Publish date: Sat, 15 Nov 2014, 12:24 AM
A personal opinion in stock trading

" Always bear in mind, your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing." - Abraham Lincoln. 

The one thought: The mindset of steel;

" But I stuck with the practice. The one single way of practice. I make no excuse for myself. I did not allow my practice to melt out in feeling of discouragement. There were rough, tough times. Even at  times when I thought I was not going to live through it. But I stayed with the practice no matter what. And this is what you all should manage.

I remember there were times that I could no longer breathe, times when all went dark before my eyes, times when I thought I am going to pass out. But even then, I have refused to give in to my old self centered patterns of behavior.
I did not try to adjust the practice to do it my way. I stuck with the simple practice that was gifted to me.

I cannot stress enough to you the absolute importance of sticking to your practice no matter what.
No re-adjustment required. No calculation is needed. I endured through the same thing you're going through now, so I can tell you my personal experience what you must do. 

You must give your life to what you're looking at. And refuse to let anything, any thoughts, whatever ideas, attitudes get in your way. Your eyes must be clear. Your gut instinct must be discovered. Your resolution must be steel."

But then;

Will perseverance magically leads to success? 

Why do people persevere in doing more of what is failing? One reason is we have been trained to believe that perseverance will magically lead to success.

This overlooks the key determinant that the chosen path must be one that's capable of reaching success. Other characteristics are just as critical as perseverance: being flexible, adaptable and willing to evolve. 

Since humans avoid the radical change for the great reason that revolutionary changes can lead to horribly wrong, it was easier to stay in the dust bowl and hope for a return of favorable weather and market prices than to accept that farming in the affected areas are no longer feasible. 

Sadly, those who stayed based on hope for better times might lose everything, while those who recognized the end of the previous era of prosperity left with some assets and an intact sense of self. 

When the present path cannot possibly lead to success, regardless of labor and treasures poured into the effort, then risking the unknown by trying something different is the only way forward. 

The next ten years will not be a simple extension of the previous ten years. 

The recent past is no longer an accurate guide to the future. 

Invest the unconventional way.

Your Way.

The best card doesn't guarantee your winning. A skillful player with bad cards/hands, stands a chance to final victory through faith, creativity and persistence. 

2 people like this. Showing 1 of 1 comments


Thanks stockhacker. It's a prompt article.

2014-11-15 01:25

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