My Trading Adventure

Streching your ringgit ; Financial Mindset

Publish date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013, 09:52 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

#1 : Making your financial plan

#2 : Making do between paychecks

#3 : Save a ringgit a day

#4 : Keeping credits in check

#9 : Coping with debt

#13 : Living within your means

About 8 years ago, I struggled to change my financial mindset. I was in debt and to be honest, I do not even have RM1k in my bank a/c. You may not believe that ... but I know it myself, I struggled to get out of debts, paying bills ... and could not afford anything much.

But, the determination to change all that ... buying into books to learn and more, I have done just that. After 4 years in markets and working on financial improvements, I have done just that ... out of debt, buying in stocks and properties. Working hard to increase my income, managing my time ... and maintaining my 'living within my means'. In fact, I prefer my frugal, simple living.

If our income is RM50k per annum, we know that we could not afford anything much. My income was less than that when I was in KK 3 years ago. As I have doubled my income after a year in KL, my 3rd year in KLSE ... I used my profits to clear my credit-cards and loans. Last year, I bought this simple apartment. A year later ... now ... it has almost doubled in value.

I still work very hard ... from morning to night. I have to sacrifice my weekends, no entertainment ... no time for 'friends' .... and it is all about improving my financial situation. With high income, it comes with high expenses ... high responsibilities.

Being 5-years in markets, today I know a little about markets. I am no longer a newbie, but still consider myself as novice(advanced level?). What is interesting is ... I will be able to start from nothing ... and into something. that is amazing. From know nothing about stock-markets, with determination and persistence, I managed to survive ...and do well.

Can I increase further my income next year? Yes ... by doing biz. Pushing myself into un-comfortable zone, my 'old' followers could see that I have advanced so much. Yes, I will continue to fail ... being laughed at, being ridiculed ... but being a 'norm' is certainly not a way to success. I just hv to be myself, read more books for idea ... apply them and check on my results. Even if we do mistakes, at least ...we tried.

Do check all the clips they shared here. i hv spent hundreds of hours into such materials. It is the only way for me to get out of the 'living between paychecks" and 'debt' ... into personal financial freedom.

I do believe I will be financially free ... in 3-5 years to come. And I m planning my next 5-year financial goals. One of it is to acquire another property for investment purposes.

Will share my goals ... do read my posting 4-5 years ago where I shared my 5years plan. One of them is to able able to teach Trading/Investing. Hmm ... I was so new in market back then, ok? That is called determination. If one is not determined or persistent enough, the motivation will die off ... our goals could just be just those forgotten resolutions.

Another of my goal is to be in biz ... and opening up tuition centers now, I m realising one of my goals. I do have fews ... in order to see myself financially free ... who dont wish for that, right?

Hope the writings above to motivate many to start to THINK about how to change our mindset(financially). Nothing should come first ... ... not markets, not properties ... not anything.

MINDSET ... get that right first, everything will come in place. Believe me, I am living example.

Be motivated. Be inspired.


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1 person likes this. Showing 4 of 4 comments


Mr Teh, heard many leaving your cohort tratles? yes or no? of course la you will say NO. hahaha but i know many are... no wonder u panic as u r sucking little blood now.
all the above is actually a marketing gimmick to attract new fresh meat into your group. I know the tricks la....

2013-04-09 22:14


suck blood?

2013-04-09 23:04


Sob2. I confessed and touched. But it does not mean I agree with you, not making fun la.. thinking ada standard sikit la. when ppl talk strictly business, it hurts pula !!

If dont want others to hurt ur feeling, you don't hurt other ppl feeling lor.. after all human got emotion mah.

2013-04-10 08:10


Wah.. you can criticize like nobody business.. when ppl criticism you abit.. you cannot take it one huh .. not the rite mindset lor.. maybe I'm wrong :(

2013-04-10 08:38

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