Sslee blog


Publish date: Wed, 28 Mar 2018, 06:49 AM
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This is my blog

Dear i3 Forum commentators,

I am deeply saddened by the behavior of Mr. OTB’s detractors un-ending insulting, bad mouthing, cursing and trolling Mr. OTB in i3 HENGYUAN Forum comments and thus provoke Mr. OTB to response angrily with cursing and provocative clarification.

“Be a reflection of what you’d like to receive. If you want love, give love. If you want respect give respect. If you want insult give insult. If you want curse give curse. What you give out will return to you.” - Author unknown


Dear Mr. OTB,

I remember previously I had written comments to you:

Mar 8, 2018 01:01 PM

Dear OTB,
You have done what is possible of you. Please do not keep engage with your detractors. They will never relent nor stop their attacks so what the point in prolonging the never ending argument.
Michelle Obama’s dignified restraint: “When they go low, we go high”. No need to lower ourselves to their level of rudeness and indecency.

Mar 23, 2017 10:18 PM

Dear Ooi Teik Bee,
Do not let anger and hatred consume you. They will win if you fall into their trap.
Take it as occupational hazard that they are always jealous people out there to lure you into the dark side. Even though we have not met but I know from my heart you are among the best Sifu in the i3. You have my highest respect.
Please take comfort from the saying: “If you have no critics you’ll likely have no success.” - Malcolm X


Dear OTB’s detractors,

You must realize we are all trying to make money from the stock market. Mr.OTB has his method of making money which he has been practicing successfully for many years and many people pay to attend his training course to learn his technique. Some of his former students or ordinary people pay to become his subscriber in order to receive his share finding, analysis and recommendation. As Mr. KYY like to say three people can buy the same share at the same time but the result different from one person to another. (Varies from small profit, big profit to loses)

As an individual and non subscriber or former subscriber you must have you own method of making money. If you do not like Mr. OTB's method you are not obliged to follow his method and should not openly criticize Mr. OTB in i3 forum base on incomplete information you obtained from third party.


Dear Cyber Bully,

I do not understand why as an intelligent adult or retiree you cannot articulate your argument with facts and figures and must resort to lie-hood, personal attack to fan hatred and cyber trolling by repeat posting inflammatory, extraneous or off-topic massage in order to upsetting people and provoke endless quarrels. I can only speculate most likely you are suffering failure in your real life and the only way to escape reality is to live in the cyber world and pick a successful person as your target to harass and bully.

My advice to you: You too can be successful in real life if you will to help yourself to let go and free yourself from the negative emotion of the unconscious past (Anger, arrogant, guilt, regret, resentment, self pity, sadness, bitterness, pain, hate, jealousy and all forms of non-forgiveness) and start to allow positive energy flowing through your mind and body (Courage, passion, compassion, determination, strength, joy, calmness and peace of mind). Aware and conscious of what you are now, take appropriate action to change your life for the better. If you act now you are controlling your own destiny but if you let your past failure to control you then you are destining to be a failure. The choice is yours.


Dear all,

Since someone brought out the question, “Tell me. How many religions have you studied?” Allow me to answer this question by reposting my previous comments in blog: A letter to Tun Dr. Mahathir and all Malaysians; “Rule of law: Rule of man: Rule by man”

Religion usually entails adhering to a certain dogma or belief system.

Spirituality place little important on intellectual beliefs but is concerned with growing into and experiencing the divine consciousness, the inner self. Spiritual seek to conquer self whereas religion seek to conquer others into believing and adhering to a certain belief system. Spiritual is inner whereas religion can be inner but mostly external. Spiritual emphasis more on self-actualization in this earthy world whereas religion emphasis on the afterlife.

You can be an atheist but still remain spiritual.

You can be religious but lack spirituality.


I wrote in my 2013 New Year Sharing: Have you ever wondered what life is about? I recalled watching a TV program: The Journey of Civilization. The guest speaker said,

“From Confucianism, (Ruler has ruler responsibility, subject has subject responsibility, father has father responsibility, and son has son responsibility.) I learn to take on responsibility. (拿得起)

From Buddhism, (Things are in flux never still. It’s begins from emptiness, will end in emptiness and reemerge from emptiness. Life is cycles of birth and death until Enlightenment and Nirvana.) I learn when to relinquish my responsibility and let other take over. (放得下)

From Taoism, (Heaven and Earth are one. Nature and Man are one.) I learn to live with nature, at peace and at ease with myself and others.” (看得开)

How beautifully and elegantly this speaker summary what life is about?

As Chinese Malaysian we were brought up with the influence of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism which are more about philosophy, spirituality, way of life and tradition belief/practices than religion. As such we do not go around wearing our religion cap and telling the whole world the greatness, wholeness and holiness of our religion. We believe religion is a personal choice and to be kept between you and your religion.

Yes, Robert Kuok was greatly influence by his mother teaching in word and deed from a very young age. His early exposed to his mother teaching had installed in him a certain core moral values and ethics which he applied throughout his business dealing.

In later year his mother deeply involved herself into Buddhism practices. Robert Kuok view his mother as a source of guarding light hence consulted her when he face difficult decision in handling family dispute, business dealing, personal relationship and etc.


Thank you

4 people like this. Showing 20 of 20 comments


We are our own enemy to stock market success, the right person to blame is our own selves, for being too trusting,gullible,naive to the market risks and stock risks. Better to blame our own selves, so got chance to correct and improve in future.To keep blaming and pointing out others perceived faults is a loser mentality.
Those so called righteous guys who just want to expose others but use crude and bad manners, tells more of their own selfish motives, to gain exposure/to be in the limelight, by stepping on people who are already downtrodden and deserve some sympathy and understanding. Everyone should be given a second chance to make good, just as we would hope for a second chance, if we are in his shoes.

2018-03-28 07:26

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear SS Lee,

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Thank you for your advice.
I will stop to defend any attack.
Let result shows my strategy.

Hope we can meet one day.

Thank you.

2018-03-28 08:38


Dear Mr. Ooi Teik Bee,
We will meet someday as I intend to attend your FA and TA training course when I had retired from my full time job.
Thank you

2018-03-28 08:59

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Sslee,

Thank you for your trust and confidence in me.
Appreciate it.

Thank you.

2018-03-28 09:01

Jonathan Keung

a single grain of rice feeds 100 types of different character. we cannot control what others said ( but the least we can do is to voice out ourselves objectively ) no body is perfect

2018-03-28 09:15


i considered postings in i3 as something to train a person, why? after some time, u will know, but if one still can't see it, then nothing can do loh.

2018-03-28 09:36


I consider all my postings in i3 being cool and calm.

2018-03-28 10:44


I consider all my posting ?

2018-03-28 10:47


in this forum, anyone can simply attack another person, even using vulgar words ... don take the low mentalities too serious ....

2018-03-28 10:51


In I3 there are many types of people. In cyber bully, people tends to be more open and say things they would not in real person. Consider them as keyboard warriors. Ignore and move on.

2018-03-28 11:21


Post removed.Why?

2018-03-28 11:35


Do you want to change title to...Please be kind to each other, support each other.....cry cry together, happy happy together.

No criticisms, no disagreements, no opposition, if sifu says buy, everybody buys or shut up.

How nice in this dream world.....except when rude awakenings from the real world of the stock market hits.

2018-03-28 12:12


Sslee Dear Mr. Ooi Teik Bee,
We will meet someday as I intend to attend your FA and TA training course when I had retired from my full time job.
Thank you
28/03/2018 08:59<<<<

Can those who have attended otb's course share their opinion on the value of the course?

Many thanks.

2018-03-28 12:42


Dear qqq3,
When your make a recommendation of buy call you end it with final decision is yours as show of respect to your subscribers that they will evaluate your analysis and make their own decision and not merely follow what is recommended.
When you are substantial shareholder and wrote a promotion article in public blog to induce others to buy into this share you end it with I am not asking you to buy, but if you buy, I am not responsible for your losses this is to tell the readers your are taking your own risk in buying into this stock.
Your action of favoring one and condemning other, sound insincere and curry favor to please particular person with your own ulterior motive.
Your online trolling and bad mouthing Mr. OTB show your lack of basic courtesy and manner. I do not mean to offend you but needed to tell you my truth feeling on your behavior.
Thank you

2018-03-29 07:10


Post removed.Why?

2018-03-29 08:28


Dear Mr.Ooi Teik Bee,
I would like to join your group. My email is

2018-03-29 08:31


Post removed.Why?

2018-03-29 08:45


SSLee. Thanks for the good advice to OTB not to respond negatively to the ill-mannered and unreasonable attack on him. I am 100% for freely expressing one's opinion but that should be done in a respectful manner. After all the intention is to get to the truth of a situation and not to belittle others.

2018-03-29 13:38



you so smart, you do it la

2018-03-29 17:27


people like vvcb...he would not be able to see truth even if you have truth thrown in his face.

2018-03-29 17:28

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