Publish date: Fri, 01 Aug 2014, 12:01 AM
A personal opinion in stock trading

Hi dear friends,

Today I have been told by a fat associate of mine, " I don't understand how you managed to stay calm when you discover that one of your stock has gone up by 10 %. You feel serene and never look excited. "  I told him, about 39th time that is why I'm fit, precisely emotionally fit and he is mentally weak and fat. He is a soul who will only listen to mainstream advise and over reliance on financial science and pay a hefty ' ha ha' price for it. He sold very much earlier and he carve his own path.

A basic self evaluation: 

- Proper research on reliance to financial science.

- Trust your capacity and emotional control.

- Don't listen to anyone that dumber than you.

- Find a reason for your success.

- Make a commitment to yourself.

- Pick your priority and know your tolerance level.

- Forget over reliance on financial science and follow your instinct. The value of instinct. All I need is my own 2 eyes to see that people that play along the herd looks like shit. My instinct and experience can tell what is overbought and oversold. A cooked stock and a cooked market do not have any appeal. Any article written by a person who is unable to experience oneself situation and rectify by facts is a bold face lie. Instinct ask me to eat when I am hungry and not to eat when I am overeat. When party stops a while, find out what I meant. Pretty simple, really. 

- Trust yourself, Never work too hard or your emotion will fall off. All you necessitate is a pair of eyes and a willingness to look beyond the basic evaluation of oneself limits. Human always has an agenda or paid by someone who does have an agenda. It is often biased in favor of the research and the interpretation is up to the person itself. The only thing can be trusted is our own instinct and not others.

- Will you bid for fitness advice from a FAT man?"

- We must have a demand to succeed. YES! You just need to be extremely careful and selective. I never like selling my brain for a pittance while making others to get richer. I never like authority. I never like to be asked why I was 10 minutes late. I never like to follow stupid rules that make no sense. But make no mistake here, there must be something there to drive you, and if nothing there to drives you, then you aren't going to be a tough and successful trader and investor. 

We just need a commitment to do it. In a way it is. We must give ourself a 150%  of whatever we are pursuing. Without commitment, there is nothing going to stop us from quitting. Several years ago, three weeks before I move to some other place, my buddy asked me  "What I am going to do to make money" I told him, same thing, investing and trading stocks. The rest is history. It didn't happen overnight and it didn't happen without commitment. But it happened exactly what I envision and planned. 

-"Multitasking" instead of priority, on many things at a time, but never focusing on one thing, is a sure way to mediocrity and failure. When market reverses, you will know what I mean. I focus on my priority, on an area beyond my control, I focus on all my intensity and what I can acquire of. I must know obviously that to do some homework and pick the best priority that pays regular income from your "one" thing before move on to others consistently.


The only people I know who are truly happy are the masses who make their own rules and followed their own path. I have never met a corporate cog who is happy with their life......

A little joke ..... " Stock investing isn't that hard right! Pretty funny? It's true...."

Happy investing ~~


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you are one of the best writers which actually makes real sense of stock investment. You make investing so simple. However only a few really make money. However if one could actually simplify the process which can increase chances of making gains than loses that would be a genius. i really enjoy your beautiful and meaningful writeups.Keep up the good work. take car

2014-08-03 19:05

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