The journey of finding golden eggs

Why you blame prominent investor?

Publish date: Sat, 11 Jun 2016, 05:54 PM

        Many posts have been against him on the internet. So after doing fundamental analysis on many stocks that he owned, I realized that he did pick stocks according to his golden criteria, but he didn't tell you everything and I'm going to tell you why.


        First, when we buy a stock, we are looking for a chicken that lay eggs. ABOTHEN, you wanna tell me you buy stocks that is losing money which is what many MALAYSIAN are doing (buying old chicken that don't lay eggs). They buy according to good NEWS....including my mum..... my uncle my aunty and bla bla bla. Many of them are professionals, doctors and accountants but they cannot resist the desire of human nature.... which is to gamble. So they treat investment as gambling.


       OKAY.... just realized i'm out of topic. Many people follow what Uncle K recommendation on buying stocks, so did he recommend good stocks? The answer is YES! So why many 'gamblers' accusing him of 'hit and run'?( sorry, i have to call you most of u guys gambler because you are :D )

Because when he recommended a good stocks, gamblers get excited and goreng here and there and hope that they can earn quick bucks! These 'investors' have no idea on how to value a stock, what price the stocks they owned worth. If you have no idea how much it worth, then how are you going to sell at the right price? Okay, so if you have no idea, you will sell your stocks too early and watch it climbed over few hundred percent. 


      Then how to know when he's selling his stocks? When the stocks have already deteriorated fundamentally or it's already at the right price, that's why he sold it ma... Aiyo, so simple.... you go to pasar malam to buy chicken for RM 2.50 ma right..... then uncle k told everyone that this pasar malam got people sell chicken only for RM 1 and then everyone rush in to buy and the price of the stocks shoots up. But when the price rises to RM 2.5 or nearly RM 3, it's not worth to buy that chicken anymore! and then uncle k sells it for RM 3..... sibeh SONG right? and then the public went crazy again and throw the chicken around the floor and think that it doesn't worth anything at all....


       What Uncle K didn't tell you? If we follow his golden rule that that chicken is going to lay more golden eggs in the next few quater, we would have end up buying Top glove.... scientex and many more big huge chicken! But why he didn't buy those chicken?...Why?! Because they are actually overpriced...... you're buying a RM 5 worth of nice huge chicken that priced at RM 10. So you're telling me that those chicken aren't good? They're actually good chicken, but they're not excellent investment ( at least at the current price.)


       So if you say Uncle K is generous? Yes, he is. He shared to everyone where to buy cheap chicken that lays golden eggs! but the problem is you don't know how much your chicken worth! And then you blame him. The truth is you're gambling because you don't know how much your chicken worth.







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Apollo Ang

always when he shared already up a lot. he should tell people to buy earlier not after up a lot

2016-06-12 11:55


Ben Gan I remember u..U are the smart fellow who promoted Gpharos kuat kuat with some stupid analysis and end up went Holland badly...I understand also that CPTeh treated u as his sifu.....

2016-06-12 11:57


Kyy quietly buy in, then publicly announce others in order to help him push up price. Later quietly sell out, dumping to those fans.

2016-06-12 12:11


In actual fact the amount he donates to the poors could be less than 1/3. One thing for sure he gives scholarship to ard 50 students in a year and so far he helped ard 300 students....

I think he donates more to Xinquan Boss....bought Xinquan shares at high prices for the past few years and of late donates to him again thru the right issues

2016-06-12 12:15


He donated RM3 Million to poor students here and earned lots of reputation and publicity (by telling the whole world again n again n again)

He donated more than RM30 Million to the rich Xinquan Boss and has to step out madly from the latest AGM....

2016-06-12 12:20



2016-06-12 12:47


Buy cold eye vol 1 n vol 2 book it never goes wrong..., will learn lots...,put it long term good fundamental is a pillar but not necessary goes to your tide ...,cheers happy knowing all the i3 forumners...,

2016-06-12 13:27


I cannot agree that those that follow KYY and lose money are those goreng kaki (gamblers). WHen KYY recommend a particular counter, the price normally goes up. So the goreng kaki who goes in would sell the moment they make their profits. By definition, goreng is very short term, maybe 1 to 5 days or a few days more, definitely not 6 months 1 year. So the gamblers make their money and move to another target. It is those that dun goreng who held on for longer period gets screwed when KYY quietly sells.

2016-06-12 16:32


KYY buy a lot then promote, that's why ppl dont like him.

2016-06-12 16:55


U missed the point,dude.people don't like him coz every time he promotes to you he sell quietly to you at the same time...and he loves doing so again and again. And he will make fun on you after u lose money n cry father cry mother

2016-06-12 17:07


Will you continue to buy in order for him to sell? Everyone, please don't buy if Liihen price exceed RM3.15. The free warrant is just to trap you just like what happened to VS. Again he promote Liihen again in this post today. I am not sure what is his expectation.

2016-06-12 17:27


Prominent investor need to make more money to cover his losses in Canone, Xinquan and Latitude. He is just another syndicate covering himself as good man who donates to the poor.

2016-06-12 17:30


ah_boon, pls write another blog on this....its good for Liihen & you too..

2016-06-12 17:33


He also proposed for the free warrant for xinquan few years the end all lost like hell

2016-06-12 17:34


Aaron hee,please dont sell yr soul to koon koon just for money.

2016-06-12 17:36


There r many youngsters attracted by koon koon's facebook...these youngsters may not browse i3 before n they have to know the dark side of our superinvestor

2016-06-12 17:40


Though u didnt kill them directly they die cause u help koon koon to trap them in facebook

2016-06-12 17:41


Again, you still keep repeating the same fact that you don't know how much your stocks worth! If Mr.K sells a chicken that worth RM 2 for Rm 2, and the price of chicken drop to RM 1.8 but it's still worth RM 2. I'm not afraid at all because i understand how much my chicken worth! Even he doesn't owned the stocks, it doesn't change how much my chicken worth!
However, I also think that announcing late to the public is very unethical.

2016-06-12 18:37


Will rotten eggs hatch? Past Ah Koon eggs for comparison

2016-06-12 18:49


So your Xinquan also worth RM2? Good luck and take care of your chicken.

2016-06-12 18:52


Maybe everyone need to be reminded again. Read this previous prominent investor post. How dare he promoting red chip company.

2016-06-12 18:56


Only Ah Koon dare to sell red eggs from China. He bought a lot but nobody buys from him.

2016-06-12 19:08


xingguan is so good, invest RM0.23 can get RM3. koon koon should invite Warren Buffet to invest also.

2016-06-12 20:13

Teo Hock Song

If K is generous, just inform publicly what price to buy and sell. Even if sell, just inform. It wouldn't be difficult.

2016-06-12 21:34


watch 'wall street 2010'....he knows human mind is controlled helplessly by fear and greed....not logics like you have Teo. For him its all clearly games....after all human relationships/moral/love n etc are just games... watch it tonight u will know.

2016-06-12 21:42


But when ah con sold already still ask people to buy when he sold wor

2016-06-12 21:53


actually...if people blame or curse...why u care?
nothing as genuine as emotions right.
it a simple mechanism helpless humans have to correct what is wrong la.

obviously that K fellow is not a goodman...and people are not a badman either to simply express he is a badman.

what kind of argument blog is this...pui..

2016-06-12 22:09


now he is explicitly recommending Lii Hen....u think you know the value of this egg Laying Hen so well? your brain so smart meh...

if so smart no need to come to i3 already to see any comment and info....just see bursa financial statements would do.

2016-06-12 22:30


So much crap means that many have lost money big time and B laming Uncle Koon. Hey bro used your brains!

2016-06-12 22:49


Post removed.Why?

2016-06-12 22:57


Cow sense analysis

2016-06-13 08:10


你们说 uncle K 死后投胎成鸡被人家宰杀然后把它准备成KFC?

2016-06-13 08:46


意思也是说uncle K 投胎成鸡的过程无限轮回?

2016-06-13 08:47


Ah Boon, is Ah Sim yr twin brother? Very active in Koon Koon's facebook

2016-06-13 09:03


Mr Goldenegg, sometimes it comes to supply and demand and principle. if there is no interested buyers, you claim your chicken worth RM20 seekor pun tak ada guna. thats why KYY releases articles based on his "noble intentions". if he found out the chicken is worth so much, he will be the first to line up quietly la. when accumulated enough, he will be the chicken stall distributor liao and start advertising how good the chicken taste. after finish selling to you, when you can continue to hold on to your chicken while he closes shop. good luck in selling your over-hyped kitchen at a high price

2016-06-13 09:09



2016-06-13 10:36


The stock market is a battlefield. Blame nobody. Trade and win happily.

2016-06-13 10:43


The stock market is a battlefield.
if losing, the best strategy is to run away.

2016-06-13 10:45

Yeow Gary

good day to all, understand the PRICE vs Value , everyone know the price of the stock and know NOTHING about the value of the business . Stock market are there for you, don't chase the market

2016-06-13 12:02


A disclaimers is there, so don't blame anybody

2016-06-13 13:07



2016-06-13 14:51


maybe like MLM, everyone know is tipu one, but they still wanted to try (gamble), thinking if I join early, and exit early, earn some quick bucks... But usually after seeing $$ flown in, forgot the earlier plan, greed take over control...eventually left underwear :)

2016-06-13 15:11


best to keep yr hardearned wang in fd

2016-06-13 16:26


yagree with tintan, but just not many people notice that. Humans' weakness is always to blame people when something happened... haiz.. well, 自己负责自己的决定,自己的决定自己负责。once we make a decision, it is our own responsibilities,

2016-06-13 17:08


Pick what is good and discard what is bad from your own assessment. Blaming others don't bring any benefit. Personally I find kyy's approach and articles useful .. of course with a bit of your own TA and FA...At the very least, it gives me some idea of what goes on in the mind of a very successful trader I feel it is not fair to expect him to hold your hand when doing your trades..

2016-06-13 17:38


Whoever buy prominent investor recommended shares are indeed very generous. Distributing wealth to the rich aka prominent investor to become richer so that he can donate on your behalf.

2016-06-13 21:56


Not every one who bought his recommendations lost money la!

2016-06-13 22:07


simple: if he can recommend I can blame

whether I chose to follow or not is my options..
but the fact remains...if he simply recommend ..I can simply whack him.

ini simple logic pun takda faham kah?

and one more thing....if u no like me whack him...its only becoz u believe his recent recommendation of stocks are good....but don't forget...the majority of his earlier recommendations are not good...and that's good enough to conclude he is not a good man.

Only a biased man cannot understand this simple logic.

2016-06-13 22:29


Anyone brought Chinwel previously at above RM2? It's RM1.49 today if you don't sold earlier. Who said you must wait until two consecutive bad quarters then only sell? By then already too late. Pump and dump shares is not good to hold for long term. This prominent investor like to trick newbies into buying his recommended shares in order for him to sell high. Newbies very generous indeed.

2016-06-13 22:40

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