Calow Investment Portfolio


Publish date: Mon, 08 Sep 2014, 02:29 PM
0 14
Let's share and grow together
Today I read about the news that Malaysian Average household income RM5,900. "TARAF HIDUP RAKYAT MALAYSIA SUDAH MENINGKAT". 
I am not sure if the headline is properly phrased.. 
Let's do a simple calculation here. 
I have to assume that you are living on an Average Standard because that is an average income of RM5,900. 
So.. let's see. We start with buying an "Average" house at RM400,000 in KL. Own an average 1 car plus your spouse has to train or car pool with you. Yes it is an average train.  
You expect this: 
House loan instalment - RM2,300
Car loan - RM900 (maybe a Toyota Vios?) 
Petrol - RM600 
Personal insurance - RM500 (Life/Endowment and Medical, for 2 persons) 
Food - RM1,000 (for 2 persons - so you are surviving on RM500 per person or just RM17 per day. If you wan better decent meal, skip your lunch or breakfast) 
EPF deductions - RM600
Total Outflows - RM5,900
Sorry guys - you really have nothing left for extras. So invitations to Birthday? Wedding? U better don't go because u have to fork our cash. 
Traveling and tour? - once in 5 years or go twice a year to beach/lake garden - picnic there. Oh yes, go fly kites..  
Buy BRANDED handbag? Petaling street version or risking urself with never ending credit card debt 
Having a kid? Make sure ur kid is a young model to generate u some recurring income from advertisement or else you gonna add another RM1,000 of expenses to your monthly bill.  
So a rise in the average income is NOT a rise in the living standard because you virtually live in more depressed situation. 
I suggest, to escape from this situation - you better get qualified. Have a good job that pays well. 
Upgrade on your "Presentation skill" - you go NO WHERE commercially if you cannot sell well. 
Save your fund and invest. 
Guys, Wishing you a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Best Wishes ahead. 
Here is the News anyway ...



2 people like this. Showing 30 of 30 comments

Desmon Siew

I wonder how he's gonna to explain or argue when he saw this article. Thanks for sharing.

2014-09-08 14:44


my boss ask me go to holland ?

2014-09-08 14:48


RM5900 is before EPF, SOCSO & PCB... nett salary :(

2014-09-08 15:07


a lot of ppl here in i3investor salary easily 2x 3x 4x or 5x rm5900.

2014-09-08 15:27


my monthly salary near 2K only (after EPF deduction)

2014-09-08 15:50


this is household income not personal income...
basically now household need both husband and wife to work to survive...

2014-09-08 17:47


that's why la..... what i mean is my monthly salary below 2K.....not dare to find a gf and don't even want to mention about marriage

2014-09-08 18:41


haha want go trip? Go Fly Kites!

2014-09-08 19:26

Lim Siang Ying

Dear Calow1,

If every household are able to budget accordingly, the living expenses is much lower than what have you calculated.

Similar to your example, below is how will I spend it (this is according to my monthly budget and I have extra for investment; been doing this for 4 years now);

House loan instalment - RM1,800 (This is the correct amount you need to pay bank for RM400,000 loan without downpayment)

Car loan - RM800 (Please get a Myvi if you cannot afford VIOS, the amount RM800 include maintenance, road tax, car insurance if you can budget; husband and wife shall find a job that are convenient for both not one north and one south)

Petrol - RM600 (More or less this amount, include tol)

Personal insurance - RM300 (Should get a lower insurance according to your ability not the highest of all insurance, for 2 persons)

Food - RM500 (You shall eat in not eat out. I have been supporting my family of 5 people with <RM600/month and having extra for entertaiment)

EPF deductions - RM600

Total Outflows - RM4,600

Money left to invest - RM1300. No offence but, If you consider to make baby, make sure you can afford it.

The higher one salary the higher one expenses. Always remember expenses will always match your salary no matter how much you earn unless you know how to budget.

2014-09-08 21:21

Peter Lee

90% earn less than that

2014-09-08 21:25

Lim Siang Ying

Yeah Peter Lee is right. Even earning less you can also survive. Most family are earning ~RM3000. Getting a motorcycle, apartment n lower insurance and you still have more to save. It is all about lifestyle.

2014-09-08 21:37


:) Yes, Mr Lim, definitely agreeable with budget

1) Loan instalment cannot be RM1,800 - pls do a check. Even with 30 years loan. And, don't expect a BLR-3% for 30years tenure. U can check it out with

2) I have left out many expenses that we have not factored in.

3) RM500 for food for working class? Pls ask around.

I think general consensus, we find living with RM5,900 is not sufficient anyway, I am just trying to justify that our living standard has NOT improved. I am not justifying that our quality of living has actually dropped.

Thank you for your valuable inputs.

2014-09-08 21:42


Sorry I mean our quality of living has dropped. Whether we can love within means, I agree even with rm1500 household income we still can survive. Quality has improved? Is what I'm doubting.

2014-09-08 21:48


everything go up in price, only sex remain free or cheap (if u use condom)

2014-09-08 21:49

Lim Siang Ying

Hi Calow1,

1) you can pay until 35 years. Previously is 40 years, since gov clamp down on property sector a year ago. It is bcoming 35 years and I very sure is around rm1800 (My current BLR-2.4= 4.2% before BNM increase 0.5%). To buy a house you need to slowly upgrade not straight go and buy the most expensive of all. Condo will cause you around RM300k - Rm400k. I guess you need to shop around.

2) Yeah. should b.

3) For me yes. RM600 for my entire household (5 people to be exact; mayb you can call me cheapskate). I do shop around, just keep out of Milo & Nestle (they cost ridiculously expensive, I can buy 1 pack of 10kg rice for every Milo I did not buy). Being doing this for years. Of course not including electric, water bill & internet.

Quality definitely is not improving. I guess everywhere is the same, Singaporean, Indonesian, Philippines, China everyone are complaining about cost of living. That's why you need to be smart in managing money.

2014-09-08 22:39


Malaysian Average household income RM5,900? One household how many members n bread earners, got say or not? I think the report not accurate. I know some ppl damn wealthy, others damn poor. This report probably chin cai average out superrich income with super poor income.

2014-09-08 22:54


Food - RM500 (You shall eat in not eat out. I have been supporting my family of 5 people with <RM600/month and having extra for entertaiment), are u joking? Or u grow your own vegetable and rear chicken? Eat to live or live to eat? lolzzz

2014-09-08 23:17


Average per day RM16.66666666666667. Which state are you in??

2014-09-08 23:24


u must b joking. what u spend in a month for 5 human i spend it in a day....

2014-09-08 23:28


our PM said RM 600 is enough for 1 year household expensure..

2014-09-09 00:00


rm600 enuf for 1 year household? omg. eat grass also cost more than that.

wakakakaka. i love malaysia.

2014-09-09 00:02


do u know 1 lorry of chicken shit. yes, chicken shit as fertiliser also cost rm200. wakakkaakakaka.

even if 1 lorry of chicken shit enough for a family to eat for 3 months, still shortfall rm200.

2014-09-09 00:03


Average is a dangerous word.

1 high-income earns RM203,900 a month + 45 who earn RM1,500 a month = Average RM5,900.

2014-09-09 00:15


I'm not a gov supporter, but this author is also misleading. Don't forget that ppl living in other states with lower cost of living is likely to have income less than 5.9k (and may have less spending) so it means higher income for people living in more developed states as well as for above calculation.

2014-09-09 11:07


RM600 per month for 5 persons? Are you living somewhere rural in interior Sarawak or Sabah? If you are working and living in Klang Valley, RM4 per person per day can break the Malaysia book of record. Care to share what is your menu or recipe? Kangkung, timun and fried eggs everyday?

2014-09-09 11:22


lol. i can't brain this. RM600/month translating into RM20/day and that works out to be RM4/pax everyday for 3 meals, which further average out into RM1.33 per meal. Boss, one C sized egg also easily cost 35 cents. Echo-ing AdCool's comments, I assume that you eat rice + egg + a stalk of kangkung everyday and every meal with that budget. I hope you have spare budget for belacan and cooking oil too for frying the kangkung. :P

2014-09-09 14:08

David Ng

the publish amount is average, not median . so your datuk, tan sri businessman is skewing up the numbers.

2014-09-09 14:26


Working in Klang Valley having a meal outside easily rm5 per person, this are only economic rice (which not economic now, 3 dishes), if plus drink will more expensive. Yes, you can spend less, but you must have good reason to convince yourself after working hard each day.

2014-09-09 15:13


Jesus love malaysia!!!

2014-09-09 23:16


winner11, eat outside, but dont drink outside. drinks are overpriced!

2014-09-10 07:39

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