My Trading Adventure

PSY coming to Malaysia?!

Publish date: Sun, 03 Feb 2013, 06:59 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

From :

By Noorsila Abd Majid | 03 FEB 2013 12:19AM ABN News

 KUALA LUMPUR: South Korean superstar Psy will be performing at Barisan Nasional's Chinese New Year open house in Penang on Feb 11.

 But the question that's buzzing in everyone's mind is: who's paying for Psy and how much is he paid?

According to an industry source, the Gangnam Style hitmaker commands a minimum pay cheque of US1mil (RM3.1mil). That's just for him to horse around to the quirky beats of his phenomenal YouTube hit, "Gangnam Style". Yes, Psy is more expensive than teen pop superstar Justin Bieber, who's paid US1 mil for a full concert in KL.

The runaway rap star is expected to perform Gangnam Style in front of 60,000 guests, including Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. The BN Chinese New Year open house will be held at Han Chiang High School in George Town from 10am to 1pm.

Note : Is it RM1 million (SATU JUTA) for one hour? Wow.

This is being shared in facebook about an hour or so ago. Are you reading that right? Read the above again ... it is making me upset and also sad ... really sad. I was talking about how we could be 'happy' ... such as being contented ... but this is making me feeling un-easy. NO ONE will be sane enough to use that amount of money for those 'cheap' dances, ok? Well ... it is not someone, it is our GOVERMENT. Somehow, our BN-lead gov decided to give rakyat a good show ... the latest on earth, live in our own soil. Perhaps Chinese like those stupid moves ... I see many young crazy-ones .. mostly Chinese. I am not implying Chinese are stupid, am I? It is just insane to idolise PSY or anyone ... and to use OUR RM3million for a show is PLAIN STUPID.

I am upset as it is a WASTAGE of funds ... tho I was upset with the RM100 and RM500 distributions as those are our hard-earned money and we DO NOT give-back to public in that way. Certainly NOT with months to come ... into election-day. Why can't things be done for the betterment of the COUNTRY, our beloved Malaysia ... flooded with millions of immigrants that di-MALAYSIA-kan.

I can't write well ... it is ANOTHER sad event in our loooong list of wastage of public-funds. It is pure stupidity ... showing how low we could go ... in order to get what we want? We have rivals ... enemies ... where we want to see them down ... (sorry, I do not have ... as I never have bad intention towards anyone ... human) ... we have countries ... wasting billions to beef-up their military ... in the name to protect their countries. BUT ... of coz ... we have many ways to WASTE our money ... it is OUR money we are using, so ... fine, waste it all we can.

BUT ... when your are wasting OTHERS money, that is not right. And why isn't anyone voice it out to them about the stupidity? I wonder whose opinion or idea in the first place ...?

Urgent meeting : Tergempar

XYZ : OK ... apa cakap jika ... err ... kita bawak si-korea ... apa nama tu ... emm ... yang menari macam kuda, banyak sexy and chun prempuan muda-muda ... dan yang popular tu ke Malaysia?

ABC : Gang-nam style la, XYZ. Tu pu you tak tau ... dengor cerito ... mahal tu?

KLM : Bagus idea tu ... paling hot, youtube rekod pecah ... and ini la yang kita mau. Berapa harga?

PQR : Tiga juta ringgit saja, boss.

KLM : No problem tu ... janji entertain ... and kita menang hati rakyat.

XYZ : Ok ... panggil agent dia tu ... kita mau dia datang naik-kuda semasa Tahun Baru Cina ... kita target Pulau Pinang. Mesti chun.

PQR : Ok, boss ... semua boleh beres.

p/s : I need to pause as I still could not write well ... to entertain my readers for FREE ... y?

I really hope ... someone sane will stop the show and save use blushes(of our stupidity). After election, will they be bringing more k-pop or j-pop ... perhaps a-pop (a = afghanistan)??

Getting hotter ... enjoy this FREE k-pop clips.


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Cp Teh.. I use to like reading yr blog. Sincerely I do... but lately your post getting stupid & horrendous.
So what PSY is coming to town? So what who foot the bill? If you believe everything you read in politician's blog then you are even more stupid than I thought.
How do you know its Govt money ? When you make such accusation make sure you can back it with facts... I dare you bastard son to show proof RM3M paid to PSY is from public funds? Can you do that? calling my race stupid? are you not chinese too?
please stop writing nonsense moron !!!!!!!

2013-02-03 20:33


PSY is the first to hit one billion views on youtube !! Good traffic.... if he is that famous, do you think he will demand pasar malam rate. PSY is an entertainer.. entertainer get paid for entertaining not teaching. I think PSY is smart know how entertain and demand.

Actually, what is wrong with horse dance or gangnam style huh? i tot it is another type of dance like breakdance, hip hop, flash dance, ah gogo and bla bla. is it cuz it not originated from ang-mo ? those ppl that like horse dance is stupid one meh .. probably there is one billion of them.. teacher, you dont like doesn't mean other ppl cannot like, I think you really need to think a bit la. they are not stupid, I think you are a bit stupid.. seriously..

why you upset with the rm100 and rm500 distribution, believe quite a number of unfortunate ppl will benefit too.. You like charity isn't it ? how much you collected from ur charity ? how many person can you help ? why you suspect someone got hidden agenda so you upset ? Got ppl also suspect you.. you know.. Hahaha

2013-02-03 23:08


when some people hate current government so much, anything government do will be perceive as wrong move

Is it really public funds being used ? any possibility they get sponsorship from private sectors ? believing all politician write.

I don't see any wrong for PSY to command 1mil USD for his performance. It is his unique performance anyway. You ask normal ordinary people go do the dance see if any people will appreciate it?
If you want him to perform, just pay what he quoted, as simple as that. Just like no one force newbies to join your cohort, it is on willing seller-willing buyer basis. It is not an issue at all for what Psy command.

Comparing Psy & Justin Beiber ( clown ) performance payment also another invalid comparison. Not an apple to apple comparison.

Wasting billion to beef up military ? If you never serve the military before, please keep your mouth shut. Leave this to those who have served army to comment.

Government didn't do anything complain. Government did something also complain. Got enrolled in local university complain again. University ranking dropped complain again.

Ever thought why your ex-university ranking drops ? lecture lousy ? course doesn't meet standard ? you can find good paying job after graduating there ? all government to be blame ? all your ex-university to blame ?

Your life is full of complains. Ever put in any effort before complaining ?

2013-02-03 23:21

Buy & Sell Sell & Buy

Some like PSY, some will hate PSY. So, let it be. Don't say who is right & who is wrong.

2013-02-03 23:52


CM LGE said PSY welcome to Penang...why u so busy body post nonsense blog & said chinese stupid? You better go to hell CPTeh

2013-02-04 00:00

爱丽斯 梦幻世界

Agree! if we like PSY (Sai?), give some good comment and continue support Gangdam Style (sai?). If we dont like PSY, can give some opposite comment too, but after that let it be.... no waste time on it la...huhuhu... op op oppa GANGDAM STYLE.

2013-02-04 00:01


complain this govt no good la... celaka cp teh... but when govt give RM100 for his kids he will drive thru rain to collect... dont collect la celaka bodoh .
calling my people stupid... F u la Cp Teh !!!!

2013-02-04 00:02

Wy Lee

ZZzz....think twist la...u all know the answer...all the activities related one another.....Do u think that is that simple?? ASK PSY come for a dance only??? this time?? CNY or PRU13?? i thought u all know cronies BN...common la....ZZz..if najib not coming then i believe it is natural that simple....ZZzz...something happening for a reason...wakeup pls...just obverse the news on najib and all da thing he done recently...and what da differ with years b4...lolz..Zzzz

2013-02-04 00:31


Go & enjoy the show but vote whichever political party you think will give all Malaysians a better standard of living, no more cronies earning easy money but this money goes into making Malaysians enjoy a higher standard of living & it's future generations too. Love our Beloved Malaysia.

2013-02-04 00:47


The more stupid activity they do, the more changes they are going to eat your TAX paying money

2013-02-04 07:47


Bingo... well said...
dont do anything ... complain... do something complain....
but when govt gives free food & money runs towards it
If you dont enjoy living here then f**k off from here...
IT IS NOT public fund .. its belong to chinese corporate company... the truth is out Cp Teh... now you are such an idiot & you call yourself sifu in KLSE? asking people to join your group ? cohort or tratle ( I dont know which is which)
Only God can help those in your group !!! bodoh punya orang !!!

2013-02-04 07:53


Well, to me, i still dont see if a person that always complain can claimed he is positive :)

Teacher, do you thik 3mil is too much to promote publicity for penang maybe tourism.. at the same time let celebrate cny together, even LGE say that.. haha you really a joker with creative imagination jus cuz election is close ppl cannot celebrate together meh ? teacher dont politic on cny la.. have some mature thinking la. you thik everyone like take advantage of free publicity meh. Haha.. btw how ur cny charity drive huh ? Never see u write one... soon?

2013-02-04 12:45


Hello CP Teh... read this

Lim Guan Eng lauds the BN for bringing Psy as this would bring in tourists, all the way from Thailand and Indonesia.

Find out where this came from?...
You are official STUPIDEST TEACHER I ever came across....

Lucky I did not join your group !!!

2013-02-07 00:05

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