Sslee blog

Hengyuan 60th AGM Board Q&A presentation on my questions

Publish date: Tue, 04 Jun 2019, 12:35 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

The below are answers given by Hengyuan during AGM on my questions. The answers given did not give clearity to the truth I seek. Will write another private email to CEO, independend directors and external auditor for further investigation and if possible seeking a private meeting.

Wishing all a Happy Holiday and to our Muslim Brother and Sister “Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin”

Thank you.

Question 1:

Please mark/indicate crude oil agreed purchase price and date of purchase against the background Brent Oil Price (Jan-Dec 2018) show in Annual Report 2018 page 34: Performance review 2018.

Answer 1:

HRC’s crude purchases are against various published benchmark prices in the Mean of Platts Singapore (MOPS), depending on the locality and quality of the crude. The requested purchase prices are commercially sensitive information.


Question 2:

Please explain how many of your crude oil agreed purchase prices are at premium or discount to the Brent Oil price benchmark and reasons for premium/discount?

Answer 2:

Crude cargoes purchased by HRC are priced against the relevant market benchmark and negotiated premium/discounts based on market indications.

The premium/discount will depend on the scarcity and quality of the crude and market conditions at the time. The premium/discount changes from time to time depending as well on supply and market demand.


Question 3:

Refer unaudited quarterly report. Please give the purchases volume and average Brent oil purchased price for each quarter?

Answer 3:

We have provided our production volume which closely matches our purchase volume. We are unable to provide the average purchase price for each quarter due to this information being commercially sensitive. We have however provided the Brent Oil price average for the quarters.



























Gross profit





Sales volume (mil bbl)





Average sales price ($/bbl)





Production volume (mil bbl)





Dated Brent price ($/bbl)






Question 4:

If benchmark against Petron M quarterly Average Brent oil purchased price period Q1:Q2: Q3: Q4 of USD/barrel 67: 74: 75: 67. How Hengyuan quarterly Brent Oil average purchased performance: Underperform/over-perform and reasons why?

Answer 4:

Petron has provided the average published Brent oil price for the period. These should be consistent with what is quoted in the market.

Petron and HRC each purchases different crudes to optimize their respective refineries. We do not have access to Petron’s crude slate of purchase prices as this is commercially sensitive information.


Question 5:

What is the necessary for an EPCC contractor when you can purchase H2 plant from many well established H2 plant suppliers?

Answer 5:

Our hydrogen plant is being purchased from one of the many well established H2 plant suppliers. In this case they are providing the license for the process and also the design and construction of the plant under an EPCC model.

We need an EPCC contractor to supervise the site construction and to ensure the tie-ins to the existing plant are designed properly and safely.


Question 6:

Please give project cost break down for this H2GEN EPCC contract and explain why total cost is USD66.4 million when BIG in Thailand only need an investment of USD 16 million for a slightly bigger capacity H2 plant?

Answer 6:

Our H2GEN EPCC was selected using a competitive tender involving the major hydrogen suppliers from around the world. We are unable to publish the cost breakdown as it is commercially sensitive.

We have limited information on the BIG project. However we understand their scope is hydrogen purification rather than manufacturing hydrogen from natural gas. That is a simpler scope so is very much less expensive.

We considered the purification approach but our refinery hydrogen rich stream volumes are not sufficient to supply our future needs.


Question 7:

Please confirm by Q1 2020 Hengyuan able to produce Euro 4M & Euro 5M Mogas and by Sept 2020 Euro 5 gasoil with no significant addition CAPEX for this Euro5 gasoil.

Answer 7:

Our plant will be capable of producing both Euro 4, and Euro 5 specification Mogas with no additional CAPEX. After commissioning we will produce Euro 4 in line with the gazetted specifications.

The Euro 5 Gasoil project will produce Euro 5 from commissioning. No additional CAPEX is anticipated.


Question 8:

Please explain why an upgrade from Euro 4M to Euro 5M Mogas will cost another addition USD 76 million a 56.3% of total Euro 4M investment?

Answer 8:

The cost difference you refer to was addressed in the announcement dated 02 November 2018.

“The additional capital expenditure will be used to expedite long lead and additional equipment for a larger scope of activities and to upgrade the Project to deliver refining capability for the production of both Euro4M and future Euro5M mogas specifications when required”.

The upgrade from Euro4M to Euro5M is only a portion of the cost – with the balance covering the long lead items and additional equipment.

We also optimized the investment schedule reflecting the date of the government timeline for Euro 5M implementation and our future turnaround plans.


Question 9:

Why invest now when Euro 5M mogas specification change is mandated,            which is expected to be from 2025 onwards?

Answer 9:

It is much more cost effective to design and build the plant at one time before the new specifications become active. Taking the plant off-line for future modifications would require HRC to import product which would be extremely costly.


Question 10:

Did Hengyuan claim any compensation for late delivery on Euro 4M project?

Answer 10:

The project is not yet commissioned. If the project is delayed, we will claim from the EPCC contractor per the terms of the contract.


Question 11:

Is Hengyuan current refinery’s emissions comply with the Clean Air Regulation (“CAR”) 2014? If complied then why need CAPEX of USD 48 million for CAR project?

Answer 11:

2014 refers to the date when the regulations became law. The new emission specifications only apply from 2019. The CAPEX is necessary to comply with the new tighter specifications.


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Dear all,
Mr. OTB is right when he wrote the below:
Hengyuan just reported Q1 2018 result today, please refer to the below link. orporate-Infomation.aspx?secur ityCode=4324

I had monitored Crack Margin almost everyday, the Crack Margin is almost USD8 on average, I cannot understand how the pretax profit is only 108.8 million only for Q1 2018.
In Q1 2017, the average Crack Margin was around USD 7, the pretax profit was 279 million.

Thank you
P/S: From the answer given Q12018. Average sales price (USD/Barrel) 76 and Brent Oil price average for Q1 (USD/Barrel) 66.76

2019-06-04 12:37


My next email to Hengyuan
Dear CEO and Independent Directors,
The answers the board presented to my questions is unconvincing and bordered to whitewash and cover-up for incompetent or frauds. I appeal to the independent directors to start a comprehensive investigation to my below 3 questions.
Please discuss what are the actions the board intends to do after your next board meeting? Email me the board recommended actions. I am available for a face to face meeting if you need to further explain your finding to me.
Failure to take actions will leave me with no choice but make a formal complaint to SC and Bursa.

Thank you

Yours Sincerely
Lee Soon Sheng
P/S: The 3 question remain P&C

2019-06-04 12:40


Conjob by China

2019-06-04 13:37


no its a harassment job by sslee.

2019-06-04 14:11


Qqq3 when are you going to harass ALP?

2019-06-04 14:49


I rather harass people who give subscription service and pretend to be deities

2019-06-04 16:46


Qqq3 any specified reasons why you only harass 2 particular people who give subscription services in i3 and in the process make yourself look stupid, foolish, brainless, idiotic, moronic, doltish with your slanders and blatant lies. The current in thing is to harass CEO/MD during AGM.
Easy Wong posting on KSL AGM

2019-06-04 17:15


well, I think they are better ways to cari makan than to pretend to be deities and take people to holland and to rush people who are not yet ready.

like u for instances, sslee...u are a novice and not yet ready,

2019-06-04 17:22


Qqq3 still need to learn from Buddhism how to live a life of Right view, Right intention and Right speech/writing. In i3 there are so many freely available blogs by many Sifus or super-investors bordering into manipulation or pump and dump but frankly speaking never see you harass them.
KCChong is good if only I had read his investment articles much early or had subscribed to OTB services I will be very much richer by now.

2019-06-04 17:50


hello, OTB at best is only a punter lah, how could you compare him with KCC

2019-06-04 18:58


Post removed.Why?

2019-06-04 19:58



“Guess where your money went? “ I already gave you detail reports and information. And yet you are not acting on facts.


2019-06-04 20:35

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2019-06-04 20:55


Post removed.Why?

2019-06-04 20:58


Dear all,
Salam Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin. No hatred please learn to be at peace and at ease with own-self and others
(拿得起) (放得下) (看得开)

Just received the following reply from HRC IR
Dear Mr. Lee

Thank you and your email is well received.
However, as the Raya holidays is approaching, we appreciate your patience and understanding to allow us to respond to you after the Raya break.

Thank you again for your time and patience.

Corporate Affairs
Hengyuan Refining Company Berhad (HRC)

2019-06-05 08:05


Good job, Sslee.


2019-06-05 08:27


Will Hengyuan better perform when oil price hikes due to imminent wars in the gulf region ?

2019-06-21 12:04

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