Sslee blog

GE14: A letter to Tun Dr. Mahathir and all Malaysians; “Anti Fake News Law and GE14”

Publish date: Sun, 08 Apr 2018, 06:41 AM
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This is my blog

Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,

Let’s address the issue of Anti Fake News Law and how to prevent BN cyber-troopers/bloggers robbing us of our victory in the coming GE14

BN-paid cyber-troopers and bloggers can only deny facts with more lies or selective quoting a section of the whole report as absolute true. Even their highest paid blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin, the king of smear master had to eat his humble pie as he was ordered by his paymaster to withdraw his smear campaign against Robert Kuok. If you intend to be on the safe side of anti fake news law, you can start as such:

Seeking Confirmation the below link is true or fake news?


Seeking legal confirmation:

Should Najib’s sibling, PMO or Najib be charged for maliciously spreading false news?

Recently I engaged with a BN cyber-trooper in a forum.

And my responses were as follow (with some editing);

Dear izoklse and all Malaysians,
As Chinese Malaysian we do not seek to dominate, but seek to understand our Malay brothers and sisters and in return seek their understanding on us. We cannot understand why many of our Malay brothers and sisters nowadays seem to be indifferent to what is happening in Malaysia and allowed such rampant corruption to take root in Malaysia. How can they unconcerned on the impact of 1MDB scandal on Malaysia (Who is going to pay all the debt?) and pledge their blind loyalty to MO1? How can they not feel the pain of their Malay brothers and sisters in rural area who are suffering from poverty and high cost of living brought about by (GST) mismanagement and blatant corruption with impunity?

Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Very fortunately we still have many right minded Malay brothers and sisters (PH Politicians, Retired Army General, G40, G25, Social Activists, Lawyers, Magazine & Online Columnists, Bloggers, Student Activists, NGO, Artists, Cartoonists and etc) They are in the frontline vocally and clearly exposed the many wrongs of this country and in doing so putting themselves in the harm way of been arrested and charged with whatever law the MO1 appointed A-G can find in the book. That included Tun. I take my hat off to all of you and I salute all of you.
I believe there are still many silent majorities in Civil Servant, Police, Army, GLC, Pakcik dan Makcik in the Kampong/Felda and people from all walks of life remain silent because of constant pressure, propaganda, money politics and fear deployed by BN.
Tun, you are our only hope to wake the sleeping Tiger and our burning desire for a better Malaysia. Let’s us together create the biggest; “Malay, Chinese, Indian, Dayak, Iban, Bidayuh, Kadazan, Dusun, Bajaus, Orang Asli dan lain-lain” Tsunami and sweep away the corrupted MO1 and his decadent, Kleptocratic Government.


Dear GoodCompanies,
What we want as a leader? Honest, truthful, no personal gain etc. Easy to talk to, relax and calm, doesn't call people bad words.”
Are you living in Planet Earth or Planet Mars.? Are we talking of the same MO1 “Honest, truthful, no personal gain etc. Easy to talk to, relax and calm, doesn't call people bad words.”

Is this the case of 'It looks like me, sound like me but not me' or is it the story of Jekyll and Hyde

I want as a leader with quality of true patriotism, ethical, selfless devotion to duty, and complete willingness to dedicate his/her lives to the causes of nation-building and raising the peoples’ standard of living. You can find many such leaders in PKR, PPBM, DAP and AMANAH but almost none with UMNO.

I am really out of my word to describe how a well educated person with maybe an oversea degree when presented with overwhelming evident can still deny the undeniable, defend the un-defensible and accept the unacceptable? Please tell me who is MO1 cited in the DOJ report.
What had gone wrong with our education system when even an educated person has loss their critical thinking ability and becomes a simpleton who believe “Why don't you talk about this guy who brought in donation from overseas, and then return it back in whole? Didn't your very own media reported that and you missed that one? In reality, nothing was taken”

So please tell me who is this guy? Who gave this astromical donation? Why return it back in whole? And to whom it was returned?

Thank you.


Dear all,
if the truth is what you are after, just Google and find out for yourself all the charge sheet and judgments written by judges on the case involving 1MDB scandal in countries that had taken prosecution/court action.
I am totally heartbroken and cannot believe myself that the influence of “CASH IS KING” can be so devastating to so many people? They no closed their eye on what is happening but in fact sold their soul and conscious to their devil paymaster and become his zombie cyber-troopers.
“PM is already rich as he is, coming from royal blood.”

”In the arbitration, the UAE company admitted and knew that it will lose a case in court, so they settled.”

You have just witnessed what kind of zombies these people had turn into, without soul and conscience and readily do what their paymaster told them. I am wondering from where they learned to twist and turn the facts and telling more lies to cover their lie to suit their argument. When they cannot win their argument, then there are these RED Shirt thugs to intimidate, terrorize and threaten you.
Now I understand why MO1 need the Anti Fake News law. He must be very disappointed and felt embarrassed by his paid cyber-troopers doing such a low class, lousy and disgusting argument. They are actually pouring salt into his injuries as if he had not been discredited enough.
Since there are so many questions unanswered why not set up RCI (Royal Commission of Inquiry) to call up all those involves in 1MDB to testify and redeems the PM's reputation? “Berani kerana benar takut kerana salah.” For a man who dare not attend nothing to hide forum, does he had the gut to set up RCI to clear his own name???
“Fight fake news with transparency, not punishment”- C4
Seeking Confirmation the below link is true or fake news?

I am not sure whether we are not too late to save Malaysia from these zombies and their evil master? But I can say for sure if we miss this GE14 golden opportunity, our children and grandchildren will have a very grim future. I call upon all right-minded Malaysians, irrespective of Race, Religion, Creed and Gender to unite, hand in hand and to come out in full force to vote for PH and kick out the corrupted MO1 and his decadent, Kleptocratic Government.
Thank you


Dear GoodCompanies,
What the point of reading if you do not have any capacity to understand and see the full picture? I am just a concern Malaysian and a parent. I am not a member of any political party. I welcome any investigation on LGE and let’s examine all the evidence presented in the court and lets justice takes its course.
Talk is cheap, Can you walk the talk? Why not you ask your so called clean, flawless, the chosen one, the loved and admired by the whole Arab world, the most intelligent and the most compassionate one to hold a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) so that the truth and nothing but the truth on 1MDB and MO1 can be revealed to the whole word. Yes indeed MO1 is the god chosen one with flawless integrity and characters and his wealth is from, as you say from your so called brain;
“PM is already rich as he is a descendent of a royal family.”

Please start a movement and do a favor to MO1 by petitioning to His Highness Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Muhammad V for a RCI on 1MDB. For Malaysian sake, we should once and for all vindicate MO1 and restore the good name of Malaysia in the eyes of the whole world and save us Malaysians from been ridiculed by the whole world.
I thank you


Thank you

Yours truly,


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You need to understand how majority of the Malays live first. Then only you can win their heart and support. Don't say they are blind lah.

2018-04-08 09:52


Tun and a lot of heroes do not afraid to be beaten, threaten or put into jail. When they decided to give up their status to fight injustice, they have overcome this fear.

I hope one day more of us could do the same, for the people and the future. This is the true courage!!!!

2018-04-08 09:55


Told you guys.....

Do not underestimate the old horse.

Basically this is our last chance.

Its now or never.

2018-04-08 10:01

All Toh

A VOTE not FOR bn is a VOTE for INTEGRITY and the future of MALAYSIA.

2018-04-08 10:19


Pr can have good fights ,,we rakyat need to CHANGE..mahu tunggu sampai bila lagi.

2018-04-08 10:29


Dear all,
I repost the below correction in Mahatir’s blog.
Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Please allow me to correct my mistake in my previous comment:
Dear izoklse and all Malaysians,
As Chinese Malaysian we do not seek to dominate, but seek to understand our Malay brothers and sisters and in return seek their understanding on us. We cannot understand why many of our Malay brothers and sisters nowadays seem to be indifferent to what is happening in Malaysia and allowed such rampant corruption to take root in Malaysia. How can they unconcerned on the impact of 1MDB scandal on Malaysia (Who is going to pay all the debt?) and pledge their blind loyalty to MO1? How can they not feel the pain of their Malay brothers and sisters in rural area who are suffering from poverty and high cost of living brought about by (GST) mismanagement and blatant corruption with impunity?
Note: My previous choice of word is improper and regrettable. I offer my sincere apology.

Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Very fortunately we still have many right minded Malay brothers and sisters (PH Politicians, Retired Army General, Social Activists, Lawyers, Magazine & Online Columnists, Bloggers, Student Activists, NGO, Artists, Cartoonists and etc) They are in the frontline vocally and clearly exposed the many wrongs of this country and in doing so putting themselves in the harm way of been arrested and charged with whatever law the MO1 appointed A-G can find in the book. That included Tun. I take my hat off to all of you and I salute all of you.

I believe there are still many silent majorities in Civil Servant, Police, Army, GLC, Pakcik dan Makcik in the Kampong/Felda and people from all walks of life remain silent because of constant pressure, propaganda, money politics and fear deployed by BN.
Tun, you are our only hope to awaken the sleeping Tiger and our burning desire for a better Malaysia.
Let’s us together create the biggest; “Malay, Chinese, Indian, Dayak, Iban, Bidayuh, Kadazan, Dusun, Bajaus, Orang Asli dan lain-lain” Tsunami and sweep away the corrupted MO1 and his decadent, Kleptocratic Government.

Thank you

Yours truly,

2018-04-08 13:34


Agree. 1MDB and GST 2 big issue why BN keep mums?

Posted by All Toh > Apr 8, 2018 10:19 AM | Report Abuse
A VOTE not FOR bn is a VOTE for INTEGRITY and the future of MALAYSIA.

2018-04-08 13:36


Reposting, think here more suitable. Adding 1 more point, if DSAI not in jail this round, would Tun be able to lead the opposition front??? Can you see all these have been arranged by divine will? No mortal can do these stuffs in such high accuracy and spread through a very long period of time.

Everyone please calm down, I want to strike rationality in everyone's thinking. So who to vote? pakatan or BN? We should not be loyal to any political parties because voters are the master and govt is the servant, not the other wary around.
Let's pause awhile who we support.
There are certain things in the pakatan harapan manifesto which I feel is important for the country.
Example, limiting PM's to 2 terms, reforming MACC, EC, AG.... So let's be honest with ourselves, will the current BN govt limit the PM to 2 terms? Is impossible, right? So since BN not willing to put a 2 term limit, let's vote Pakatan to get that 2 term limit, if pakatan in power and doesn't implement what they promised, we throw them out in the next election. 1 term, 5 yrs only, why not give them a chance? After all, BN been in power for decades, so why not a 5 yrs for pakatan harapan, let them do a major overhaul of the system. The idea is this, this political coalition promised something, u like it, u vote it, u don't implement, I throw u out. Ding dong ding dong, until u behave.

I don't believe pakatan can win this election bcoz there are certain parts of the puzzle missing, mainly is sabah and sarawak which virtually untouchable by pakatan. But if we look at this election, for first time in history, the opposition front is using the same logo which i view as an important milestone. But i can see certain changes are starting to happen which may lead to a change in govt in the future. Let's look back at history, DSAI was from UMNO, he got kicked out by tun, formed PKR(important), so if tun doesnt kick DSAI, then pkr wouldn't have existed and we won't see the current political situationl So we move forward, let's look at Najib, what his role was in the so called divine plan. The next puzzle part is Bersatu and Tun, how was this puzzle created, without Najib, would there be Bersatu(Tun)?No. Now let's look at the next part of the puzzle. Many say that is a pity PAS left the opposition front and thus it weakened the opposition front, but i don't agree on this and i believe is part of the divine plan. PAS in the early of the opposition front, helped to awakened the opposition front but bcoz of the way it run things, it murky the water of the opposition front but it still was instrumental in awakening the opposition front. Now after the awakening, then came PAN and Bersatu. So how do these 2 parties play an important role in clearing up the water which murky by PAS. The joining of Bersatu and PAN ensured there's no way ever PAS will be able to join Pakatan Harapan again because of the seats distributions among the opposition front, so it prevent PAS from coming back, This is important because PKR got an attitude problem where they really want PAS in if PAS willing, so after the entrance of Bersatu and PAN, PKR can't suka suka want PAS in unless it give up virtually all its seats to PAS to contest. So i see all these are part of the divine plan. BUT i don' think the pieces in the puzzle are complete because the pieces missing are Sabah and Sarawak but is in the making as you can see the birth of Warisan in Sabah.
Remember! The eye logo which the opposition front would be using is the very party which was a result of Tun's action and today Tun is wearing that logo.
Is there divine intervention? I believe so. Look at Tun, he created the mess, now he is the one cleaning it up, and he is the one facing the problems he created in the first place.

2018-04-08 13:49


There are too many coincidences, it can't be coincidence.

2018-04-08 13:50


Divine plan can't be guess or predicted, sometimes u will think is like this and then suddenly something bad happen, u will ask why, but when something bad happened, is to lead to something positive. But after all that had happened from the90s till today, I can see something in the making, but what the future hold, how things would move, in a straight line , u-turn, zig zag, we dont' know. BUT always pray, whatever your religion may be or even if u do not have a religion , pray too. There's this mind over matter stuff and also reality shift.

2018-04-08 13:54


Divine my foot.

So that poor chap who got eaten by a croc was because of karma?

Of course not you idiotic fools.

He got eaten because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Just like you got cheated by the koonman because you are greedy and stupid.

Not because of divine intervention.

2018-04-08 14:03


Beary, read what i had written, from the 90s to today, everything was arranged, are they really coincidence?

2018-04-08 14:05


As to the badman you mentioned, he will reaped what he sow

2018-04-08 14:05


Yes he is reaping the nice car, nice house, nice life.

2018-04-08 14:08


you can't judge something in a period of time, you have to look at the whole journey from start till end and the end isn't end.

2018-04-08 14:09


Religion are for losers to console themselves why god treated them so badly.

2018-04-08 14:10


the man is really poor in spirit, in lay man term a spiritual newbie, at the bottom

2018-04-08 14:10


Beary, do you believe this world is real? Well, you can taste, touch, see, hear, very real isn't it? But science is discovering reality isn't as real as we think.

2018-04-08 14:11


Yeah right go on consoling yourself so you don't feel so bad.

2018-04-08 14:11



Religion are for losers to console themselves when life treated them badly.

Beary Religion are for losers to console themselves why god treated them so badly.
08/04/2018 14:10

2018-04-08 14:15


religion is a stepping stone, a tool to help but doesn't necessary means u will find the truth, religion may or may not be a stepping stone but to move forward, you have to search deeper. Without religion doesnt mean u can't find the truth and with religion doesnt mean u will find the truth. Wisdom is important and is given.

2018-04-08 14:16


Since when does religion and science mix?

2018-04-08 14:17


Religion is the biggest lie that has been perfected for thousands of years.

2018-04-08 14:18


I am not saying religion is bad.

Just take it with a pinch of salt.

2018-04-08 14:21


beary, i don't talk religion, i'm talking spiritual stuff and science is showing that there could be truth in the so called spiritual stuff. Eistein claimed space-time is an illusion and time has been proven can be different from one person to another, is not absolute. Prof james raiden(forgotten name) showed mind over matter stuff(research), my experience in life tell me there could be truth in these things. Have you heard of reality shift?

2018-04-08 14:21


I do have a religion, but I don't talk my religion.

2018-04-08 14:22


photon and the double slits experiment.

2018-04-08 14:23


Dear Beary and hollandking,
Please allow me to offer my humble point of view on Religion, Atheist, Spirituality, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism as per my below blog:
If you are interest in Christianity then you have to ask calvintaneng.

Thank you

2018-04-08 18:01


mine is based on what i had experienced or is experiencing, something guiding me and I'm still learning. what is jumbled up will slowly be rearranged.

2018-04-08 18:04


seek answer to what you are, who we are, who and what God is. To know what God is, think we need to find out what are we first.

2018-04-08 18:05


short sighted ppl see what they are based on what they see themselves as but they don't see the parts which are not shown.

2018-04-08 18:07


Dear all,
We are collectively living in the consequent of our past action, inaction or omission. I had read many comments that Karma really work. Tun reaped what he sown. My heart start crying Tun at the age of 92, Tun can easily choose to relax, play with grandchildren and live an easy retirement life but instead Tun take up this fight in the believe his action will bring a better tomorrow for our beloved Malaysia for which he was PM for 22 years. So please respect Tun’s choice, Tun must have a very strong reason, conviction and insight that if Tun does noting our beloved Malaysia will be ruined. I can only offer a silent prayer, “Tun please does take care of your health and I promised you this, come rain or shine I will vote for PH.”

I believe whatever action, inaction or omission we take today will have a consequent in the future. We cannot change history but together we can help to shape the future that your, my and our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will live in. So what kind of future you want to leave behind for them will depend on what action you do NOW? Please do not let a 92 years old Tun fight this GE14 alone. For the good of our future please stand up, hand in hand and take up our responsibility.

Thank you

2018-04-08 18:07



2018-04-08 18:55


Dear Hollandking,
Why do we have intelligence?
Humans and Gorillas differ in just 1.75% of their DNA. The Alpha Male gorillas “silverback” usually an adult over 12 years of age, and the strongest becomes the master of the group. The groups typically composed of 30 members with 1 to 4 are male adult but only the Alpha male gorilla has the great responsibility to protest all members of his group and to reproduce. When the alpha Male gorilla becomes old and weak the other male will challenge him and take over his reign as new alpha male.

With just 1.75% differ in DNA human being is able to rule the planet Earth and become the dominating species. This is become human being is able to use their imagination/intelligence for invention or tell story/make up story. Throughout history, storytelling had been used by religions, rulers, racial supremacists, intellectuals, peasants and etc to unite us as a group in millions or billions for better or for worst. Millions if not billions of innocent life were lost in the name of religions, ideologies, countries, races, tribes and etc.

So what intelligence do we have: Intelligent to kill each other, to conquer others, to enslave others to benefit at others expense, to do evil OR to do good, to help each other, to pursuit knowledge, to give hope, to self-actualization, to live a purposeful life then death the ultimate destination we all share. It is the inescapable death that keeps us searching for a higher purpose. (Spiritual, Believes, Religions)

Thank you

2018-04-08 18:56

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