Sslee blog

Diwali greeting and a comment I posted at Mahathir blog: “THE MALAY DIGNITY CONGRESS”

Publish date: Sat, 26 Oct 2019, 12:01 AM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

Wishing all who celebrate the festival of lights "Diwali", a Happy Diwali. On this auspicious and sparking festival of light, may the glow of lamp illuminate your life and brings you Joy, Prosperity and Happiness”

PV Sindhu

Societies grow when women are empowered and their accomplishments are given a place of pride! (Nari Shakti epitomises talent and tenacity, determination and dedication. Our ethos has always taught us to strive for women empowerment.)

This Diwali, let’s celebrate womanhood and pay our gratitude and tribute to the women we love: Our mother, wife, sister, daughter and daughter in-law.

Best Reply Ever:

Once my mom asked: Whom do you love more? Me or your wife?

I replied: I don’t know but your love makes me forget my wife and her love & care reminds me of you!


Below my comment posted in TUN Mahathir blog: “THE MALAY DIGNITY CONGRESS”

Dear PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

Please allow me and pardon me to say that no right minded Malaysians will object to any gathering of Malay to discuss their affair as quote by Tun; “It cannot be that while other ethnic groups can have their gatherings to discuss their affairs, the Malays cannot, that their gathering is racist. Unquote”

But the above gathering is clearly a political gathering with race and religion-baiting organized by the same BN corrupted cronies and lackeys trying hard to split and undermine the credibility of PH government.        

Zainal Kling, the organiser of the event, set the stage for what was followed by ranting about how PH government had allowed non-Malay to put Islam down, “mock Malay rulers and Malay standing, manipulate Malay and undermine Malay dignity”. He ended up with a rejoinder to non-Malays that “Malaysia is for Malays” and threatened the non-Malay Malaysians with the revocation of citizenship.

Did the organizer of the gathering conveniently forget of the fact that it was Umno that betrayed the Malays? A party that long claimed to champion Malay rights and Islam that brought the country to the very brink of ruin

Their greed and unscrupulousness almost drove the nation to its knees and tarnished its international reputation. What is worse, a clutch of these same so-called champions of race and religion was even willing to treacherously collude with a foreign power to cover up their misdeeds.

Because of their bigoty, incompetence, impropriety and sense of entitlement, the nation is now facing huge difficulties.

Our education system is an utter disaster, corruption is rife, our once proud national institutions are in decay, and the vast majority of Malaysians are stuck with low wages and high levels of debt.

In the meantime, the families and cronies of these champions of race and religion continue to reap most of the economic benefits and grow richer while cynically moaning the loss of Malay rights.

No amount of shouting and screaming about the loss of dignity and blaming others can divert attention from their own colossal failures. If they genuinely felt a loss of dignity, they should have taken their own leaders to task rather than vent their fury on ethnic minorities.

May I remind the political leaders and academicians who organised the Congress must know in no uncertain terms that dignity cannot be built upon bigotry, intolerance and extremism. If they really want to be respected, they should strive instead to serve the nation with integrity, honour and respect for the rights of all Malaysians.

Malaysia is irrevocably multi-ethnic and multi-religious. All ethnic groups have shed their blood, toiled and sacrificed for this nation of ours and no one can ever take that away from any of us.

The sooner we all learn to live together and respect each other, the better it will be for all of us.

Respectfully when Tun talks about, “The non-indigenous people were accepted as citizens” please remember:

Umno de facto deputy president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi took a dig at former Umno president Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s alleged Indian parentage today, and accused the latter of politically exploiting the Malays throughout his 22-year premiership

Social activist Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir has criticised controversial preacher Zakir Naik for calling on Malaysian Chinese to “go back” to where they belong.

On Twitter, Marina shared online portal Malaysiakini's Zakir Naik report on the issue, tweeting: “That’s rather a lot of my family, who are you to tell us that?”

Thank you

Yours truly,


P/S: Most of the above is copy paste from below article by Dennis Ignatius.

1 person likes this. Showing 16 of 16 comments


Good write up but too bad our TM is senile and have selective memory.

2019-10-26 01:41


Bitten by the travel bug......causing more than a million ringgit every month....

.....yet bring back nothing positive for the average kapung folk

2019-10-26 08:17


Mahatahi is not senile yet like oldman kyy.

He just went berserk after finding out that mahyuddin signed the power transition agreement with other PH partners behind his back.

He is now plotting and scheming to hang on to power.

There is nothing this vindictive mamak is not capable of doing including making deals with devils.

Just be careful and do not say 3 say 4 on social media to aggravate the situation.

2019-10-26 09:11


How things change in a year ...

Malaysia endured 22 years before and now is no different, just a continuation. Nothing has changed with this guy, I remember those that forgives, I never forgive and never forget. Thanks to you all that forgave.

The same two actors using the same play-book. And similarly, Malaysia economy under attack. Well like Soros once said - see you at 5.

Good luck Malaysia.

2019-10-26 09:44


Couldnt agree more with Beary..

Mamak is senile???????

U must be senile to make such a comment....

2019-10-26 11:18


Mamak is always the same mamak...70 years ago after his personal experience in spore

2019-10-26 11:20


When senile, poor recall and judgement of recent promises and progressive commitment, but got stucked with old days' obsolete and sunset stuff...

......even one year old AI Sophia had glaringly outsmarted him in their ultra short encounter

If only he could hire her to replace all his current yes men....

2019-10-26 12:25


My guess is TM is v afriad of losing Tg Piah by-election for the loss will probably end his perceived appeal for Malay support. Tg Piah loss will also add pressure to TM for handover to Anwar. So, TM used his old tatics to appeal for Malay support; which obviously not necessary and he definately went overboard and shows he is misreading the current situation in Malaysia. To most right thinking Malaysian, he is perceived to have gone desperate/senile with his current remarks. His recent remarks is a challenge to the foudation for the formation of our beloved Malaysia.The Chinese voters are probably push away by his remarks. Let us see if he can depend on the Malays to win Tg Piah. Just wait Nov 16 to see the impact of the recent episode. It also propel Anwar's significance to calm situation at this critical time.

2019-10-26 14:25


Anyone with conscience who lives long enough should see and plan things in the long term perspective. Tribalism is natural and its promotion needs not be so costly. Instead nationalism is unnatural and should be the main focus of education. Divisive and discriminatory tribalism propaganda in national schools has grown cancerous and toxic.

2019-10-26 16:19


Appreciate Mahathir dinner RM 25 per table RM 2.50 per pax any taker?

2019-10-26 19:33


Latest is.....all free

....from primary school kids (and their teachers' breakfast for morning class.....lunch for afternoon class)...

to universities

low quality but free

quantity but not quality

2019-10-26 19:42


free embassy for pales in jordan too

2019-10-26 19:44


With free gifts any taker?

2019-10-26 19:50


Pathetic fallacy

2019-10-26 19:50


Come to think of it I donated a fair bit to usher in New Malaysia

2019-10-26 19:54


Pathetic fallacy

2019-10-26 19:54

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