My Trading Adventure

Stock Watch : Affin

Publish date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012, 02:48 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Affin : When Affin broken RM3.10 level ... with news-attached, I asked for a BUY. Then, it broken RM3.30, another buy call ... as I went for call-warrants

Affin-cf : When it broken 0.09, I was watching her ... and started traded her when broken 0.14 levels. Sold at 0.18 levels as I m moving to Affin-cg ... instead.

Affin-cg : See no volumes before the activites ... if u know how to see the volumes, the movements ... the knowledge about trading call-warrants, today I sold my Affin-cg at 0.22(collected 0.17-0.18). Yes, I placed these in my stock-watch ... as stock-watch is just a page tracking my trades. BUYING is risky ... and at your own risk. At least the whole group checking me for months now ... and I do not lose many trades, ok? Due to bullish markets, the rate is about 85% now ...

Can you the the beautiful uptrending chart in Affin? Do you know the news-related to Affin, right? How about the trend in call-warrants? Feel like punting ... let me tell you honestly about the RISK.

Think of safety ... KLCI in NEW high ... 1650 today. I feel like selling so many stocks I accumulated for past 1-2 months.

SKY is the limit ... yeah ... yeah ... buy buy buy? I asked my group to SELL.


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Buy during hard time and harvest @ new high...... Great!!!!!!!!

2012-07-17 18:15

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