Wisdom Wise

Bullshit may propel you to the top, but it will not keep you up there

Ben Gan
Publish date: Tue, 05 Aug 2014, 02:39 PM
Ben Gan
0 1,080
This blog is not responsible for your losses, nor does it share your gains. Whatever you read here, please read it with a pinch of salt. YOUR ACTION IS YOUR ABSOLUTE RESPONSIBILITY.

There was a wild cock that was trying to fly up to a high branch of a tree. It tried and tried, but it was not successful. 

A bull nearby saw what the cock was trying to so. 
The bull said to the cock, "hi! cock, since you do not have enough energy to fly high, I suggest you take some of my shit. My shit is full of energy. It is sure to help you to fly high." 

The cock agreed to the proposal, where upon, the bull pooped out some shit on the ground which the Cock devoured. After eating the shit, the cock felt itself steaming with energy. With one leap and flipping its wings, it flied to the highest branch of the tree. It was very proud of its achievement and gave out a loud crow. 

The crowing attracted a hunter who was nearby. The hunter quickly took aim of the cock. With one shot, he was right on target. He shot the cock down. 

Next time, when you are about to bullshit, remember this: bullshit may propel you to the top, but it will not keep you up there. 
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1 person likes this. Showing 7 of 7 comments


"There was this one cockerel which was really fierce, virile and really powerfully built. It could give chase to a pretty young hen that took its fancy, and then fly and and land on the hen's back, holding the hapless hen down with its beak and claws, and then immediately mating with it. "
story by Dato Doctor IR DreamHunter. http://klse.i3investor.com/servlets/stk/1201.jsp ha..ha..ha..

2014-08-05 16:52


fortunebull! ironically you're the bull ... and damn! im the cock that post our comments into these thread.. wakakakakka hahahahahaha!!!

2014-08-05 16:53


if DreamHunter reply this comment ... it means it completed the story.....

Fortunebull - the bull
AyamTua - the cock
DreamHunter (Sumatec) - the hunter....

LOLLLLL kakakakak wkaakakakkakaaaaa

2014-08-05 16:54


@fortunebull: there's a forummer in i3 called "craptree" .. kikiki hihihi kokokokoo

2014-08-05 17:04


so true...good sharing

2015-09-16 16:29


nice story

2015-09-16 16:50


hope no mislead information being injected to our ears that resulting bilis life to jumping from klcc... bilis already so long time become bilis... end up being eating by big fish... sad story

2015-09-16 17:25

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