Sslee blog

SC wants you to participate effectively at an Annual General Meeting

Publish date: Tue, 18 Feb 2020, 12:42 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,



Yes believe your eye. SC wants you to participate effectively at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) and come out with a checklist for shareholder:

This Checklist highlights questions for shareholders to consider in preparation for an AGM. It covers primarily issues related to resolutions commonly tabled at AGMs such as the appointment or reappointment of directors, approval of directors’ fees and the appointment of auditor. Where shareholders have concerns, including finding gaps in the disclosure or information provided by the company they should raise these concerns at the AGM and ensure that the information required is provided. While the Checklist was developed for shareholders, other stakeholders such as consumers and potential investors are encouraged to use the Checklist to understand and evaluate the performance, policies and practices of companies



Was the information on the board candidate sufficiently provided (e.g. qualification, experience)?

Did the company provide reasons to support the nomination of the board candidate and do you agree with them?

How was the board candidate identified? Did the company use independent sources (e.g. search firms, independent directors’ registry)?



Is justification clearly provided to support the remuneration for the board and senior management including any significant changes in the remuneration?

Thematic Review 3: CEO Remuneration - page 33



Are questions posed by shareholders pre-AGM highlighted at the meeting? For example, questions posed by the Minority Shareholders Watch Group (MSWG) or the Institutional Investors Council (IIC).

Was sufficient time provided for questions and answers?

Are you satisfied with the responses provided by the board?

Apart from the Chairman, do other board members respond to questions?

Did the company’s auditor present the audit findings at the AGM? Were there problems highlighted in relation to the audit?


Post AGM

Have you read the ‘Key Matters Discussed’?

Listed issuers are required to publish the ‘Key Matters Discussed’ on its website which is a description of issues discussed and outcomes decided at the AGM.

Do the ’Key Matters Discussed’ reflect the discussions and outcomes of the AGM accurately? The ‘Key Matters Discussed’ should not be a mere listing of resolutions and voting outcomes of the AGM.

Are shareholders provided with an accessible and effective mechanism to maintain communication with the company?

So what are you waiting for?

For your next AGM if the company had never published any ‘Key Matters Discussed’ at the company website please asks these questions.



Post AGM

1. Have you read the ‘Key Matters Discussed’?

Listed issuers are required to publish the ‘Key Matters Discussed’ on its website which is a description of issues discussed and outcomes decided at the AGM.

2. Do the ’Key Matters Discussed’ reflect the discussions and outcomes of the AGM accurately? The ‘Key Matters Discussed’ should not be a mere listing of resolutions and voting outcomes of the AGM.

3. Are shareholders provided with an accessible and effective mechanism to maintain communication with the company?

Q1. When can I expect ‘Key Matter Discussed’ the description of issues discussed and outcomes decided at the AGM publish at the company website?

Q2. If the published ’Key Matters Discussed’ did not reflect the discussions and outcomes of the AGM accurately, whom can I write to for further clarification?

For far too long CEO were allowed to lie thro’ their teeth in answering minority shareholder questions during AGM with impunity. Not helping were the uncaring and gullible external auditors and independent directors dance to the CEO’s tune. Thing need to be changed and cannot be business as usual. I now appeal to all i3 commentators and bloggers please do your part as Shareholder activism and taken CEO, BOD, Auditor and Management to task and hold them accountable, responsible for what they have said/promised at the AGM. Question them during the next AGM if their promised during last AGM is not fulfilled.

Let’s i3 (Independent, intelligent, informed) proudly spearhead this change for the benefit of all investing public (with an informed investment decision) and make Bursa Malaysia Great again.

Thank you

P/S: Let us come together in prayer during this trying period for a fast recovering and an end to COVID-19 epidemic.

35 year ago, they all come together for a worthy cause, so what hold us back compare to then and now.


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Bare them naked!

2020-02-18 15:07


Stock mkt very poor; BRIM $ less go AGM got FOC? Where to find $ to go?

2020-02-18 15:17


Why Xinquan still suspended? KYY, SS Lee never attended AGM?

2020-02-18 21:27


I am really super effective at AGMs

My Top Ten Questions at AGM

1) Where is the toilet?

2) Where is the coffee?

3) Can I takeaway the food on the go?

4) Where is my Free Gift?

5) Can I have another free gift for my wife who is also a shareholder?

6) Can I have another Annual Report?

7) Is there a dividend next year?

8) Any bonus shares?

9) Where do I validate my parking?

10) What is the wifi password?

2020-02-19 20:54


Hahahaha i3lurker,
Welcome to the club of super effective at AGMs. One more question can I have your namecard and take a selfie with you for my facebook.

2020-02-20 10:48

Philip (Can I advise you?)

After manny years, I realized going to AGM serves very little purpose which can be solved by reading annual report and fact checking info from third parties.

1. If you have to attend AGM to get info it means there is something that you distrust about management that is not revealed clearly in the annual reports.

2. If the management is not doing a good job, why but the stock in the first place.

2020-02-20 23:29


Hahahaha Philip,
I think you should attend your pump article PPHB AGM and lecture BOD on important of giving Dividend as opose to only pay the executive director excessively.

2020-02-21 11:02


Philip, I am slightly taken aback with your assertion. After all you did pop by at Gkent office to chat with their engineers. Now that is sort of a personalized AGM. And kudos to you too for popping up at Sam despite not being a shareholder. Or perhaps you are just being a step ahead of me......

2020-02-21 13:40

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