
Gadang(9261) - 脚踏实地,顶天立地 - bluefun

Publish date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017, 10:14 PM



今天2017年1月25日,天气阴下小雨,因农历新年脚步快接近,心情也难免有点“放假”的感觉,哈哈哈。 终于终于,嘉登兄的 FY17Q2 quarterly result 终于出炉啦。 还蛮不错的说, net profit 27m,超越了FY16Q2 & FY17Q1 的 17m,真是可喜可贺呢,哈哈哈 :)


感谢嘉登董事们在 16年的AGM 里,回答股东们的问题说公司非常有信心 FY17 业绩与 FY16 至少持平 或者超越。 这让 bluefun 在FY17Q1大跌 RM0.50 之后,在全世界都放弃嘉登之际, bluefun 小弟还继续坚定不移地持有着嘉登的股份不放 XD。







Comparison Q vs Q




1. Revenue increase about 46m, from 102m in FY16Q2

increase to 142m in FY17Q2, +45%


2. Profit before taxation increase about 10.60m, from 25.50m

in FY16Q2 increase to 36.10m in FY17Q2, + 42%


3. Net profit increase about 10.27m, from 17.66m in FY16Q2

increase to 27.93m in FY17Q2,+58%


4. EPS increase about 2.69cents, from 7.40cents in FY16Q2

increase  to 10.62cents in FY17Q2, +34%


5. Although revenue is huge increase,but profit margin

slightly dropped 2.86%, from 31.53% in FY16Q2 to 28.67% in FY17Q2


6. Rolling 4Q(F16Q3,Q4+FY17Q1,Q2), Adjusted EPS = 15.48cents, with today share price(25/01/2017) =  RM1.03,


P/E ratio about 6.74,


market cap = (647167)*1.03 = 666.582m。  



Comparison Rolling 4Q





Adjusted EPS calculation after share split, bonus issue & ESOS exercised




 Revenue & Profit/(loss) before taxation Analysis




Overall, Gadang improved in its revenue for various division due to completion of project(Construction division), due to higher development billing progress(Property division),improvement in margin(Utility division),higher harvesting activities(Plantation division)。


Profit before taxation for Construction division surged about 4.5m compare to FY16Q2 mainly due to the completion of some projects in FYE 2016. Current outstanding order book stands at some RM527.2 million.





Cash flow Analysis:





1. Great improvement in CFFO,from -38.11m in FY16Q2 to 10.45m in FY17Q2





2. Reduce debt & payables in CFFF,interest saving, healthy balance sheet







Fundamental Analysis of Gadang,


Share price as at 25/01/2017 = RM1.03



1. ROIC - 0.22 (average 6 years = 0.19)







2. EBIT multiple - 4.63 (average 6 years = 5.13)







3. CY =  6.53% (average 6 years = 21.31%)




Business Prospect 











不知不觉, bluefun 已经手握持有嘉登兄 27个月,说长不长,说

短不短的时间。 依然会耐心的等待努力灌溉,等待嘉登兄茁壮成

长, sustainable growth!!!



展,平步青云迈向那 1billion 的 market cap。 就如 Tan Sri Kok

Onn 在 AGM说的, 嘉登是一支很慢的公司(默默耕耘),要有别与

常人的耐心耐性,才有 faith 分享未来那丰盛的果实, kikiki :D




1. 未来的盈利清晰能见度 (future profit guarantee)


2. 未来的发展大蓝图 (future prospect remain +)


3.企业计划 (corporate exercise such as share split, bonus issue, free warrant)


4. 多现金 (strong cash on hand)


5. 少债务 (less debt/borrowings)


6. 净利领先其他建筑公司 (leading profit margin)


7. 稳定的股息 (steady dividend as appreciation)


8. 公共设施的合约 (Lrt, Mrt)


9. 成长中的营业额与净利 (continuous growth in revenue & profit)


10. 良好的基本面 (good fundamental analysis)


经历了盈利屡破新高,股价还是 ding ding dong dong




经历了盈利退了小步,股价一天蒸发50 cents


经历了全世界都抛弃,股价 dong dong ding ding




一个字“信” 已经在 bluefun 心中筑起,只要你心中有“信”,一切暂时的黑暗挫折都会变光明。









Keep your FAITH , Sunrise will be RAISE













P/S: This article is just for sharing purpose, this is not a buy call or sell call, any trade please on your own risks.


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7 people like this. Showing 15 of 15 comments



2017-01-25 23:57


嘿嘿厉害了,我才hold第8个月而已,现在还是亏钱的状态,还好有免费warrant ^^

2017-01-26 08:51



加油 :)

2017-01-26 11:40


really deng the sky 108. stand the ground 106.

2017-01-26 17:52


Patience patience tksw, slow & steady wins the race

Kikiki :)

2017-01-26 18:29


im joining tksw and blue! go go.

2017-01-26 20:22

Ricky Kiat

bro bluefun , refer to latest report, capital city project still not start contribute profit to gadang in big way . right ?

2017-01-26 21:06


bro Ricky Kiat, not really sure. In report, didnt mentioned abt Property division's net profit contribute from which project etc...

Hopefully Gadang will secure MRT2, LRT3, Hospital project that will replenish the order book to healthy level

Let's keep our faith, in Gadang we must patiently wait & always hv faith kikiki :D

2017-01-26 22:14

Ricky Kiat

bro bluefun ,the profit margin from capital city should around 30%-50% , but recent profit from property division don't show any sign of it.

but anyway , kok onn already mention that capital 21 mall will open on sept this year. so the profit should be in pocket now. wait for recognize only.

dumb dumb hold gadang with u . cheers.. (^-^)

2017-01-26 22:54


Cun cun sui sui, future mesti tuju langit, kikiki


2017-01-26 23:13

Whey Whey

I guess now the question is if Gadang going to bag any mrt, lrt or hospital project.... i think thats the reason why they keep pulling back the price ^^

2017-01-26 23:35


Very high posibility big kaki is collecting, dumb dumb hold, see the show, hahaha

When the ship near the bridge,

the bridge will become straight


2017-01-26 23:56


Dear all bro and friends here, I am new to Gading. What are Gadang'S major completed and ongoing projects ? Thanks.

2017-01-27 07:05


Bluefun future stock god

2017-01-27 08:59


Lol, still need to study, analyze, put more effort to enhance my evaluating & analysis skills & soft skills to be a great man in investing path, lets add oil together ^^

bro Yistock, I hope can learn more unique & special valuation skills from you

Please contact me at

Wish us heng mari, ong mari, huat mari



2017-01-27 09:46

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