My Trading Adventure

My Trading Adventure

Publish date: Tue, 24 Apr 2012, 11:06 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
KLCI still 2.30 points lower went below 1580 just now, hanging there now.

Digi vs 3A : Well, a switch which I shared yesterday ... luckily it is a good choice. Every one cent in DiGi is RM50 ... Digi toucehd 3.96 yesterday, back to 3.93. As I have average of 1.20 for 3A, every one cent is RM150 profits. So, I was taking a bet to switch ... and it happens to work. yes, I m pointing out probability, not certainty. Yes, I am going to dispose her ... and I could grab back Digi at 3.93 after a quick one day trade with 3A, right? I have done that many times too, each time when I am 'free'. Sometimes it did not work out, the one I sold ... shot up and the one I switched to, going lower. That is trading ... or err ... speculating/gambling.

3A : Selling ... 4k done at 1.26.

AirAsia : As I grabbed her at 3.35(RSI 22) and sold when nearing RM3.50 recently, today she is landing again ... to 3.40 ... shall I check her at 3.35 again?

Paper-loss : I do have a few paper-loss ... and at times, we wonder what we should do with them(sell or hold? Buy more?) ... hmm ... if we are going for good fundamental counters, we might really need to be patience ... and be confident to buy more, if it goes cheaper!! That is averaging down, which many of investors will do ... and calculating on the opportunity costs, I wonder if it is worth the wait?

I am going for a short walk to shops around. Will be back to blah-blah more ... and yes, I get noisier if markets going lower. Is it cheap sales at 1580 level now? May be not ... so, wait.

MC from i3: CP,there has many many 'Sifu" or "Master" blogs,so can u recommend which are the really good blogs we should look at as wat u said ?

There are few popular ones ... I do read and like Sal.Dali's blog a lot as I learnt many things from there ans still learning from his blog. Alex Lu's blog is another very popular amongst many blog-readers in KLSE. Majority of traders in my group read these two 'main' blogs. They are my blog readers too ... but I dont think so anyone will like my long-winded, ah pek style of writing, with very shallow information shared. Yes, I could at times 'entertain' with some jokes ... or perhaps, creatively write about something I read(LOL) ... other than that, I view my blog as just a place for me to voice out my points. If I could help or share something for the benefit of readers, it is in-direct. i do not really write to suit readers' needs. I am a 'selfish' person ... and only write for my own recording. It is public ... and it is free. This is still MY 'home'.

There is one thing MANY believe ... sifu-master mentality. There is NONE, actually. We could just share, learn from others ... adopt and adapt few trading or investing strategies, try it out .. apply and see if it work for us. Yes, we are our own best 'sifu'. I am certainly NOT any so-called sifu, I am in fact putting it bluntly ... I am just a novice. Can anyone teach me, please? I do appreciate what other bloggers done, by sharing their vast experiences. But ... again, NO ONE could tell you everything what is what. I don't even know when I should re-enter gold at the moment, for example. I just know gold is correcting.

I can't read Chinese ... there are a few good Chinese blog. Do search on them.



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Teh,wat is the full name for the Sal.Dali's blog ?

2012-04-24 21:07


2012-04-24 22:04

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