Stock Of The Day

Stock Of The Day - BINTAI(6998)

Publish date: Wed, 28 Dec 2016, 11:54 AM



民泰近电(BINTAI)与Serdang Baru产业公司(SBP)诉讼案取得胜诉,后者须缴付2822万零284令吉44仙。

(吉隆坡9日讯)民泰近电(BINTAI,6998,主板贸服组)与Serdang Baru产业公司(SBP)诉讼案取得胜诉,后者须缴付2822万零284令吉44仙。






Now with the latest confirmation of winning court case amt RM28millions + interest, Bintai NTA & share price expected to adjust back higher in its coming financial qtr result in Feb 2017. 

In 2015 feb-Mac, Bintai share 0.22 went up to 0.35, RM6.04million net profit reported in its financial qtr result and later in May 2015, its price from 0.21 shot up till 0.45 in just one day because of its financial result return back to strong profit total of RM9.8million. 
Its price later consolidated down to 0.32 lvl. 

Bintai share price should be much more higher with its adjusted NTA and fair value. 

Receiveabe from winning court case RM28million + 5% interest for 7.5 yrs (interest rate of 5% per annum from 3 June 2008 up to 9 March 2016) 
total abt RM38.5million. 

Bintai total no. of shares 214.59million 

The receivables translated to Bintai share price is additional gain abt 0.179.

Bintai latest financial qtr result NTA is 0.28. Its nta if include the latest receiveable will be abt 0.45. 

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