KLSE (MYR): DKLS (7528)
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(吉隆坡20日訊)DKLS工業(DKLS,7528,主板建筑組)持股51%的子公司DKLS能源,尋求把在Yong Yu水力發電發展公司的股權轉售給四川能投電力開發有限公司,指標售價為16億零99萬人民幣(8億5千973萬令吉)。
DKLS工業發文告指出,DKLS能源和Yong Yu水力的其餘股東,今日正式與四川能投簽署備忘錄,放眼把Yong Yu水力的100%股權轉售給四川能投。
DKLS能源目前持有Yong Yu水力30%股權。
文告表示,Yong Yu水力在中國共握有9家發電廠的特許經營權,合計產能達16萬7千400兆瓦,其中5家發電廠已經投入運作;同時,Yong Yu水力還透過持股95%的子公司,持有另兩座發電廠。
2013年年報顯示,DKLS工業在Yong Yu水力持股的賬面值達5千579萬令吉。
DKLS工業補充,建議脫售Yong Yu水力替公司提供兌現水力發電特許經營權業務價值的機會,並補充若這項脫售項目最終實現,預計可替公司帶入顯著脫售盈利。(星洲日報/財經)
點看全文: http://biz.sinchew.com.my/node/103977#ixzz3HKa0lK8Y
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2014-10-27 16:11
The MOU is not expected to have any material effect on the share capital, substantial shareholder’s shareholdings, consolidated net assets, consolidated earnings and gearing of DKLS for the financial year ending 31 December 2014. However, if the Proposed Disposal materialises, it is expected to give rise to significant gain on disposal for DESB and the Group.
2014-10-27 16:14
If you have time, you can count how much this sales can bring to DKLS when the price is only RM1.75. =)
2014-10-27 16:15
I think the Company should do something to support the price of the company share e.g. share buyback or increase the dividend pay.
2014-12-06 14:46
It seems that nobody believe the announcement of DKLS to Bursa on 20-10-2014. This undervalue counter is sleeping till today.
2015-01-19 09:10
can anyone let me know why no institution investor interest in this undervalue stock ?
2015-04-03 08:50
no good for investment better go to other company with bright future, lucky no news ,got news also wont be good news ,trust me~
wont come back here after this
2021-02-28 13:01
Institution investors not interested in this counter bcos the Mgmt only "sapu" all the profits for themselves.
2021-09-29 08:54
Sekut Azan
2013-11-17 15:02