My Trading Adventure

KLCI at 1688.95

Publish date: Tue, 01 Jan 2013, 12:46 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
11.25 pm : End of the year 2012 ...

counter(since 1.1.11) showing 632, 200 ... so it is roughly 316.1k page views per year for the past two year ... still less than 1k views per day. I used to have around 1.2-1.5k views per day in 2011 ... but ever since my blog featured in i3-portal, many readers or new readers read my blog form that page. Some of my tratles told me they read my writings thru different ways and no longer click for viewings but many placed under 'bookmark'.

Anyway, the numbers is not important, I do know I have many 'quality' readers ... and many joined our tratles group or stock-watch group. I will just want to maintain them ... and making sure everyone profit-well, and also learn 'not to lose money' in markets.

It is the last half hour of the year ... really ... KLCI reaching new high, last minute pushed up ... and 1688 is a good number(was code for ... and all are bullish now, going into new year.

Reflection on 2012

I have created few groups ... for my trading-sharing purposes. It was great year to know many profitted and many becoming my friends too.

My groups

Tratles : This is the most significant group I have created this year ... a group of traders-investors who came to my ah-pek basic trading class. I started cohort-5 in beginning of 2012 ... and a class will occupy me for 3-months. Yes, it is THAT long ... and to me, 3-months is too short to share about trading, especially if you are newbie. NO WAY you could learn trading in days. So, as the group grew larger ... and many appreciate my efforts of sharing, creating a trader-group ... a 'nest' for the tratles is needed ... with my own place and also ... now, a new website ...

e-tratles : An exploration into sharing about basic technical analysis online ... failed quite badly with cohort-1, so... extend to cohort-2 for 'free' and added few new e-tratles. Doing much better after I was able to post clips in youtube and shared with the group. Then, e-meeting was good ... the response was good too. Many of them continue with me for next year(another 20 minutes time) for another 6 months!! Incredible supports ... and thanks for being so patient with me, as I was struggling to make amend :)

stock-watch : I still remember how reluctant I was to start a group, to watch me trade. It is not a buy-sell call ... but merely for my readers to follow my trades. So, I started cautiously well in jan-feb ... but then market corrected ... down ... and becoming challenging. The loyal ones continue to support, some dropped out along the way. I do trade well in 2012 ... and many witnessed my trades throughout the year!! So, I will like to maintain my focus ... to trade well in 2013(GE in mind). Thanks again ... and with chatbox in place, we get 'closer' as we could chat live while trade(provided I am 'free' ... which most of the time, I got classes). Thanks anyway ... and for majority who still stay with me for next half-year, I sincerely feel thankful.


There are many significant events happened all around the world ... but I did not follow anything much. I was too focused in my own groups and things I have to handle. Well ... I m lost in the world as I do not ... know what is going on around me, not in college ... not in anywhere ... except stock-markets!!

Nest : Another milestone ... where I created a place for tratles to meet ... and we go yam-char whenever we could meet. This will be a place for me to grow my tratles-group ... and hatch some eggs there.

charity : Managed to collect a total of RM6k for Raya and Xmas charity. Still left about Rm1k with me, to be given away ... perhaps together with CNY-charity fund soon!

i3-portal : Well, I was featured in this respectable KLSE-portal. I do thank the admin as from there, few of tratles came to know me from ... i3. Yeah ... majority from i3 are new readers and may not know me well enough.

internet marketing : In beginning of year, I attended an internet-markting course which costed me Rm3k+ ... ouch. I did not apply anything much at all ... as I am still not a marketing person, just a 'cikgu' at heart.


I done that by myself ... first time using 'paint' ... and trying to be creative. Learning new skills? hehe

Resolutions for 2013

So, heard fireworks everywhere minutes ago ... what is in our mind? What are my resolutions? I am one person who do not believe in making resolutions in end of year ... I rather make resolutions in frequent basis ... checking what I have done not so right ... and placing myself back to track? Loooong journey to go in 2013 ... now is only first few minutes of the year!! haha

There are plenty of plans ...

Fitness : Physically, I want to be fit again ... so, find some time to do some exercise? Control on my 'bad' diets?

Emotional : To laugh more often ... build better human-relationships with good and kind people. To do good ... and stay humble, be kind always.

College : To teach better ... and be more organised. To joke more. haha.

Tuition : To increase the number of my classes... to teach better? Improve in my presentation skills? Have better rapport with students?

Trading : To trade consistently with my rules and set-ups and to guide the whole trading group becoming the minority ... the very few profitable trading group. That is the strongest focus at the moment. The tratles-group ...

Website : The start of my own website ... finally... So, in a way, it is like a private-placement ... and one day, will be fully taken private, rather than being public-listed now. Haha

Note : One need to add me in facebook :

It has been a year I am writing this post ... I have been very consistent in writing my own blog, for my own pleasure reading. No matter how I want to explain to others, they will never understand why I would be blogging ... as they are not a blogger. Many bloggers write to profit(internet marketing, advertiments ... etc) and I am still writing for my own personal pleasure.

So ... I will still blog here with more blah-blah stories(haha) and my stock-analysis will be in while others will be my closed pages, for me to maintain.

I have changed in 2012 ... I have changed tremendously in my financial mindset. I am no longer a loner ... hiding in my shell. I am no longer easily upset/sad when encountering bad-people or bad-events. I do think 2012 ... was a good year for me ... a learning year. 2013 ... I believe will be more challenging ... yet, exciting.

Time to zzzzz

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1 person likes this. Showing 10 of 11 comments


I doubt it is window dressing. It is more like painting a rosy picture by interested party at the last minute of the closing. The index is not a true reflection of the overall market, far from it.

2013-01-01 07:44


agree. most of the index stock buy high at 4:50pm.

2013-01-01 07:46


How long they could sustain spreading 'good' news by overcoming the external forces?

2013-01-01 08:49


Almost all Asian market is up by around 1%. Bursa?? Last trading day 2012 up last minute like crazy and 1st trading day 2013 gave up most of the gain of previous trading day.

Only in Malaysia. Market manipulation. Why dont BURSA issue UMA to Maybank? KLK? only fair that they do...dont just bully all the small counters. Up a bit staright issue UMA

2013-01-02 17:10


a problem with balls

2013-01-02 17:11


2molo up wan...

2013-01-02 17:15


this is not the 1st time... many times already especially 3 or 4 months ago... when others up, we down.. and when others down, we up alone, that time don't wonder.. we are weird because the big fund are manipulating it.. maybe tomorrow we will see some light.. our index is overbought.. good consolidation today.. atleast we correct during the 1st day trending after US news on fiscal.. the world trending is still insight...

2013-01-02 17:15


when everyone up,we down,and when everyone down, we go up... sometime get confused with klse. things can just happened to this boleh land :)

2013-01-02 17:17


M'sia have it's own personalities,that why it will not affected by the whatever cliff. Most of our equities is hold by local mutual fund only,that's why sometimes you will feel very boring,since lack of fluctuation.

2013-01-02 17:22


it is some sign of precautious measure ahead for market volatility
around the world (vix gjr-garch) >20% and have hook-up formation by
technical. the hot money was show his hand.the fund flow may be go
to park in another safe haven.

2013-01-02 17:31

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