My Trading Adventure

Attitudes to be successful

Publish date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013, 07:01 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

1. Gratitude : I do feel thankful to many individuals and people who have helped me, directly or indirectly. Thanks a lot.

2. Forgiveness : We have forgive others who hurt us, intentionally or un-intentionally. Then, we could find find in ourselves and find our own happiness.

3. Credits : Credits should be give where is due. If the person done well, we should recognise their efforts.

4. Responsibilities : We should take responsibilities for our actions and our failures. We made mistakes along the way.

5. Compliment : Always remember to give sincere compliments to others efforts. That will motivate the person to do much better.

6. Read : I do read whenever possible ... as by reading, it increases my knowledge about a subject or situation.

7. Journal : I do not have a journal, but this blog could be considered as my journal, in my quest of increasing   my financial knowledge.

8. Talk : Yes, I am very focus to spend my precious time in talking idea, trading idea ... financial idea .. business idea and open to listen to more great ideas.

9. Want other to succeed : I do think that 'success' is subjective ... but whatever want to achieve, we should encourage and help the others to success. If one wish to trade well, it will be my pleasure to share trading ideas to help newbies to be a better trader/investor.

10. Share info : I always believe that we could learn better thru sincere sharing of information. This blog is meant to share my experiences on trading/investing ... and the information I gathered. Only if I have more time, I could certainly share more ...

will continue later(maybe)

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1 person likes this. Showing 5 of 5 comments


Keep quite and low profile. Empty vessel make the most noise.

2013-04-12 09:38



2013-04-12 09:39


you want to succeed you cannot keep quiet while an empty vessel is one who speaks without facts nor sense

2013-04-12 09:41


finally need the actions, otherwise come back to nothing!

2013-04-12 12:03


1 more way to be successful is to con people... by telling things that they want to hear get them to join your tratles cohort & even stock watch. Then tell them that all other forum are Not good only yours is the best in town.. sharing when only it matters to you. Then ask your senior traders to create a million dollar club to entice quibble young or old readers.
you are on the right path to be success if you keep doing the above.

2013-04-12 18:45

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