Sslee blog

GE14: I HAVE A DREAM; Democracy, Liberty, Justice, Unity and Prosperity.

Publish date: Fri, 27 Apr 2018, 06:01 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech; “I Have a Dream” delivered 28 August 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.

I do have dreams of my own:

I have a dream; I dream of a day where I shall call myself Malaysian and if you insist that I put in more detail in front of Malaysian, I will say I am a Proud Kedahan Malaysian.

I have a dream; I dream of the day where my grandchildren will live in a nation where they will be judged by the content of their character and not by the colour of their skin or religion.

I have a dream; I dream of a day Malaysians can truly embrace and celebrate our diversity where different ethnicity, religions and cultures live in peace and harmony with mutual understanding, respect and acceptance.

I have a dream; I dream of a day where G25’s (A Malaysian group made up of prominent Malays) mission will be accomplished.

Mission: G25 is committed to pursue a just, democratic, peaceful, tolerant, harmonious, moderate and progressive multi-racial, multi cultural, multi religious Malaysia through Islamic principles of Wassatiyah (moderation) and Maqasid Syariah (well-being of the people) that affirm justice, compassion, mercy, equity. Malaysia is to be led by rule of law, good governance, respect for human rights and upholding the institution of the country.

I have a dream; I dream of a day where we can harvest the best of every race/ethnicity to build a truly progressive and just society where the prosperity of the nation can be enjoyed together in a fair and equitable manner.

I have a dream; I dream of a day where our children and grandchildren when looking back on 9th May 2018 can say proudly, our parents and grandparents had showed exceptional courage and braveness to turn the tide of oppression and regression to liberty and progression by voting out BN at its critical/pivotal moment when the nation need them the most.

I have a dream; I dream of a day this nation of ours will rise up and live up the true meaning as proclaim by our Nation Founder Father Tunku Abdul Rahman at Independent day and Malaysia day: “forever a sovereign democratic and independent State founded upon the principles of liberty and justice and ever seeking the welfare and happiness of its people / ever seeking to defend and uphold peace and harmony among its people.”

Malayan Declaration of Independence was officially proclaimed on 31 August 1957.

Proclamation of Malaysia on 16 September 1963.


I have a dream; I dream of a day that my dream is Malaysia’s Dream/Malaysian Dream and Malaysians will and shall reclaim and rebuild our beloved Malaysia to its glorious day.

This is Malaysian dream, this is Malaysian hope, this is Malaysian faith and with this hope and faith, I call upon every Malaysians irrespective of Race, Religion and Region shall now make real our dream and the promises of democracy, liberty and justice. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of racial divide, oppression and injustice to the sunlit path of racial unity, liberty and justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksand of divide and rule to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make democracy, justice and liberty a reality for all of Malaysian’s children. Now is the time to show our exceptional courage and braveness to vote out the corrupted MO1 & BN’s decadent, kleptocratic  Government and embrace our new hope and faith in PH. Now is the time we vote for PH in GE14. PH is our best hope to reform and rebuild our country, and set it on a course towards unity, justice and prosperity.

Pakatan manifesto offers hope for real reform.


Will I wake up on the early morning of 10th May 2018 with a broken heart that’s barely beating? Or will we wake up with joy, knowing that we have taken the crucial and important step to make Malaysian dream come true?

The choice is in MALAYSIANS hand. Please make our MALAYSIAN DREAM come true. It’s either now or never. I thank all from the bottom of my heart.

ABBA: I Have A Dream

Thank you.


Yours truly,


PS: For those readers who feel it will help our cause in convincing more people to vote for PH in GE14, please feel free to use it and circulate among all your Whatsapp’s groups.

Compilation of blog posts specially dedicated to GE14.



GE14: An open letter: Has DAP betrayed Dr. Tan Seng Giaw? Or Dr. Tan Seng Giaw had betrayed DAP, Malaysians and his own Principles?

GE14: Dear all Malaysians, a letter to Tun Dr. Mahathir KARMA & GE14

GE14: A letter to Tun Dr. Mahathir and all Malaysians; “Rule of law: Rule of man: Rule by man”

GE14: HENGYUAN, we make history: GE14 will we make history? A tribute to the late Karpal Singh.

GE14: A letter to Tun Dr. Mahathir and all Malaysians; “Anti Fake News Law and GE14”






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Dear all,
GE14: I HAVE A DREAM; Democracy, Liberty, Justice, Unity and Prosperity.
This is Malaysian dream, this is Malaysian hope, this is Malaysian faith and with this hope and faith, I call upon every Malaysians irrespective of Race, Religion and Region shall now make real our dream and the promises of democracy, liberty and justice. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of racial divide, oppression and injustice to the sunlit path of racial unity, liberty and justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksand of divide and rule to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make democracy, justice and liberty a reality for all of Malaysian’s children. Now is the time to show our exceptional courage and braveness to vote out the corrupted MO1 & BN’s decadent, kleptocratic Government and embrace our new hope and faith in PH. Now is the time we vote for PH in GE14. PH is our best hope to reform and rebuild our country, and set it on a course towards unity, justice and prosperity.
Pakatan manifesto offers hope for real reform.

Will I wake up on the early morning of 10th May 2018 with a broken heart that’s barely beating? Or will we wake up with joy, knowing that we have taken the crucial and important step to make Malaysian dream come true?
The choice is in MALAYSIANS hand. Please make our MALAYSIAN DREAM come true. It’s either now or never. I thank all from the bottom of my heart.

PS: For those readers who feel it will help our cause in convincing more people to vote for PH in GE14, please feel free to use it and circulate among all your Whatsapp’s groups.

Thank you.

2018-04-27 18:02


If you want to live it real, the live it right
It is Sslee's dream telling you

Not dacing but the eye that see through all evil

2018-04-27 23:16


Don't shout dacing only
Shouting no use
Must dream
Make your dream a reality


2018-04-27 23:50


Dear BLee,
If you ask me what to believe, I can only say, “Yes, Tun Dr. Mahathir was the one put us in the hole as he needed to prove himself as more Malay than the Malay. Today he is the one that is trying to dig us out of the hole.” Below are some passages from my memoir I use to update yearly on what wrong with Malaysia politics.

On Malaysia racial polarisation: “I still remember during orientation week in USM there was an open lecture where the topic is how to forge unity and harmony in our multi-races Malaysia society? There was this social science master degree student presenting his statistical study on unity through mixed-marriage (The Melting Pot Theory). At that time I was wondering what if the late Dato Onn Jaafar, the founder of UMNO had been successful in opening up UMNO to all races. Surely there would have been no race-based political parties and opportunist will not have a political race platform to camouflage himself as the champion of his race and secretly carried out his hidden agenda, planting his cronies in every important post to strengthen his position, and feeding poison and indoctrinate racial view into the mind of young Malaysians. What will this country look like today?”

I felt sorry for Dr. Mahathir who had stereotyped the Chinese based on his bad experience with rich Chinese in Singapore during his university days and the humiliating defeat he suffered in defending his Alor Setar parliamentary seat which he must have solely blamed on the Chinese. He would have later, when he is in power painted all his view and policy in race colour. I would only want to say to him I do not hate him, but wanted him to know that for better or worse his policy had very much pre-determined the fate of my brothers and sister.

If only belong to the past and you can’t do anything about it, now at the age of 56, I do not have any hatred in my heart. I do not forget the past, but had learned long ago to forgive all whose had wronged me and especially I had forgiven my own sins, mistakes and regrets (committed during my untamed reckless year) because by forgiving, I can set myself free of past baggage and start to do the RIGHT THING NOW .

I felt this burning desire and internal calling that I need to do something NOW to prevent my beloved Malaysia from falling into an un-returnable failed state if UMNO under MO1 continues with this current course. UMNO has to be defeated comes GE14. Malaysians deserve a much better government and this can only be achieved with political will to carry out institutional reform.

Thank you

2018-04-29 19:32


What you nonsense talking? 1 bank bankrupt will drag all his customers die together which will drag more all other businesses die together also.

2018-04-29 21:40

Read this, my praises also go to her. It is only trying unearthing the truth. Happy trading. Tq.

2018-05-01 08:21


Dr Jomo KS write on economic.

2018-05-01 10:26


Dear BLee and Pavillion,
Thank you for sharing the very informative and good article.
Thank you

2018-05-01 13:16

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