My Trading Adventure

Stock Watch : Astro and AirAsia

Publish date: Thu, 08 Nov 2012, 08:55 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Congrats to Obama for being re-elected and CHANGE is the motto, right?

DOW down by 300+ points ... wow ... it has been long enough that we do not see such a plunge. What is going on? Obama won ... and that sends jitter to markets? Brace for another red-red day ... ouch.

Astro : Being watched by many ... it fails to rebound from the recent low of RM2.61, closed at RM2.68 yesterday. We shall see if those applied for IPO at RM3 will ever recover their investments. Well, with it over-subscribed, many still stucked inside her ... an over-valued IPO, re-listed to suck cash from the public, and always, we fall into their traps.

As it is newly listed, all those hard-core indicators geeks could not use their tools. Only price-volume actions analysis, with some thinking of the movements of the funds.

AirAsia : Another darling of KLSE ... but ever since it dropped from from the cliff(thanks to Malindo news and since then, more news being published). Broken RM3 is not a good sign. Time for another selldown, back to RM2.80 levels? AirAsia is still very much tradable ... you know, it is house-hold name now, like Astro?

Both are worth watching ....

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1 person likes this. Showing 15 of 15 comments


In the case of AIRASIA with fernandes and kamaruddin buying shares offmkt at $2.98 indicates the third quarterly results will boost the share price.most trading houses have a buy call ranging from 3.50-$ can go no wrong with this stock

2012-11-08 10:42


richman, totally agreed but Astro not that attractive, i think fair value is around 2.75 - 2.80,right

2012-11-08 11:36


they will not let astro fall below 2.60 because it will trigger massive margin call and their poor staff will suffer

2012-11-08 11:54


The important point is how low can the share price drop.

Anyway anybody know whether they are buying using personal money or through the company in which case they got nothing to lose.

2012-11-08 12:04


they bought with their $$$ and many hv to service loans taken

2012-11-08 12:06


Thanks for the answer.

What it shows is that big man like Fernandes and K can also be wrong.

2012-11-08 12:10


I think even if astro were to win the EPL rights they will have to pay an incresed sum of 800 million for the rights.this will dilute their earnings and at the same time their share price

2012-11-08 12:17


Fernandas buy Airasia share at current price are taking long term view.

At current price RM2.95 is attractive if you are long term investors. As for very short term investor, hard to say whether attractive as Malindo Air entry have created great uncertainty and profit of Airasia Malaysia operation will be under pressure. Remember, bulk of Airsia operation are derived from Msia operation at the movement.

2012-11-08 13:29


For AA wait for the 3rd quarter out soon and than watch the price spike now it is the opportunity to buy esp the CU and the CW

2012-11-09 08:22


As for astro i think 2.50-2.60 is best buy.It is still KING in paytv industry

2012-11-09 08:24


The 3rd quarter report around 20 to 25 Nov, should we go in first to get the lower price for CU and CW?

2012-11-09 08:29


hmmm...for AA RM 2.95 still consider a bit high? think should grab after Malindo Air entry. perhaps the price will drop again

2012-11-09 08:31


Cu@cw when isthe expire date

2012-11-09 08:31


CU 2 Apr 2013,CW 30 Apr 2013

2012-11-09 08:37



2012-11-09 11:19

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