share in Vietnam Power Plant Joint Venture invested ard RM 600 Million.
( RM 400 million is from the Profit of Construction contract of the Vietnam Power Plant, EPC2.)

Initially PayBack 8 to 9 years ..

Referring to the Grand Total , PayBack period is by 2024 .. ie : from 2021 to 2024 ~~ 4 years ..

👉From Vietnam Power Plant 1200 MW EPCC RM 8.7 Billion started on October 2016 ,
Payback period is 8 years.

按照购电协议,电力售价将随原料价格波动。意味着业务盈利贡献获得保证。Jaks管理层曾透露内部回酬IRR介于12%,PAYBACK PERIOD为8至9年

👉👉👉 Jaks Vietnam JV Power Plant 1200 MW , EPCC RM 8.7 billion is COD on January 2021 with recurring Income for 25 years 👍.

1 day ago


Jaks Annual Revenue and Net Profit / ( Loss ) :

1.) FYE2020 : RM 259.4 million with Loss ( RM 80.5 Million. )

2.) FYE2021 : RM 109.7 million with Net Profit RM 51.9 million. ( Vietnam Joint Venture Power Plant 1200 MW with EPCC RM 8.7 billion is COD on January 2021 )

3.) FYE 2022 : RM 89.8 million with Net Profit RM 53.5 million.

4.) FYE 2023 : Rm 37.787 million with Net Profit RM 15.527 million..

5.) FYE 2024 :

>> 👉1QR : RM 14.2 million with Net Profit RM 12.4 million.

>> 👉2QR : RM 13.1 million with Net Profit RM 8.4 million.

>>👉3QR : RM 14.1 million with Net Profit RM 22.5 million.

( Note : Vietnam Power Plant Joint venture company is 30 % .. an associate company) .

1 day ago


See Jaks insiders had been monitoring n controlling the Gearing Ratio in a Healthy Level : 

> FYE2015 : 0.80 X

1.) FYE2019 : 0.43 X 

2.) FYE2020 : 0.34 X 

3.) Referred to FY23 , 1 QR ended March 2023 : 0.38 X 

4.) Referred to FY23 , 2QR ended June 2023 : 0.36 X 

5.) Referred to FY23 , 3QR ended September 2023 : 0.35 X

6.) Referred to FY23 , 4QR ended December 2023 : 0.35 X

7.) 1QR ended March 2024 :

Gearing Ratio = 0.29 X 

8.) 2QR ended June 2024 :

Gearing Ratio = 0.30 X

9.) 3QR ended September 2024 :

Gearing Ratio = 0.30 X

1 day ago


Hoho really laugh live me lo … own claimed TA n FA Guru in Yinson but did not understand Labour Expenses and Capex …. Now on Current Ratio :

Jaks Current Ratio is 1.04 …. that means Jaks Working Capital can Last for 12.5 months ….

Where as KonLee promoted :

1.) SCIB with TP RM 1.00 by early 2025 … the Major is on Force Sell in July 2024. .

2.) Omesti : Current Ratio 0.51 , ie : Working Capital is only can Last for 6 months ..


Posted by Sslee > 6 hours ago | Report Abuse

Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents included in the cash flow statements comprise the following balance sheet amounts.
Current Year Preceding Year
9 Months 9 Months
ended ended
30-Sep-2024 30-Sep-2023
RM'000 RM'000

Deposits placed with licensed banks 12,079 34,404
Cash & bank balances 23,818 36,808
Bank overdrafts (5,891) (5,963)
30,006 65,249
Less : Deposit held as security values (12,079) (34,404)
Bank balance held as security values (5,585) (214)
Debt service reserves account (8,364) (11,240)
3,978 19,391

Jaks only balance available cash as at 30-Sept 2024 RM 3,978,000
Enough to pay salarly for the next 3 months or not?

1 day ago


Know how much yearly insas share of profit from Inari, quaterly dividend from Inari and on and off gain on disposal of inari.

First time I see you can add share of profit + dividend and get a total profit🤣🤣🤣

Untill now he still can't understand share of profit is just paper profit and did not contribute to cash inflow LOL.

If you insist to invest in Jaks then come back in year 2030.

1 day ago


Oh on sslleee beloved stock Insas Value Trap :

Hoho Insas the only best investment is on Inari .. Why ??? 

Dato' Dr Lee Chung Wah spent more than a decade in financial technology when he assumed the position of CEO and executive director of J & C Pacific Sdn Bhd (a subsidiary of INSAS Berhad, which is listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia) from 2009 to 2016. He was in charge of several business units in Asean region. 

He was in charge of several business units in Asean region. As a serial techno entrepreneur and investor, he is one of the partners of International Supply Chain Alliance Ltd. Hong Kong, a leading supply chain and logistics platform internet company which owns www.oym56lm.com with main operations in the Greater China. 

As an active Fintech entrepreneur, Dato' Dr Lee was listed as an inventor to several granted patents under the Patent Cooperation Treaty and World Intellectual Property Organization in Australia, Singapore, United States of America and others. Prior to that, he was the general manager of INSAS Berhad from 2006 to 2007. 

👉👉👉Hoho How Good is Insaf Investment after 2017 ??? 

Omesti ? Hohup ? Microlink ? Divfex ? Fashion n Beverage company ( not listed ) , and Duramitt ( a glove company, thru associate company Divfex ( from 19% to 25% to current ard 34 % ) invested RM 40 Million in Duramitt ( 50.1 % ) on November 2020 .. New Glove factory is Operational on June 2021 .. How much is the Losses Until Today ??? 

Even no corporate structure that use to plan corporate taxes …shl stripping u slowly n softly…

1 day ago


Hoho I am posted Top Glove TP RM 3.40 on 4/12/2020 , ard 2 weeks earlier than JPM TP RM 3.50 .. 

And posted the study on Nitrile Gloves Demand vs Supply of 7 Local Gloves company on August 2020 that Supply Shl fulfil Demand in 12 months … 

👉As posted earlier , Insaf keep selling Inari Shares although market price is Low on 2019..at prices ranging from RM 1.68 to RM 1.81 , ( of coz Insaf buying price is low .. as low as ard RM 0.38 .. I did bought Insaf n Inari during Ah Sweet keep buying Inari .. with mentioned Dato' Dr Lee Chung Wah background…

Insaf holding Inari shares is greatly reduced from 2012 … 43 % to currently 12.6 % …

1 day ago


Know what just this two stocks insas and jayatiasa already eraned me million this year. While somone still trapped high in jaks

1 day ago


@ SSLee

I admire your patience in explaining to that financially illiterate Miketikus

So far none questions posed to him, comes back with a logical answer 🤣🤣🤣

Posted by Sslee > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Know how much yearly insas share of profit from Inari, quaterly dividend from Inari and on and off gain on disposal of inari.

First time I see you can add share of profit + dividend and get a total profit🤣🤣🤣

Untill now he still can't understand share of profit is just paper profit and did not contribute to cash inflow LOL.

If you insist to invest in Jaks then come back in year 2030.

1 day ago


Hoho Jaks is turn around to be a potential Growth stock , why ? :

A) Jaks CEO ( the only substantial shareholder from 9.9 % ( 2017 ) to 14 % ( 2023 ) , after Uncle K intention to take over with 30 % on 2017/2018 , is failed ) had successfully steered the company diversified into Power industry: Vietnam Joint Venture Power Plant 1200 MW with CPECC , EPCC value RM 8.7 Billion… construction is started on October 2016 , fully Commercial Operating Date on January 2021 with BOT 25 years concession , ie : until 2046 .

As an 30 % associate joint venture company contributing share of profit n Dividend to Jaks since 2021 :

Jaks Annual Revenue and Net Profit / ( Loss ) :

1.) FYE2020 : RM 259.4 million with Loss ( RM 80.5 Million. )

2.) FYE2021 : RM 109.7 million with Net Profit RM 51.9 million.

3.) FYE 2022 : RM 89.8 million with Net Profit RM 53.5 million.

4.) FYE 2023 : Rm 37.787 million with Net Profit RM 15.527 million..

5.) FYE 2024 :

>> 👉1QR : RM 14.2 million with Net Profit RM 12.4 million.

>> 👉2QR : RM 13.1 million with Net Profit RM 8.4 million.

>> 👉 3QR : RM 14.1 million with Net Profit RM 22.5 million.

B ) LSS4 50MW Solar Project in Penang is COD on August 2023 with 25 years TNB PPA ( increased from 21 years ) , ie until 2048.

1.) QR ended September 2023 :

Revenue : 3.3 Million , Loss ( RM 1.4 Million)

1.) QR ended March 2024 :

👉Revenue: 5.3 Million , Profit RM 0.96 Million … 18%

2.) QR ended June 2024 :

Revenue : 4.8 million, Profit RM 0.4 million.. 8.33 %

3.) QR ended September 2024 :

👉 Revenue : 4.7 million, Profit RM 0.3 million.. 6.38 %

👉👉 Average Profit % for 9 months of 2024 is 10.94 %


C.) CGPP 30MW Solar project is awarded on August 2023 to Jaks consortium with 2 partners ( Jaks holding 51 % ) …COD is scheduled by 4Q 2025 .

Jaks Shl be benefited on the EPC contract also .

CGPP winners can sell RE electricity directly to end user / customer, but thru TNB power grid as TPA ( Third Party Access ) . CRESS is effective on September 2024 , but the Mulling charges is announced oredi on 22/8/2024 .

Update : CRESS is effective from September 2024 after 1 month discussion with industry generators/ players ) .

800 MW CGPP winners even can sell RE electricity cross border.

D.) LSS5 2000MW Solar Project, EPCC value is estimated RM 7.2 Billion, tender RFP dateline is brought forward to 25/7/2024 from December 2024 ):

Jaks partner again with CPECC ( Vietnam 1200 MW Power Plant partner 70 % ) >>> Jaks 51% : CPECC 49% , tendered 200MW ( with intention up to limit 500 MW ) …..

👉Land : 1730 acres in Terengganu is leased from TDM . Can be a 200 MW to 500 MW Solar Farm depending on Solar Panel efficiency 12 % or 18 % .

E.) CAGR : 3Y + 29.9 % TTM + 41.2 %

1 day ago


LOL.. this Miketikus so funny.

Post so much gibberish on Jaks 🤣

What is Jaks cash flow position for the last 3 years?

Jaks Vietnam power venture earning not as planned
Jaks LSS4 earnings also not as planned

Even have to PP to pay bank debts and working capital

Now tender new project, ask again for PP

Is this a good sign? Maybe to Miketikus as he is caught at 19c for 18 months 😂

1 day ago


Those who missed last 2 rounds
from 0.125/0.13 to 0.205 and 0.13 to 0.185, now is another chance for you to buy at 0.13/0.14 and resell at 0.18/0.185 to 0.195/0.205,
30% - 40 %, a Good returns compare to fixed Deposit rates

1 day ago


If you buy 0.13/ 0.135 this round, just hold until jaks hit your target price of 0.18/0.18, or
0.20/0.205, any day from now.

If drop to 0.12 / 0.125, just double average down

Let say you buy jaks

100,000 shares x 0.13/0.135

if drop to 0.12/0.125

just double average down to buy

200,000 shares x 0.125/0.13

then Wait for your Good returns within 1 - 6 months

Very much better compared to fixed Deposit rates

I noticed some commented Jaks Will drop to



Or 0.005

Number of shares issued for Jaks = 2,606 Millions

If jaks drop to 0.01

Total market capital = 2.606 billions x 0.01

= RM 26.06 Millions

So, 51 % x RM 26.06 Millions

=. RM 13.29 Millions

So , anyone With RM 13.29 Millions can just buy and become main shares holder

and appoint him self as CEO cum chairman also and get salaries and other benefits of
RM 10 Millions ++

One year can recover back your investment

Good deals

1 day ago


TDM, JAKS Solar Power bangun ladang solar RM800 juta di Terengganu
BeritaHarianThu, Jul 25, 2024 10:08pm - 4 weeks

KUALA TERENGGANU: TDM-YT Plantation Sdn Bhd menandatangani perjanjian persefahaman (MoU) dengan JAKS Solar Power Holdings Sdn Bhd untuk membangunkan ladang solar berskala besar di Lembah Bidong, Setiu.
TDM-YT Plantation merupakan cabang perladangan TDM Bhd, syarikat milik kerajaan negeri Terengganu.
Pengerusi Ahli Lembaga Pengarah TDM-YT Plantation, Burhanuddin Hilmi Mohamed @ Harun, berkata pembangunan ladang solar seluas 700 hektar berkapasiti 200 megawatt (MW) itu membabitkan pelaburan bernilai RM800 juta.

"Kerjasama itu adalah sebahagian daripada usaha kerajaan negeri untuk mengurangkan kebergantungan terhadap bahan api fosil serta menggalakkan penggunaan sumber tenaga yang lebih bersih dan mampan," katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Menurutnya, TDM-YT Plantation dijangka memeterai perjanjian pajakan bersama Konsortium JAKS, gabungan kerjasama antara JAKS Solar Power Holdings dan China Power Engineering Conaulting Group International Engineering Co. Ltd, yang bakal menawarkan potensi keuntungan sebanyak RM1 juta setahun kepada syarikat tersebut.

"Kami berharap kerjasama antara kedua-dua pihak ini akan membawa kejayaan besar serta impak positif kepada peningkatan sosio ekonomi negeri Terengganu," katanya.

Sementara itu, Pengarah Eksekutif JAKS Resources Bhd, Datuk Razali Merican Naina Merican, berkata kerjasama itu perlu bagi memudahkan tawaran bidaan JAKS Solar Power Holdings sebagai pemajak yang akan dikemukakan kepada Suruhanjaya Tenaga.
Beliau berkata, Konsortium JAKS berpotensi meningkatkan kapasiti tenaga boleh baharu di Terengganu, sekali gus memberi pelbagai manfaat kepada masyarakat setempat.

1 day ago


Hoho so far any LSS5 2000 MW EPCC RM 7.2 billion Bidder had planned the Land ??? Only Jaks as far as I had study .

1730 acres land in Terengganu for 200 MW to 500 MW Solar Farm depending on Solar Panel efficiency: 12 % or 18 % .1

1 day ago


Hoho need to lease more Solar Farm Land ke for more Solar Farm Projects ke :

FY2023 Annual Report:

TDM Plantation Sdn Bhd (TDMP), a wholly-owned subsidiary of TDM, involves in the development
and management of 13 palm oil estates strategically located in Terengganu. Spanning a substantial
landbank of 41,092 hectares (ha), these estates feature a cultivated area of 28,531 ha.

1 day ago


JAKS Resources looking to build solar PV plants in Merang, Terengganu
By Faiqah Kamaruddin
July 25, 2024 @ 7:44pm

KUALA LUMPUR: Construction and power utilities firm JAKS Resources Bhd today signed a memorandum of understanding with TDM Bhd to explore the use of TDM-owned land in Merang, Terengganu to develop a solar photovoltaic (PV) plant there.

An MoU was signed between JAKS Resources subsidiary JAKS Solar Power Holdings Sdn Bhd  and TDM's TDM-YT Plantation Sdn Bhd  for the proposed lease of lands in Merang, Terengganu for the development of solar PV plant under the Energy Commission's fifth Large Scale Solar programme (LSS5).

JAKS Resurces chief executive director Andy Ang Lam Poah said the agreement enables it to secure a lease land agreement, which is essential for the Energy Commission's fifth Large Scale Solar (LSS5) programme.

👉👉👉On July 12, JAKS Resources said it partnered with Shanghai-based China Power Engineering Consulting Group International Engineering Co Ltd (CPECC) to bid for the development of solar PV plants with a maximum aggregate capacity of 500 megawatt of alternating current.

"Our partnership with CPECC has the potential to increase renewable energy capacity in the state of Terengganu and brings benefits to the local community.Leveraging our robust capabilities and strong track record in renewable energy projects, we are confident in the success of this initiative," he said.

1 day ago


If you have RM 135,000

and you buy 1,000,000 shares x 0.13 = RM 130,000

and you sell your Jaks 1,000,000 shares as below :

200, 000 shares x 0.195

200,000 shares x 0.235

200, 000 shares x 0.265

200,000 shares x 0.295

200,000 shares x 0.335

So, your Total average selling price for

1,000,000 shares x 0.265

Profits = 100 %+ /-

Investment RM 130,000

profits for 3 months - 2 years
Can be considered a very Good returns

Examples like JCY from 30 sens ++ to 90 sens ++

Notion from 0.50 ++ to 2.00 ++

Just Less Than a year

1 day ago


There were many counters Without fundamental at all and worth few sens or slightly more than 10 sens but were pushed up few hundred % or 10 - 20 times higher just within few months and slowly redistrubuted to retailers.

from 0.16 to 4.00 ++ , Feb 2021 to APRIL 2021

from Less Than 20 sens during 2015 to 2020, later was pushed to 6.00 ++ in year 2021
Now hovering around 0.05

from 5.0 to above 30 ++

PERTAMA ( Formerly known as JOHN MASTER later changed name to Sinotop)
from around 30 sens to above 3.00

From 30 sens ++ to around 3.0

from Less Than 20 sens to above 2.0

And many other counters, had their fundamental became very much better or 10 - 20 times better than they were before??

2015, around 1.60 ++
Dropped to around 0.50 in 2022, why rockected up to 3.90 ++ in 2024 then big dropped
to 1.70 ++

2015, around 1.70, dropped to around 60 sens in 2022 and pickep up during 2023 and hit above 5.20 in 2024, then big Correction and dropped to around 2.90.

1 day ago


Hello Shareview

The formula that you mentioned is 100% wouldn’t happen to trash stock Jaks this stock will continue retreat once next qr report huge impairment lost !!!

15 hours ago


The end games of this stock is drop to half cents and consolidate 30 to 1 and drop again and again !!!

15 hours ago


Hoho copied from Yinson:

Posted by jjohnchew > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Hoho KonLee as mentioned in Netx on 2020 …. Bad intentions shl bring Bad karma le …. Good intentions shl bring Good karma le … oredi is proven in Netx .

What a coincidence le .. IFRS …

10 hours ago


Hoho from Yinson:

Posted by jjohnchew > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse

But not the Pretender KonLe n

JeDie : Alibaba n others id as Promoter in Lambo since 2020 , is delisted on October 2024 … Scenery as Negative commentator in Netx on 2nd Half 2020 .

10 hours ago


Hoho Jaks is in Right direction le .. Solar RE gameplay’s is changing le …just read this article:

This is announced on November 2024 le :

LBS Bina signs MOU for 10GW green hydrogen plant in Sabah …

whose framework entails the development and construction of a green hydrogen production facility powered by solar and wind energy, as well as a future green industrial park on a potential site in Kota Marudu, Sabah, ranging from 15,000 to 30,000 acres.

15 Nov 2024, 12:49 pm

8 hours ago


hoho..stop jjohnchewing jaks ! buy YTL n YTLP now!!!
whispering words of wisdom!!

8 hours ago


Hoho copied from Jtiasa:

Posted by jjohnchew > 2 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho no worries la … as posted in YTLpower.. price shl not be up above RM 4.60 again …

7 hours ago


hoho, jjohnchewing jaks 0.32, now 0.13

7 hours ago


Hoho YTLpower QR September 2024 with Profit RM 470.6 million… before the Price n Profit is Gap Up from :

QR March 2023 : Profit RM 519.6 million

QR June 2023 : Profit RM 1.1 Billion.

7 hours ago


LOL.. If YTLP break 4.60, Miketikus retire from stock gibberisim? 🤣🤣

Posted by jjohnchew > 2 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho no worries la … as posted in YTLpower.. price shl not be up above RM 4.60 again …

7 hours ago


Hoho no worries la … as posted in YTLpower.. price shl not be up above RM 4.60 again …

worri for what when u have no ytlp!!
Maybe u worri about jaks to 0.10?


7 hours ago


Hoho TinKosong KonHuangbk blowing PMCORP with TP RM 2.00 , see its Value since November 2013 wow … must be loss naked liaw .. hibernated more than 7 years in cave since 2014 …

Holding Long Term wow >>> 2014 to 2024 is 10 years liaw …today Price is RM 0.15 …. PMCorp Sold Assets to acquired 100 % A&W ..Latest 4 consecutive QR are in Loss ! 😱🤣..

And keep lying and twisting her PMCorp cost is RM 0.245

Ppl in PMCorp asked him is a F or M , he just bla bla bla want to share love wow ..🤣🤣🤣🤔


👉Posted by Huangbk72 > 2013-11-21 11:51 | Report Abuse

To mikekong55 

I have been a follower of your stock recommendations. 

You have been fairly accurate in your assessment of PMCorp movement.

👉 I am also in PMCorp as I believe in buying and holding long term. Been accumulating from .27 till .36 till .26 and today .28. Being involved in FMCG business, I understand and see the value in PMCORP.

After k awaken by Kon BobAxelrod on 2021 .. both as Pretending Negative Commentators in Serba … 

Her partner Kon BobAxelrod said will not recommend best stocks wow but used many aka id to promote.. 

👉 Kon Bobaxelrod

1.) Use many aka id to promote stock : Trevor777 , Trevor888 , Dr Michael

2.) Used id image to Axe Capital CEO Billionaire BobbyAxelrod and New Boss Michael .

👉 TinKosong AuntieKonHuangbk72 Twisted saying I am the One whom said will Not Promote stocks . 

Her Partner KonBobAxelrod is Missing in Action liaw …

6 hours ago


Hoho Why TinKosongKonHuang still blowing here n there without facts n figures!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Posted by Huangbk72 > 17 minutes ago | Report Abuse

LOL.. If YTLP break 4.60, Miketikus retire from stock gibberisim? 🤣🤣

Posted by jjohnchew > 2 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho no worries la … as posted in YTLpower.. price shl not be up above RM 4.60 again …

6 hours ago


Aiyo.. Miketikus will retire from i3 if YTLP breaks 4.60?

Miketikus forgot about all my facts about Jaks and only remember his own gibberish and mistakes about Jaks 🤣🤣

6 hours ago


Hoho some Jaks positive signs observations:

A.) Raising Funds for coming projects n future growth.

1.) monetise the Penang land for RM 77.74 million on 9/9/2024 , net book value as at December 2023 is RM 15.97 million with a net pro forma gain of RM50.38 million.

2.) JAKS Resources Berhad Proposed medium term notes ("MTN") programme of up to Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred and Fifty Million (RM250,000,000.00) in nominal value ("MTN Programme")
2024-12-06 .

B.) Vietnam JV Power Plant 1200 MW EPCC RM 8.7 billion is started payout Dividend on June 2024 , ie from yearly to half yearly !

6 hours ago


The person claimed have 13 id in i3 and 4 is suspended !

Genovese ( suspended )

Mikecyc ( Suspended )

Johnchew5 ( Suspended )

Limpek1510 ( Suspended )

jjohnchew ( still active posting trash comment )


Anakin Skywalker I got 13 IDs waiting got you to flag red. 😆

6 hours ago


Hoho mine is Hoho n Haha id … even Johnchew123 is Not my id ….

6 hours ago


Hoho JeDie id :

1.) Lambo is delisted on October 2024 : use Alibaba/ YongKimFool / JeDi1985 as Promoter …

2.) Netx : used Scenery as Negative commentator…..

5 hours ago


Hoho so yr Master KonSsleee going to be retired from i3 ke as he blowing SCIP Target Price RM 1.00 by early 2025 .. just another 1 month to Go le …

So you also TinKosongKonHuangbk blowing PMCORP with Target Price RM 2.00 … oredi more than 10 years liaw .. today price is RM 0.15 … should be retired liaw …🤣🤣🤣


Posted by Huangbk72 > 27 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Aiyo.. Miketikus will retire from i3 if YTLP breaks 4.60?

Miketikus forgot about all my facts about Jaks and only remember his own gibberish and mistakes about Jaks 🤣🤣

5 hours ago


Hoho another Positive sign observation on Jaks WC , year 2025 is the Year to harvest:

Jaks CEO holding WC 81,737,647 unit

Represents 15.55 % of Total issued WC !

Maturity : 18/11/2025

EX Price : RM 0.49

5 hours ago


You are miketitus loh why scared ppl recognize you 😆

5 hours ago


Haha Jaks-WC come 18/11/2025 expired as toilet paper.

Tenaga Nasional Berhad ("TNB") through its wholly owned subsidiary, TNB Renewables Sdn. Bhd. ("TRe") wishes to announce that it has received Letter of Notification as a Shortlisted Bidder from the Energy Commission ("EC") dated 23 December 2024 for TRe to develop a 500MWa.c. Large Scale Solar Photovoltaic Plant at Kuala Muda, Kedah subsequent to the fifth large scale solar bidding round ("LSS5"), a competitive bid process conducted by the EC.

This Project aligns with our renewable energy growth objectives and supports our energy transition initiatives towards achieving Net Zero by 2050. The Project is expected to be earnings accretive to TNB upon the commissioning of the Project. This Project will not have any material effect on TNB’s consolidated net assets per share prior to commissioning. The Project will be financed through a combination of debt and equity. It is not expected to have a material effect on TNB’s gearing position. The transaction will not have any effect on the share capital of TNB.

The Letter of Notification requires TRe to fulfil certain customary requirements which are intended to be fulfilled in due course.

This announcement is dated 26 December 2024

4 hours ago


Miketikus.. You have been harping on Jaks getting LSS5 bid. Buy land la, bla bla bla

Can you find Jaks name in this article? 😂


U wrong again? 😉

Or hopefully Jaks get scraps from Package 1 and 2?

3 hours ago


Packages one and two are reserved for companies with at least 51% Bumiputera equity. Is jaks with 51% Bumiputera equity?

Solar plant do not involve high Tech and should be reserved for Malaysia Company only.

3 hours ago


Jaks cannot get any project in our country this company only have 3 millions in company account that not enough to pay staff with in 2 months !!!

1 hour ago


None of them have confidence to let this kind of junk company do the project scare them can’t complete and stuck the project half the way !!!

1 hour ago


Hoho copied n pasted partially:

👉 Surprisingly Solarvest and Gading Kencana not in the Winners list also . These companies being awarded CGPP projects also same like Jaks .

TNB among LSS5 winners, bags 500MW solar farm project in Kedah

26 Dec 2024, 06:27 pm

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 26): 👉 Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) said on Thursday that its unit has been shortlisted by the Energy Commission (EC) to develop a 500-megawatt (MWac) large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) plant in Kuala Muda, Kedah.

It is understood that TNB's 500MW was dished out under package three.
According to sources, other notable firms shortlisted under package three include Samaiden Group Bhd with a 99MWac project in Kelantan; Gentari Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned renewable energy subsidiary of Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas), with a 100MWac project in Kedah; Ditrolic Energy Holdings Sdn Bhd, with a 100MWac project in Perak; and property developer Parkland Group’s majority-owned Parkland Renewable Energy Sdn Bhd’s 99.99MWac project in Johor.

As for package four, shortlisted outfits were rumored to include Aizo Group Bhd's ) 63%-owned Wawasan Demi Sdn Bhd with a 99.99MWac project in Perak; Gadang Holdings Bhd's 70%-owned Nusantara Suriamas Sdn Bhd, with 99.99MWac project in Selangor; Conextone Energy Sdn Bhd's 90MWac farm in Melaka; and a venture linked to Edra Power Holdings Sdn Bhd and Selangor state-linked Worldwide Holdings Bhd, with a 300MWac project in Selangor.

38 minutes ago


Hoho Jaks still having CGPP 30MW which is scheduled to be COD by end 2025 .

MIDF Research :

Sector Thematic | Tuesday, April 2, 2024

LSS5 Takes Off

👉Risk of excessive competition. One of the key pain points in prior LSS programs was the excessive competition to supply
energy to a single buyer which has driven down returns to single-digit levels.

The CGPP (Corporate Green Power Program) model in our opinion is a more liberalized model allowing players to seek their own offtaker, thereby allowing better price discovery in the market. Having said that, we also take note of the fact that the CGPP are essentially exclusive arrangements between solar power producers and their offtaker that requires a fair allocation of grid upgrade costs (to accommodate morinjection of intermittent RE sources to the grid), which is currently absent. Once such fair cost allocations and third-party
access to the grid (TPA) are established, we believe a more liberalised model for large scale RE could be expected.

35 minutes ago


21 OCT, 2024
Record-low prices expected for LSS5 as solar panels at their cheapest now
The Edge, Malaysia

programme, of which the winners
The fifth round of the large-scale solar
will be announced as early as No-
vember, received the lowest bidding
prices ever under the competitive
bidding programme that was first started
in 2016, sources say. The tender for LSS5
opened in April this year and closed in July.
This may not be surprising as the bidding
prices for each iteration of the LSS programme have been trending downwards over the years.

For the first LSS, the lowest bid submitted
in 2016 was 39 sen per kWh; for LSS2,in 2017, the lowest bid was 34 sen per kWh; and for LSS3, which was in 2019, it was 17 sen per kwH. For LSS4, the Energy Commission's (EC) annual report stated that the lowest
bid was 13.99 sen per kWh.

But, given what happened with LSS4,
news that LSS5 has received even lower
bids may raise some eyebrows.

W h e n the winners for LSS4 were an-
nounced in March 2021 — with the lowest
winning bid being 17.68 sen per kWh —
some industry observers had estimated that solar panel prices could drop further, to as low as 12 US cents (51.65 sen) per watt from around 20 US cents per watt during the bidding pe-riod. Some players put their bids in for LSS4 in anticipation of a further decline in solar panel prices, says the CEO of a solar developer.

However, what happened was an unex-
pected surge in panel prices due to supply
chain issues post-Covid, which led to some
solar developers being unable to complete
their projects within the stipulated time.

This led to the 30 winning bidders seeking
extra time to complete their LSS4 projects,
which the government granted by pushing
the commercial operation date for all LSS4
plants to Dec 31,2023 — the original COD
varies from mid-2023 to end-2023.The solar players were also given a four-year extension to their 21-year power purchase agreements withTenaga Nasional Bhd,the off-taker.

Now, the price of solar panels has dropped
again. "Solar panel prices have gone down
to eight US cents per watt, so if you work
it backwards, LSS5's bids would definitely
be lower than LSS4's bids," a person with
knowledge of the matter tells The Edge.

It is understood that the lowest bids
this round could be between 13 sen per
kWh and 16 sen per kWh.

"Over the last 10 years, the cost of solar
panels has been on a declining trend. But,
in 2022, the price of solar panels rebounded
due to supply chain issues and increasing
demand, especially from China," Samaiden
Group Bhd group managing director Datuk
Chow Pui Hee tells The Edge.

That rebound has now been reversed
due to oversupply and slower demand,es-
pecially from the US and Europe, she says.
"If the government announces the [win-
ners of the] LSS5 projects soon, it will be a
boon for the industry as players can take
advantage of the low solar panel price and a stronger ringgit against the US dollar. In the last LSS round, the winners were announced six months after the bidding process.There was a gap that saw the surge in demand for solar panels,which pushed up prices during that time," Chow explains.

The surge in panel prices at that time
affected financial modeling of solar projects,
making it difficult for companies to get a
financial close from the banks.

"Players must be careful in handling
price fluctuations that could impact cost
projection in a big way.A two-US-cent in-
crease from current levels results in a 20%
price increase [in their costs]," warns Ma-
laysian Photovoltaic Industry Association
(MPIA) president Davis Chong.

Having said that, Chong reckons that
the industry has learnt its lesson under
LSS4, which experienced the sudden spike
in solar panel prices.

31 minutes ago

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