Sslee blog

Tun Mahathir blog: “video lucah/sex video”

Publish date: Sat, 27 Jul 2019, 03:56 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

A comment posted at Tun Mahathir blog

Dear PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

Time fly and it had been some time since the euphoria of PH unexpected GE14 victory and the excitement, thrill, suspension and the agony of been kept waiting for Tun to be sworn in as our 7th PM. What a relief finally seeing Tun sworn in as our 7th PM at Istana Negara after much delay.

More than a year had passed since that faithful day and I had not made comment in Tun’s blog This is because I had nothing good to say about Tun and PH’s government hence I keep my silent following a wise saying “If you can’t say something nice,  don’t say anything at all”. Instead I had been praying silently that somehow or somewhat my Malaysian dream will be fulfilled.

Tun Mahathir, as head of a genuinely multiracial coalition and Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun could have call for Malaysian unity and building a better “Malaysia  Baru”– one that is free from racist and corrupt politicians, more democratic, more united, genuine institutional reform, check and balance,  more prosperous, more at peace and at ease with each others, a nation where no one would be feel alienated or be left behind, but instead Tun chose to keep the nation locked in a futile and ultimately self-defeating racial struggle in order to strengthen PPBM (Appeal to the Ketuanan Melayu instincts of Umno and Pas MPs to join PPBM for Malay unity) at the expense of Tun’s multi-racial coalition partners.

In actual fact Tun had handed a golden gift to UMNO and PAS bigots to propagate their politic of hatred, race and religion and to present them as true guidance of the Malay-Muslim unity.

Tun had been given a second chance to make right the many wrongs with Malaysia under corrupted MO1 & BN’s decadent, kleptocratic government and set our beloved Malaysia on a course towards unity, justice and prosperity. Sadly instead of focusing on the many serious challenges that confront our nation, the country’s Malay leadership is once again involved in another internecine power struggle. The controversial sex video has laid bare the egos and ambitions of rival Malay politicians within Pakatan Harapan (PH). The mother of all political battles is looming, a fight to the finish that could end up bringing the whole PH house down on itself and derail what’s left of Malaysia Baru.

No helping is Tun’s take on the controversial sex video published on Tun’s blog

1. Saya sering ditanya berkenaan video lucah.

2. Video ini dibuat dan di viral jelas untuk tujuan politik. Khusus untuk menghalang kejayaan politik individu tertentu.

3. Tindakan yang diharap menyusul tayangan ini ialah penyingkiran individu yang disasar.

4. Tindakan ini boleh diambil oleh saya kerana saya berkuasa.

5. Apabila saya ambil tindakan ini maka berjayalah pihak yang merancang perbuatan jahat ini.

6. Agama saya melarang sengaja mengintip mencari keburukan orang. Apa yang dilakukan lebih buruk dari mengintip.

7. Saya tidak sanggup diperalatkan. Jauh sekali oleh perancang yang berniat jahat dan mengguna politik kotor.

8. Ini bukan soal moral. Ini adalah masalah politik. Ia akan ditangani sebagai isu politik.

Tun is picking sides for Tun own hidden agenda or someone political expediency. This politicking at the expense of truth and fair play is the worst form of politicking. I will just stop here and shall pray harder that somehow and somewhat there will be a peaceful and orderly handing over of Prime Minister Post from Tun to Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar had gone through many tribulations, tested to the limit of his patience, will and determination where a lesser man will quit long ago but he keep fighting on. I do not know how he will perform as PM but from a “fairness” point of view please do not denial him, his destiny as 8th PM of Malaysia.


Thank you

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not bad sslee thought process...though i dont like anwar...but Tun should be fair to him

2019-07-27 16:01


I fully support DSAI to lead the nation's at its best . TDM despite being chosen as the current PM , this old fox still have full of skeleton behind the scenes .

2019-07-27 18:57


Tun no good. DSAI also no good. Azmin no good.
We need a new breed of leaders. CLEAN & FRESH!

2019-07-28 22:43

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