Sslee blog

How to make Bursa Malaysia the choice of investor and capital market?

Publish date: Sat, 27 Apr 2019, 10:07 PM
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Dear all,

Below are two very good articles on different view of Bursa Malaysia Stock Market. Everyone is welcome to give their view on how to make Bursa Malaysia the choice of investor and capital market?

The Stock Market is the Fastest Way to Stimulate Our Economy - Koon Yew Yin

Today, people don't even dream about stock market. Our entrepreneurs are no longer aspired to raise funds from stock market, nor do the men in the street wish to participate in the opportunity that offered by our best and brightest entrepreneurs. Stock market has become a boring place.

It is not that our entrepreneurs lost their shine. They just shunned our stock market. Entrepreneurs do not see stock market as the channel to raise funds. They can issue bond, get bank financing or dispose assets. Investors do not see stock market as a path to build their wealth. They invest in property, bonds and fixed deposits. The last thing that comes to everyone mind is the stock market.

How hard things have fallen. I see great companies trading at a depressive valued. And there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I see people giving up on stock market; there isn't any gold mine to dream of. After many years, the journey been lonely and only some of us survived, scraping by each day. Not exactly a great sight.

About 25 years ago when I co-founded IJM Corporation Bhd, its market capitalisation was below Rm 1 billion and very quickly it expanded to have a market capitalisation exceeding Rm 10 billion.

I believe the fastest way to stimulate our economy is for the PH government to encourage entrepreneurs and investors to list their companies in the stock exchange to raise more funds to expand their businesses.

I wish to suggest the PH government instruct the officers from Bursa and Securities Commission to wake up and start working. Listen to your direct customers. Years after years the investment community is not widening, but shrinking.

The very basic thought is to get back people into stock investing. Start launching initiative and creating program that worked. Get out of the building, go to the universities and colleges. Engaging real people and get feedback that can be built upon. It's been a long time since we see anyone championing stock investment at the universities and colleges where the young and bright gather. Instead of waiting at office worrying and analysing the number, hear what people want to say. Find influencer and engage them instead of penalise them. Showcase the best listed companies instead of letting them lying low. Have an aggressive mindset. It's been ages since we had a good time and hurrah listening to the captain of industry.

Why ordinary investors are shunning Bursa Malaysia - TK Chua

Let’s be realistic, I think for speculative play and gambling, ordinary investors stand no chance against corporate bigwigs and insiders.

May I ask how many percent of the listed companies in Bursa Malaysia today are of investment grade? My estimate is not even exceeding 20 percent.

These companies raised money from the market, but do they really care for returns to shareholders? How many companies have provided decent dividends, if at all declared any dividend, to shareholders?

To me, many of these companies with listed status are nothing more than “conduit” for them to print money. They exist mainly for the sole benefits of those who are in control of the companies. 

The management and the controlling shareholders are being lavishly rewarded while shareholders who provided the funding are given pittance or nothing.

If we want to make Bursa Malaysia an investment destination of choice, the strategy is not to allow every Tom, Dick and Harry to list their companies. I have seen too much abuse on this. On the contrary, we must be more selective to allow companies to list.

I understand caveat emptor must be the basic guiding principle of investing. However, if the market is ineffectively regulated and infested with poor governance, I think it is difficult for ordinary investors to make choices. 

We can’t blame them for shunning the stock market if their experiences have been less than encouraging.

Instead of encouraging more people to invest in the stock market blindly, the focus should be on making the market more efficient and transparent. The authorities must monitor the listed companies to prevent them from indulging excessive corporate abuse for the benefits of controlling shareholders.

My view:

Caveat emptor is a neo-Latin phrase meaning "let the buyer beware." It is a principle of contract law in many jurisdictions that places the onus on the buyer to perform due diligence before making a purchase. As oppose to:

Caveat venditor a neo-Latin phrase meaning "let the seller beware." It is a principle of contract law in many jurisdictions that places the onus on the seller to perform due diligence before making a sale.

In stocks market investing, the caveat emptor concept of contract law was forced onto ordinary investors that places the onus on the ordinary investors to perform due diligence before making transactions knowing very well that ordinary investor are subjected to information asymmetry hazard. (Poor quality of disclosure provided by the listed company and poor due diligence by Investment banker)

This asymmetry creates an imbalance of power in transactions, which can sometimes causes the transactions to go awry, a kind of market failure in the worst case involve insider fraud, accounting fraud, insider trading, IPO/RI promoter/underwriter (Investment bank failure in their due diligence), pump and dump and etc.

In Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia is mandated to operate the stock exchange as a commercially driven, public-listed entity. It is also mandated by Listing/Regulation/Disclosure Act as the front-line market regulator policing public-listed companies and market intermediaries. Perhaps these two mandate clash and give rise to conflict of interest as many of Bursa’s decisions on approval, suspension, delisting and waive seem indulging in excessive corporate abuse for the benefits of controlling shareholders.

On the other hand, SC is mandated under CAPITAL MARKETS AND SERVICES ACT 2007 to initiate investigation and prosecute offender under the Act are normally will act only if investing public make complaint with some initial evident of offenses committed by the offenders..

In order to make Bursa Malaysia the choice of investor and capital market something needs to be done by Bursa and SC to ensure high level of trust and integrity among their public-listed companies and to be seen in going after those who break the rules with the full force of the law. Only then the confidence and the crowd will return. As investors, what we can do now while waiting for the confidence to return is to attend the AGM and demand good governance and transparency from the BOD.

Thank you.


In view of seriousness of offends/frauds committed by the fraudsters and their total disregard/contempt shown against authorities of SC and BURSA with no respect for Malaysia Law. Hence it is my hope that SC should now make an extradition request with China government to extradite these China citizens to stand trial in Malaysia Court.

CMSA 2007 section 358. (1) The Commission may, if it considers that it is in the public interest to do so, recover on behalf of a person who suffers loss or damage by reason of, or by relying on, the conduct of another person who has contravened any provision of Part VI or any regulations made under this Act, the amount of the loss or damage by instituting civil proceedings against the other person whether or not that other person has been charged with an offence in respect of the contravention or whether or not a contravention has been proved in a prosecution

It is also my hope that SC can initiate a civil class action against those red chip companies IPO/RI underwriter/promoter (Caveat venditor) in gross negligence in promoting and listing these dubious red chip companies in Bursa as what U.S. (SEC) done as per below.

Mortgage-Backed Securities

Among the factors that fueled the 2008 market crisis was the widespread sale of securities that were backed by pools of mortgages that were bundled and sold by investment banks. The securities were backed by multiple tranches of residential mortgages of differing credit quality, and the securities were known to include sub-prime mortgages. Many of the securities quickly became worthless as the housing market collapsed.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Justice have charged many of the country's largest financial institutions with defrauding investors because they lied about the quality of the underlying mortgages. They have had only limited success in criminal prosecutions but have reached civil settlements in the billions of dollars with Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase.

The packaging of the securities, which were given investment-grade ratings by the credit rating agencies, was done under the caveat emptor concept. The concept was central to the business model as the purchasers of the securities were considered sophisticated investors who should be able to evaluate their worth. While that has made successful criminal prosecutions difficult, it has not been a protection against civil charges.

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如鱼得水 > Apr 28, 2019 12:21 AM | Report Abuse

I will never invest in Bursa again, I will trade short term at right timing.. I don't 1 to b robbed again n again.. by the manipulation pump n dump sharks n by govern policy of issuing shares all the times to dilute its value..

u very confused. Pump and dump is called trading..........investing is participating in the growth of excellent companies.

2019-04-28 02:16


Looked like you have a problem, not bursa

I never get caught in pump and dump

如鱼得水 I will never invest in Bursa again, I will trade short term at right timing.. I don't 1 to b robbed again n again.. by the manipulation pump n dump sharks n by govern policy of issuing shares all the times to dilute its value..
28/04/2019 12:21 AM

2019-04-28 04:05


Find your niche in Bursa and time it right is one way to make money.

2019-04-28 11:20


by teareader818 > Apr 28, 2019 11:20 AM | Report Abuse

Find your niche in Bursa and time it right is one way to make money.

also called practical person unlike sslee.

2019-04-28 11:28


Icon8888 Looked like you have a problem, not bursa

winners attitude, sslee is called losers attitude.

2019-04-28 12:01



most of my writings are about preparing the individual for the battles ahead, spiritually, physically.

most of your writings about frustrations, complains,.....

is that why u say he hate me?

2019-04-28 12:21


Posted by qqq3 > Apr 27, 2019 11:46 AM | Report Abuse X

Posted by 3iii > Apr 27, 2019 9:17 AM | Report Abuse


SWOT analysis is something I indulge in when I analyse the companies.

any form of thinking is encouraged. Actual thinking not just prejudices, bias, prejudgments. But, I like how Bruce Lee puts it....

" the idea of my martial arts was to exist outside of parameters and limitations "

He also wrote " Too much time is given to the development of skill and too little to the development of the individual for participation.. .....ultimately, it is not a matter of petty techniques but of highly developed spirituality and physique. "

Yes....u notice I rather write about developing the individual than about petty techniques.

I treat stock market as war, war games, games theory, battle of the minds.

2019-04-28 12:23


acceptance of market is the 1st step to cari makan. unless you are the level of kyy, keep quite and cari makan with given market.

any other better approach? being right or being richer?

2019-04-28 12:28


y 如鱼得水 > Apr 28, 2019 12:35 PM | Report Abuse

U just don't get what I said,

2 issues here.

- about the NEP and Special Bumi Issue (SBI). About NEP and SBI, it was far worse in 1980s and 1990s compared with 2000s and now new PH government.
- u can wait for the ideal environment, which never comes .....or u can adapt like water.

2019-04-28 12:44


KLSE is like a supermarket with all kinds of offerings.....choose what suits u.....

2019-04-28 12:48


如鱼得水 > Apr 28, 2019 12:58 PM | Report Abuse

even good companies cant coup

2 issues again.

-about private placements. PP is a net positive. I do not want to see the day PP is banned. PP is an efficient way for companies to raise capital when needed other wise more companies will go bankrupt. I think the current restriction max 10% every 12 months is about right. The ability to do pp is surely one of the advantages to maintain listings.

- about Mahathir. I like Mahathir V 2, I believe he is the stabilising force and a grand master , great visionary and a born leader.

2019-04-28 13:10


If Dr m is the stabilising force and a grand master , great visionary and a born leader., why MYR so weak vs SGD? wakaka

2019-04-28 13:25


chinaman > Apr 28, 2019 1:25 PM | Report Abuse

If Dr m is the stabilising force and a grand master , great visionary and a born leader., why MYR so weak vs SGD? wakaka

One, Malaysia is a very complex country

Two, currency markets measure different things....and not a good proxy for your argument.

2019-04-28 13:33


Since currency is not the best proxy, ok. will you accept MYR become zimbadwe or venezuela value one day? wakaka

2019-04-28 13:36


ed by chinaman > Apr 28, 2019 1:36 PM | Report Abuse

Since currency is not the best proxy, ok. will you accept MYR become zimbadwe or venezuela value one day? wakaka

if Najib won GE 14, that is a high probability event.

2019-04-28 13:39


如鱼得水 > Apr 28, 2019 1:37 PM | Report Abuse

He need to clarify how he n his family get all the billions they have in hand now, b4 he can say he is clean.. as PM alone will not make a person's whole family also billionaires..

me? I think both Anwar and Mahathir are clean......both are patriots and good leaders with principles.

2019-04-28 13:40


Fish and Chips > Apr 28, 2019 1:40 PM | Report Abuse

Look, it's open secret those 80% junk stocks create instant wealth for their directors!

that is the function of stock markets....also called fulfilling its mission. To create instant wealth. Every businessman dream.

2019-04-28 13:43


qqq3, i guess you must be quite young, no idea of nation's history. wakaka

2019-04-28 13:43


qqq3, i guess you must be quite young, no idea of nation's history. wakaka

2019-04-28 13:43


Posted by chinaman > Apr 28, 2019 1:43 PM | Report Abuse

qqq3, i guess you must be quite young, no idea of nation's history. wakaka

me? I think people should have more confidence in PH government. Its the beginning of a great revolution.

2019-04-28 13:49


Posted by 如鱼得水 > Apr 28, 2019 1:51 PM | Report Abuse

She is not only too young to understand but also too lazy to study the history of M'sia politic.. she should find talk to her elder more n find out what Tun had done during those 22 yrs of his govern..

A miracle happened in GE 14.....that is why I say Malaysia is a very lucky country.

2019-04-28 13:54


What happen to last plan Bursa- SGX link? let SIN takes over weak MY. wakaka


KUALA LUMPUR: The government’s decision to review the proposed stock market trading link between Bursa Malaysia and the Singapore Exchange (SGX) has left analysts in limbo as little detail has been provided thus far.

InterPacific Securities head of research Pong Teng Siew said the review of the Bursa Malaysia-SGX Link could involve either the nature or the structure of the trading link or the abolishment of the link, which he believed was unlikely.

“The trading link aims to promote access to Malaysian stocks for foreign investors and vice-versa, so the review could be something more on the structural review rather than a cancellation.

“Perhaps the review could also include the merger of both exchanges, but I do not think so,” he told Bernama.

Dubbed the “Malaysia-Singapore Connect”, the link was announced in February this year to provide both Malaysian and Singaporean investors an easier and seamless access to the stock market of each country.

The proposed trading link, scheduled to be launched by year-end, will be facilitated by the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

However, newly elected Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad announced yesterday that the trading link would be put under review.

Hermana Capital Bhd chief executive officer and chief investment officer Datuk Nazri Khan Adam Khan believed the review was aimed at boosting market liquidity, especially among the retail participants on both the stock markets.

“If the government plans to cancel it, the move will potentially upset retail investors because there are a lot of Singaporean retailers who are interested in Malaysian stocks. It will have repercussions on the retail participants and market liquidity.

“The new government would have to find ways and options to drive the market liquidity again,” he said.

Both Pong and Nazri opined that the review would not have much impact on the local equity performance, at least, not in the immediate term.

MIDF Research Analyst Danial Razak agreed that the review was unlikely to have a huge impact on the underlying sentiment. — Bernama

2019-04-28 14:06


instead of Bursa-SGX link, bursa implement T-2 to kill off all kaki kontra. wakaka

2019-04-28 14:08


y Fish and Chips > Apr 28, 2019 1:57 PM | Report Abuse

Fortunately the youth are exteme fast to know the real Mahathir! It took 22 years for the older generation to know what Mahathir was up to! Today, Mahathir has no support from malays! Strangely i really don't know what local chinese are so in love with this old bugger!

two issues here....

race and religion is a very powerful force in politics....and Mahathir giving more power and influence to DAP is easily exploited by UMNO/PAS die hards.........its race and religion as the only issue.

Local Chinese.....Chinese values a few things...rule of law, no more 1 MDB, promoting as Mahathir is a bonus.

2019-04-28 14:10


y chinaman > Apr 28, 2019 2:08 PM | Report Abuse

instead of Bursa-SGX link, bursa implement T-2 to kill off all kaki kontra. wakaka

T 2 is what brokers and foreign institutions want....and international standard.

2019-04-28 14:12


chinaman > Apr 28, 2019 2:06 PM | Report Abuse

What happen to last plan Bursa- SGX link? let SIN takes over weak MY. wakaka

this is a very complex issue. of course, the most important factor to consider is the views of the local brokerage houses and a link may be bad news for malaysian brokers.

2019-04-28 14:16


Post removed.Why?

2019-04-28 14:17


Icon8888 Looked like you have a problem, not bursa

I never get caught in pump and dump

this I think is a fair and true statement.

2019-04-28 14:20


如鱼得水 > Apr 28, 2019 2:20 PM | Report Abuse

U are really blind to the bone.. pls go to PM office to plp him there more effective than here..

the person who use race n religious for his political aim n money, to the fullest of all his Mahathir...

not only me....I hope when the time comes, Malaysia gives Dr M a sending off as great as what Singaporeans give to Lee Kuan Yew.

2019-04-28 14:22


y Fish and Chips > Apr 28, 2019 1:57 PM | Report Abuse

Local Chinese

local Chinese unite behind DAP, the country will do well.......what is more easy?

2019-04-28 15:25


Dear all,
I am the one that support Tun Mahathir during the GE14 and had written many comments/ articles to support him in his and i3 blog.

Tun Mahathir remain the better choice and most likely the only willing person to safeguard/protect the Federal constitution against the onslaught of Race, Religion and Trouble Maker. He is a man in the hurry and got nothing to lose. Where else can Malaysian Chinese put their hope in but him. Anyhow Malaysian Chinese will survive no matter what. It is in our gene.
Nationalism, Racialism, Patriotism, Being Chinese

Thank you

2019-04-28 15:37


chinaman > Apr 28, 2019 2:06 PM | Report Abuse

What happen to last plan Bursa- SGX link? let SIN takes over weak MY. wakaka

links.....when the 2 is linked is it win win? what about lost of control? what about fund flows? what about local brokerages? are we ready? or big eat small?

2019-04-28 15:44


So many still support PH? Why they lost in all by-elections in 2019?

2019-04-28 15:46


Posted by qqq3 > Apr 28, 2019 3:45 PM | Report Abuse X

Sslee > Apr 28, 2019 3:37 PM | Report Abuse

Dear all,
I am the one that support Tun Mahathir

I know...but the frustrated sslee, complaining sslee, the loser sslee.......reliable or not? or change faster than the wind?

2019-04-28 15:47


PH_1_term > Apr 28, 2019 3:46 PM | Report Abuse

So many still support PH? Why they lost in all by-elections in 2019?

voters choice, not my choice.

2019-04-28 15:48


Why nobody think Najib or BN is better? Stock market and BRIM can PH give better than BN?

2019-04-28 16:02


The market not yet reached excitement and euphoria stage only. When reach that stage, everybody in the street will own a piece of shares. When everybody is making money chasing shares, everyone else will not want to be left out. And that is the point where we go again with the every-decade market crash.

2019-04-28 16:13


We need Nasi Full Din, KYY, SCW & Co. to activate our mkt into a superbull mkt lah.

2019-04-28 16:25


Posted by BN_better > Apr 28, 2019 4:02 PM | Report Abuse

Why nobody think Najib or BN is better? Stock market and BRIM can PH give better than BN?

some people even think suicide bombers are better.

2019-04-28 16:25


After GE14 only 2 parties can win by-elections either BN or PH no other choices haha.

2019-04-28 16:32


BN_better > Apr 28, 2019 4:32 PM | Report Abuse

After GE14 only 2 parties can win by-elections either BN or PH no other choices haha.

I think 2 is 1 too many already.

2019-04-28 16:32


children complain
it is adults who deliver

2019-04-28 16:39


Only less than 1 year and everyone expects things to change in near to 1 year time. It's amazing to see if any new government can change everything in an instant. What a joke for giving such early conclusions without giving more time.

2019-04-28 16:51


Dear all,

The very basic requirement for Democracy is the rule by law and not by individual. It is this breaking down of rule by law that leads to blatant corruption from head to toe, abused of power to enrich oneself, rampant bribery for position, big headed, arrogance, thuggish, cover up of wrong doing, dead of independent judiciary and etc under MO1 that break the camel back in GE14.

Democracy also means you can only choose those in your ballet paper “one man one vote system”
Democracy requires compromise, it is a number game. You should understand that in a democracy, it is impossible for everyone to achieve everything they want. But over time, everyone wins something.

For better or worst GE14 is over and done with. PH formed the government and is given the mandate to govern Malaysia till GE15 in year 2023. As Citizen of Malaysia you are free to criticize the elected leaders and representatives, and to scrutiny how PH conducts the business of government.

Thank you

2019-04-28 16:57


haha don know how to say..

2019-04-28 17:04


they still use lembu as a car.. lol

2019-04-28 17:05


still can win win oh?

2019-04-28 17:05


they r much better from basic.. i mean tanaman

2019-04-28 17:09


Posted by Sslee > Apr 28, 2019 4:57 PM | Report Abuse

Dear all,

The very basic requirement for Democracy is the rule by law and not by individual.

by the law of thermodynamics, it is far easier for Malaysia to fall into chaos than into prosperity if we let children rule.

Far better for Malaysia if people are encouraged to unite under the present government then to let children cry and complain with very predictable consequences,

2019-04-28 18:56


GE 15 is no less consequential than GE 14.....and every thing to fight for.

race and religion as a tool in a democracy ( and an enemy of good governance ) is almost indestructible.

2019-04-28 19:01

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