Hedge Funds

SC new guidelines- Does any of so called "GURU"s complying??

Publish date: Fri, 15 Jan 2021, 12:41 PM

It's so good SC issuing new guidelines now. So many syndicates, so call "Guru" using "FOR SHARING" purpose only to induce PPL TO BUY OR SELL shares, they should be PUNISHED.

NO ONE, except those licensed by SC should give any investment advise, especially analysing a stock. If not any pasar malam trainer, newbies, losuy technical chart anaylst also can earn money charging "OVER VALUED" "TRAINING" fees. 


Many so call chart analyst is also very COCKY thinking they know a lot, CHARGING PPL over 10K per training, which is totally crazy and SC should take action on all these USELESS training which in fact to lure their group of people to drive share prices up.

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SC should have all information on particular person's CDS or Nominees account. They should investigate further if these people has potential earning out from their so called "training" or "sharing"

2021-01-15 12:46


SC should reimburse investors that lost money following the licensed advisor report. After all, SC endorse them and protect their monopoly.

2021-01-15 13:29


I had compliant and even had joint meeting with SC and Bursa to take action on Xingquan and till today SC/Bursa still owed me a reply to my questions:

Question 1: In view of seriousness of offends/frauds committed by the fraudsters (CEO) and their total disregard/contempt shown against authorities of SC and BURSA with no respect for Malaysia Law. Has SC made an extradition request with China government to extradite CEO Dato’ Wu and his brother executive director Wu Lianfu to stand trial in Malaysia Court?

Question 2: I refer below link: https://gertop.world.tmall.com/

Xinquan brand product (Gertop) is still available for sale in China biggest online shopping website Taoboa. This mean Xinquan still have production lines and assets in China but the China owner and Management team just taken us Malaysian as fool and shown utmost contempt to SC and BURSA authorities/Malaysia law.

Will SC now invoke CMSA 2007 section 358 (1) in the public interest, taking legal action against Xingquan to recover loss on behalf of victims who suffers loss or damage by reason of, or by relying on, the conduct of another person who has contravened any provision of Part VI or any regulations made under this Act, the amount of the loss or damage by instituting civil proceedings against the other person whether or not that other person has been charged with an offence in respect of the contravention or whether or not a contravention has been proved in a prosecution?

Question 3: May SC and Bursa share with me some information of any further action SC or Bursa intend to take against Xinquan?

Thank you

2021-01-15 13:42


Buy sell at own risk. Simply follow people buy only can blame yourself.

2021-01-15 13:53

Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥

Papeeplane Agree with your post whole-heartedly.

2021-01-15 20:00


People without license should not do analysis. If they want to give tips, please get a license lah. The exam not very hard also.

2021-01-15 22:03


Unlicensed "gurus" are aware that whenever they put disclaimers like "for sharing purposes only" or "for education purposes only", they will not be caught under "giving unlicensed investment advice".

They know SC can't get them, because if SC were strict, no one would be able to post their views on stocks without a license.

2021-01-18 12:56


Sharing my experience.
Few years back I was called up and investigated by them.

That year all my selected counters also plunge... I showed them all my documents and evidences... In the end they were very satisfied and treat me as their good frens. We become very good fren them.. And also WhatsApp each other..

They like very much... U know why.... Because every day they do trading and speculation as well.. They just want to ensure that their selected counter never appear in my Holland list.. Some sort of very valued added to them... Until now they are so happy..

Disclaimer: for reading pleasure only

2021-01-18 13:19


duit why they investigate U?

2021-01-18 14:19

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