Wisdom Wise

Buy low or Buy High

Ben Gan
Publish date: Wed, 04 Nov 2015, 08:46 AM
Ben Gan
0 1,080
This blog is not responsible for your losses, nor does it share your gains. Whatever you read here, please read it with a pinch of salt. YOUR ACTION IS YOUR ABSOLUTE RESPONSIBILITY.
TA says, buy, when the price is up
FA says, buy, when the price is down
Which advice should you take
Depends on whether gold or silver is what you wish to make

Both can be profitable
If cleverly implemented
Gains could be wondrous
Otherwise, result could be disastrous 

The stock market is full of traps
There are bull traps, bear traps and value traps
Learn what they are
Be knowledgeable to avoid being trapped

You can buy low and sell high
Or buy high and sell higher
which strategy you use is up to you
Just make sure the strategies are not foolishly abused

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