My Trading Adventure

CNY : Day 2

Publish date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013, 09:53 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
Morning .... 2nd day of CNY. No stock-markets today ... and no intention to check on stocks. Getting lazy for a week ... and getting back to do some back-log works, while being with family.

e-mail : I was deleting many of my e-mail in my ... so many junks there and I have to un-subcribe to many pages I was following. Many more to delete ... with about 5k e-mail ... deleting 1k plus so far.

facebook : Well, using my facebook as my 'dairy' now ... posting clips I m listening or things I am reading. It is also to remind myself to be resilient, persistence, positive ... and move on.

Penang trip : I should be in Penang from Wed to Fri. So, I m thinking of seeing those from the north and few of my regular-kaki on Thursday noon. Do contact me if you wish to meet ... up in Penang.

Investment :Properties

I was told that the apartment I am staying is reaching RM250k now, and someone selling for RM280k. Serious? Just a year ago, I bought at RM155k(reno around RM20k+) ... so, if I could really sell for RM280k, I won't mind!!

Before I bought this parcel, I was almost got a deal ... buying into court-10 around RM195k. I have even paid the deposit then ... but the seller chicken-out. Today, it is priced around RM350k(RM330 psf). Wow ... so, I am actually still looking for opportunities into property.

Well ... the prices of properties in Subang Jaya have appreciated substantially. We could not get anything below RM200k. Perhaps ... we could look for those in auction-lists?

There are many developments going on in my area ... vicinity/nearby. I view that positively. Many shoplots here not doing well ... and many with stickers for sale/rent ... and I started to view on that too ... as they will be building extension of LRT with new shopping-complex and offices coming up. More homework needed.

Kwasa Damansara is another good choice. Will write more about these as property buying is next in my mind ... say, 3-5 years to come. But, we need to be ahead ... and do homework now. More to learn about buying properties and especially those auctioned ones.

How about RGPT?

Need to go.

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look at your blog only one word to say on u: moron

2013-02-11 21:12



2013-02-11 22:35


Yeah moron, day 2 you still bla bla bla here. Get a life, go out with your friends, family...

2013-02-12 08:31

Buy & Sell Sell & Buy

Day 2 CNY still got time to blog. Die hard blogger... blog until last breath...

2013-02-12 12:27


not sure if you guys noticed, the teacher said never follow the forum discussion one cuz he think is noise. once he being criticized construtively or some ppl disagree with him, he will start with some motivational quotes.. im positive im positive, jus dog barking, i ned to follow my belief ignore what others say and bla bla.

but huh surprisely noticed some of the topics he write will relate to what some forum members discussed one. now look like he become property advisor not only trading advisor. or novice in goreng property.

why now looking for a better house already, dont want to frugal staying in small house ?

cant believe he is blogging during cny somemore telling you what he is doing... prior to cny, post the video like telling ppl appreciate ur family and spend time with them during festive season.. hahaha. okok im busy body, none of my business actually.. but definitely i do not wish to be educated like a donkey. i do not find any integrity in him yet base on his writing.

so sad, tomorrow ned to start work already for most ppl..

2013-02-12 20:47


hahaha... i have been preaching about him for a while now... he is very cunning man. He claimed that we are all noise but still come here all the time. Post so many things so entice induce readers. I am sincere in preaching about his innuendo as i want others not to fall into his trap.
By the way, I just found another ex tratles who lost quite a sum of money in market by following Mr Teh's call in his stock watch. This person did not renew the next subscription as he lost faith. According to this ex tratles, Mr Teh made many wrong call compared to good ones in 2012.
I am not surprise many will still supportive of Mr Teh despite all this revealing truth coming out one by one. Because many here are so ignorant. Sorry to be blunt.

2013-02-12 22:05

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