Sslee blog

Market sell down reaction: Everybody needs a little praise: The Benefits of Being Grateful

Publish date: Sat, 27 Oct 2018, 06:41 AM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

Life is all about how you react to it. I was here in i3 since 31th Aug 2016 and in not so long period of about 2 year plus Bursa have turned from Bull to Bear market. Many people in i3 have penned their thoughts and opinions either in their blog or in the blog comment and each of them react differently to a similar situation.

  • Some react negatively and keep bemoaning no end.
  • Some panic sell or another round of margin call forced sell.
  • Some see daily volatility of share price as opportunity to do day/contra trading.
  • Some once eaten by shark, twice shy of ten years.
  • Some busy with e-meeting on sell down, cut loss and new low.
  • Some fall in love with a particular stock and thus unable to control themselves but posting their comments non-stop.
  • One has been unmasked as fake accountant, double head serpent, an ugly small fly but still has the audacity to talk 3, talk 4 and talk cock in i3.
  • Some gone into stealth mode and happily bargain hunting.
  • Some stay on sideline waiting for head wind/storm to blow over and clearer picture to emerge before re-enter the market again.
  • Some react positively and see the value emerging from the beat down price.

Whatever your reaction are, I wish all did not allow the Bear Market to affect your health or relationship with your love one. Thus I would like to share a joke/story told by my boss during company 40th anniversary celebration with all.

There was this marriage couple of many years. The husband is a little bit shy person and man of few words. One night the wife after holding back for so many years her feeling of unappreciated finally told her husband, “My dear husband I had married you for so many years and you had never say any words to praise me. Tonight no matter what, you had to say something nice to me otherwise you will spend the night on the couch.” The husband after thinking for a while and said to his wife, “Simple, my dear wife you are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K.” The wife was confused and asks the husband, “What am I just alphabets to you?” The husband explained, “My dear wife, A you are Attractive, B you are Beautiful, C you are Charming, D you are Delightful, E you are Elegant, F you are Foxy, G you are Gorgeous and H you are Hot.” the wife was move to tear and hugged her husband and say, “My dear husband it is so sweet of you to say so, you are so romantic.” The wife then remembers there are still I, J, K and asked the husband, “What is I, J, K?” The husband cheekily replied, “I Just Kidding.” The wife was so angry and kicks the husband out of the bedroom. The poor husband had to spend the night sleeping on the couch.

Joke apart, (This poor husband really needs to learn when to stop while he is still winning and never push his luck too far) the moral of the story: Never take things for granted and everybody needs a little praise. So have you praise anyone lately? I cannot remember when the last time I praise my wife.

I remember another joke email to me some year ago:

  • A woman marries a man and hoping/expecting that he will/can change.
  • A man marries a woman and hoping/expecting that she won’t/never change.
  • Both will be disappointed after their marriage because man can never change, he will still keep hanging out with his buddies watching football in his favourite watering hole till wee hours of the night. And she is the wife first until she becomes mother and then she will be mother first, wife second and put on the extra pounds and the nagging.

To my dear wife I know that this day we had drifted apart because of my overseas work commitment and the pressure you must have been facing raising the children’s without me beside you and helping you, I am sorry. Age had added a little wrinkle on your face, a little shade of grey on your dark hair and motherhood have put on a little extra inch on your figure but in my eye you will be forever my Attractive, Beautiful, Charming, Delightful, Elegant, Foxy, Gorgeous, Hot and Sexy sweetheart I married, this is from the bottom of my heart and I am not kidding. You are the love of my life. I will growth old gracefully with you and be with you for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live, till death do we part. My dear wife I promise you this, when I finally retire from my fulltime job I will take you round the world and make up for the lost time.

Life has been hard on me with constant struggle in overcoming difficulties and new challenges but at this point of my life, I am grateful and counting my blessing that with the many helping hands extended to me by many helpful people I can truly say that life turned out well and fine for me. Life is not perfect but I am contented and happy as I have a nice Semi-D house in Setia Eco Park (a gated and guarded enclave with great scenery where I can enjoy jogging along the many waterways, lakes, creeks, landscape themed parks and lush walkways that dotted the enclave), a good job that paid well, wife that take good care of the children, children that excelled in study (My elder son now working as robot-machine service engineer, second son as pharmacist with Singapore hospital and my daughter first year in Sunway university) and I am debt free with $$ in FD.

Here, I am not trying to give any advice to those who have lost their hard-earned savings investing in stock market nor telling anyone how to react to market sell down. I am in fact looking with great pain at some of my portfolio turning from paper gain to paper losses and trying to find comfort in the chaos in i3. I was impressed with this young man Jon Choivo’s optimistic and self confident;

“Wow, value is emerging. Well let’s hope it gets worse. I want more value for my money! I’m 100% in for my portfolio. Haha I don’t mind if prices go down even more. Just stay down at least until my bonus out. After bonus want to go lower also ok, just don’t go up before next month salary out hahah.
I’m applying for margin, but only 30% of portfolio value. It may clear by end of this month.”

I will apply the same strategy of picking up basketful of beaten down value stocks with my monthly salary and year-end bonus. I will only use my FD unless and until I can collect some of Jon Choivo’s margin call forced sell RCECAP at 70 cents or TIMECOM at RM 4.50 hahah.

Just a gentle reminder on the value of money:

  • 錢,只有花掉的那部分才是真正屬於你的財富
  • 就算家財萬貫,生時捨不得吃、捨不得穿,倆眼一閉,剩下的錢你知道誰花了?冤不冤?這世上最痛苦的事,就是人走了,錢沒花完。

English translation:

  • Money, only the part that is spent is the wealth that truly belongs to you.
  • Even if you have plenty of money and if you are so stingy to spend it on yourself then when you pass away do you know how the rest of your money will be enjoyed or wasted away by whom? Isn’t that injustice to you? So my friend the most unfair and pitiful thing in the world is leaving this world without spending and enjoying life with your hard earned money.

So I just spend some of my money or should I say my children’s future money to pamper my wife with a brand new BMW 530e.

Thank you

PS: An article from Baba Mail recommended read from Mr. Koon. The Benefits of Being Grateful

They say that a little gratitude goes a long way, but not many people are aware of just how beneficial being grateful is for both your emotional and mental health and even for your physical health. Below, we've listed the ten most beneficial things that can come from living a grateful life.

1. It gives you a more positive outlook

Being grateful can make you a far more positive and optimistic person. According to a study from the University of Miami, people who wrote down things they were thankful for were proven to have a more optimistic outlook on life, while those who only wrote down negative or neutral things were significantly less optimistic.

2. It makes you and others more productive

When working somewhere that they feel appreciated, employees have been found to work around 50% harder than when they feel that they are being taken for granted.

3. It strengthens your relationships

All any wife or husband wants is to feel that everything they do, even the tiniest act of kindness, doesn't go unnoticed. By thanking your partner for the things they do for you, you will be able to ensure that your marriage remains healthy and happy, ensuring high levels of satisfaction all round.

4. It improves your sleep

When you doubt yourself or have negative thoughts, you might often find that it is hard to get to sleep. This is why it should come as no surprise that focusing on the positives in your life will have a positive impact on the quality of your sleep. Simply jot down a list of things you're thankful for before you hit the sack, and get ready to experience a good night's sleep.

5. It helps you love yourself

Nowadays, people have a major tendency to compare themselves to others in every way possible. However, a grateful person will drastically reduce the harmful effects that making such comparisons can have. In fact, a study from Indonesia's Bina Nusantara University proved that grateful people are more satisfied with their own lives and make fewer comparisons to others than ungrateful people do.

6. It helps you make friends

Researchers from the University of New South Wales have found that people are more likely to want to become friends with you if you thank them for something. This is because expressing gratitude is “a valuable signal that you are someone with whom a high-quality relationship could be formed,” according to study author Lisa Williams.

7. It helps you cope with trauma

A number of different studies have proved that gratitude can help you overcome psychological trauma far more easily. Scientists believe that persons who regularly express their gratitude will suffer a lot less from conditions such as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) since they will be able to focus less on the traumatic events themselves.

8. It makes you less materialistic

If you find yourself pursuing money and possessions over your well-being and relationships, then you could be heading down a very dark and slippery path. Luckily, adding a bit of gratitude into the mix can help turn your life around by making you more positive and willing to appreciate what you have instead of yearning for what you want.

9. It boosts your willpower

In order to successfully resist temptation, you need to start by being grateful. This is because gratefulness and patience go hand in hand, which helps to explain why grateful people are a lot more patient in social situations, avoid impulse buying, and are able to curb cravings to a greater extent.

10. It gives you a healthy heart

According to a paper published in Spirituality in Clinical Practice, a grateful heart is a healthy heart. The researchers found that higher levels of gratitude resulted in lower levels of cardiac inflammation, and were also able to produce healthier heart rhythms in patients with heart failure.

3 people like this. Showing 50 of 102 comments


very logical...

Posted by tecpower > Oct 28, 2018 01:01 PM | Report Abuse

The Fed does not think the US will go into a recession.

2018-10-28 13:03


HAHAHAH if the Fed believe US heading into recession there won't be any rate hikes lah kambing

2018-10-28 13:03


Often gomen wont tell the public exactly whats happening. Bad time, they call ppl invest. Say no issue. Bad time diam diam. US market up for so long d. How can every day up wont come down? Trump even threatened if he gets impeached, the market will go down with him! Midterm kambing. He dies, market dies. He survives, market continue to go up up up .... until next election, thereafter EVERYONE sure DIE cuz he sure wont get elected again EVER!!

2018-10-28 13:24


Posted by tecpower > Oct 28, 2018 01:01 PM | Report Abuse

The Fed does not think the US will go into a recession.

boiling the frog.

2018-10-28 18:40


and those tot jibbie is a crook is least jibbie support the market not like PH just dunno what to do.

2018-10-29 10:55


mr apollo, i bet u losing money but u put on a front u winning.

2018-10-29 11:01


actually is quite simple to guess based on the habit one style in buying stocks. 1. Buy many counters in a downtredn market, the more u buy, the more likely u get burnt 2. U like to buy some of those freezer counters. 3. Those who in out many times also will kena one

2018-10-29 11:02


4. those who keep averaging down without knowing what they are buying also will kena one

2018-10-29 11:02


all big timers wil kena burnt one

2018-10-29 11:03


sailang ppl in a downtrend market, especially those margin players, probability losing also very high

2018-10-29 11:06


lose one got but not much.still gain a lot after GE.just worry about my frens and the retailers

2018-10-29 11:08


Posted by apolloang > Oct 29, 2018 10:55 AM | Report Abuse

and those tot jibbie is a crook is least jibbie support the market not like PH just dunno what to do.

spending money is party time....belt tightening is pay back time....

but does this mean belt tightening is bad?

2018-10-29 11:20


yup,belt tightening tactic very slow recovery,aggresive mode only fast to recover

2018-10-29 11:24


lucky i bot mostly quality banking stocks at cheap price.

price down still at least have steady dividends.

feel happy for those that believe in the value fraud theory.


Posted by apolloang > Oct 29, 2018 11:08 AM | Report Abuse

lose one got but not much.still gain a lot after GE.just worry about my frens and the retailers

2018-10-29 11:53


my sailang stock already make a lot,1 counter I make can afford to lose many.not like many people make a bit run,when lose hold until die

2018-10-29 11:56



both mahathir and LGE are the belt tightening types, even Anwar....u can take that as truths.

2018-10-29 11:57


value fraud theory.
...yes, I share this opinion.....

nice creative and descriptive term.....

2018-10-29 11:59


i buy selectively in sailang counters.

now just need to wait 5 yrs or so to make 300% gain.

Posted by apolloang > Oct 29, 2018 11:56 AM | Report Abuse

my sailang stock already make a lot,1 counter I make can afford to lose many.not like many people make a bit run,when lose hold until die

2018-10-29 12:00


then hold lo,me still young can still hold for a long time.....hahaha

2018-10-29 12:00


Post removed.Why?

2018-10-29 12:01


u gotta think,population getting more or less in the future? surely will back up one no worry,even things are getting more expensive each day not cheaper

2018-10-29 12:02


I also find fraud is a more accurate word.....don't use words like idiot because a lot of very smart people are into it......

2018-10-29 12:03


I waited for this time to accumulate stocks not like others now no money to buy already.....hahaha.the heroes who chase green now all go hiding

2018-10-29 12:08


Hehe..I . Apollo bro... Can hoot what now?

2018-10-29 12:09


Apollo bro...

kasi share sikit your favourite stock

I'm also waiting for this great moment

already 1 year long neck

2018-10-29 12:11


look at Najib face....for that face, u can use words like idiot.....this guy just spend and spend, and still think if Al Jazeera ask him the right questions, he can get out of jail free.

2018-10-29 12:12


when tun daim mau sapu cheap cheap stock?!

2018-10-29 12:21


gamuda below rm2.50 can months sure double price.

2018-10-29 12:25


Posted by KAQ4468 > Oct 29, 2018 12:11 PM | Report Abuse

Apollo bro...

kasi share sikit your favourite stock

I'm also waiting for this great moment

already 1 year long neck

aku sudah sold MI and use some of my winning to purchased a condo for 650k and rented out for sikit sikit accumulate only....hehe

2018-10-29 12:29


rented out for $ 2.2.....which project

2018-10-29 12:32


birch regency penang,penang times square phase 2.the wave is coming up 1sf almost 1k.birch regency only 684psf what a bargain.i bought and also getting good yield.wait the wave completed the price will up more.bursa also make,property also make.....hahaha

2018-10-29 12:35


Seacera’s three major shareholders – Zulkarnin Ariffin, Datuk Mansor Masikon and Datuk Ismail Osman – have been forced to sell down their stakes in the company on the market.

At 15.5 sen, it was trading at a mere 0.08 times its net tangible asset of RM1.87 as at June 30, 2018.


0.08 times NTA, anyone still want to talk about value investing?

2018-10-29 12:37


seacera no profit company with no dividend that's why I didn't buy.

2018-10-29 12:39


mainly, value investors did not buy at 30 because they didn't know........a case of better not to know than to know.

2018-10-29 13:16



no more buy and hold and value investors in the market.....But surely got a lot of frozen, don't know what to do.......

2018-10-29 16:00


Dear qqq3,
Just for your information my recent buy:
INARI at RM1.80 (Reasonable PE, growth stock and good dividend)
INSAS at RM 0.70 (Low PE with solid earnings from Inari)
Masteel at RM 0.45 (Low PE, with value emerging now)
CSCTEL at RM 1.05 (Solid dividend)
TAGB at RM0.255 (Assets play and dividend)
Will wait at 25 cents for Datasonic to do short term trading.

Didn’t know about seacera have no interest in negative PE or loss making company with diminishing revenue.

Free advice to you, I think vitrox is overvalue at current price (doubt you still holding it) if you still hold it better switch to Inari. Just have a warm reception, enlighten and insightful meeting/discussion with director of Insas and Inari Dato’ Wong recently.

For this month salary I will study CPTeh penny list this weekend (In blue) to see which one can collect:

Thank you

2018-10-29 19:48


God bless you sslee, thanks for the insights! Amen

2018-10-29 19:48



inari, insas, masteel, csc,ta.....I don't have any.....if I have any, I guess I also become frozen soldier.......don't know what to do..........most value investors stocks like that any way.....hundreds of those....

2018-10-29 21:32


but oddly...I bot a lot seacera at 18 today......hahaha....maybe I am closet value investor with trader brains.....

2018-10-29 21:41


Wow, USDMYR 4.178, Good for Malaysian tech stocks. Buy tech stocks.

2018-10-29 22:03


Car maker stocks surge after report China may cut purchase tax.

2018-10-29 22:07


i still have my $12 kesm.......still waiting for the bounce.....

2018-10-29 22:08


China Regulator to Propose 50% Cut to Car Purchase Tax

2018-10-29 22:44


China Regulator to Propose 50% Cut to Car Purchase Tax

Ford is up 6.07% now.

2018-10-29 22:47


with NTA of $ 1.80, they still have tricks up their sleeves......Seacera, I mean.....

see, I am a closet value investor.

2018-10-29 23:00


Vitrox is having difficulties holding on to its price since everyone is at multi year lows.....but it is such an exceptional company, Vitrox will be first to rebound when its time to rebound.

2018-10-30 00:57


y qqq3 > Oct 29, 2018 09:32 PM | Report Abuse X


inari, insas, masteel, csc,ta.....I don't have any.....if I have any, I guess I also become frozen soldier.......don't know what to do..........most value investors stocks like that any way.....hundreds of those....

Posted by qqq3 > Oct 29, 2018 09:41 PM | Report Abuse X

but oddly...I bot a lot seacera at 18 today......hahaha....maybe I am closet value investor with trader brains.....

2018-10-30 19:47


Hi SSLee

I think you will contribute more positively if you do a write up on these 2 points

1) In Malaysia many Companies with Assets like Real Estate sitting on ancient book value which were taken private at a huge disadvantage to minority shareholders.

Tell SC to make it compulsory for all Listed Companies in Malaysia to do a Complete Up To Date Revaluation of All Properties before privatisation is allowed


Example is the privatisation of THE STORE. THE STORE was taken private below Rm4.00. But if THE STORE's prime assets were to be revalued it should at above RM10.00 a share

And because Value Investing has been shortchanged by this long neglect people in Malaysia have shunned Value Stocks as a whole - THUS LEADING THEM TO THE ROAD OF SHARE SPECULATION BY GORENG

THIS GIVE RISE TO SYNDICATES IN KLSE When constantly Pump & Dump "useless" stocks to the foolish punters and gamblers who are like ikan bilis, sotong, water fish, sorchai & naive newbies brought to the slaughter time after time

So many got burnt that they shunned the Stock Market like the plague

Thus KLSE which should be a place to grow our monies become a place to be avoided by all means

2018-11-03 13:52

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