My Trading Adventure

Proposed : Privitisation of my blog

Publish date: Tue, 25 Jun 2013, 01:24 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
KLCI was down more than 10points in the morning, only to recover and up ... and in green? Then, suddenly ... by the time I am back from lunch, KLCI is down by 10points ... and all in red again.

Blue-chips : It is becoming red-chips now with many in red. As Armada and YTLPower taken out of KLCI, inclusion of SKPetrol and MISC, both of those taken out in green!!

KLCI is going to fill the gap, so we shall be seeing 1718 levels, for a clearer picture. Those stuck with some stocks, will see more reds to come. No buying when market is diving. Also, those buying into property stocks are expected to experience more downside as it has rallied too fast-n-furious. So, just wait to buy into whatever u wish ...

Hartalega : One of the top loser for the afternoon ...

I am having a week break, using my time to THINK of what is next. As I m moving to, hoping to revamp the pages into simpler one, and more reader-friendly. The blog will be open for public and 'free' ... till i could gather some interests, those feel worth subscribing to read my writings. Yes, I wish to filter those genuine-readers and those a-chi-a-chor type of readers. Blogs are supposed to be free ... and it is supposed to be written with free mind, sharing opinions and making pointers. But, when u have readers who criticize your writings(yet still want to read ... stupid or what?), you will just need to move away or privitise it.

So, it is not a new idea ... and I could be able to write more freely, knowing that I hv only small group of people who support my writings, appreciating the blog as their learning-sharing platform and wont mind paying small amount for it?

Now  ... I am planning two parts : one is my writings in frequent basis ... and if u checked my blog, I do not stop blogging even for a day ... until recently, I 'lost' the momentum due to my very busy schedules for past two years!! I want to write again ... yeah ... even for free, I will like to blog. haha.

Part two is my analysis page, where stock-analysis AFTER I have traded with my stock-watch group will be placed there for references ... and keeping it as my trading journal. So, it will be open to readers, to check my trades --- winning or losing. Also, that will make me more focus in my trades, more discipline and comprehensive details for my stock-watch members. Then, my members will be able to learn from those trades too. Especially, learning from others mistakes too!!

example : Parkson ... given to my group at RM3.80+ and sold RM4 levels. Then, I will keep the records ... example WHY Parkson dived to go below RM3.80(one of the reason is due to lowering of profits in China's Parkson by 29% recently reported) ... and why we could bottom-fish for Parkson(as the share buyback at RM3.75 levels before it formed a base) ... then, I will place any information I read about Parkson there ... for keeping purposes. Now, Parkson dived below RM3.80 again yesterday .. for your info. So, if I am going to buy Parkson again, I will update it in the blog AFTER I have traded the stocks. "live" updates will still be in my stock-watch group!!

Learning Corner will be maintained ... where i will share how I learnt and still learning. It will also be good if I could make it have a platform to 'communicate' with my readers, sharing opinions and such.

What's about this blogspot? Well, I will still write here ... minus the stock-analysis. I will still write here I am more 'comfortable' with blogspot ... well, also it could be used to 'promote' my page ... plus my other trading groups. I do still have sentimental feeling for this blog ... it has been with me for 5 years now ... and looking back at my own writings, say ... 4-5 yrs ago, I have developed well ... but still learning to trade better.

Yes ... my blog will be more on personal notes ... such as the simple post I found in my facebook. And I will enjoy elaborating on them, checking if I improve myself in certain areas.

All these are still in my mind ... what is next?

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proposed or confirmed ? jerk

2013-06-25 18:46


talk like kid play sand

2013-06-25 18:48


Come on, just do it. Why do you need to promote it here? If you are so good, you do not need to promote and play around at this forum lah, the members of your group will spread it for you. Keep it for yourself lah, save it, save it

2013-06-25 18:57


talk cock la... talk all those winning trades only... one lost trade can wipe out all your winning... why dont you come & tell the true... why so many tratles in your group are leaving? care to explain please?
if you want to privatising.. just do it dont talk anymore.. people are tired & fed up with you when are you going realise that??

2013-06-26 23:33


technical alone is not enough for stock market. sometimes technical is accurate just because the market is bullish, not technical.

2013-06-27 00:12


privatise need sc approval, fic approval, bursa approval, shareholder approval. that's why he is asking. wakakakakaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

2013-06-27 00:49


his tactic, Propose. everyday he propose to privatise, so to suck in enquiries ie how much he charge and what to expect. he is telling the sohhai if they don't subscribe now they would be losing guidance from him (which those sohhai has been reading his sohhai blog), plus his tips that always make 5c or 10c. but lose 30c-50c one is not mentioned la.

2013-06-27 01:07



most of the time. not sometime.

2013-06-27 01:10


CP, i want to subscribe. how much i need to pay?

2013-06-27 17:56



you will be put in the KIV list, if there is enuf subscribers, he shall keep you inform of the offer price.

if there is no enuf subscribers, the privatization will be delayed till further notice meanwhile it is free !! haha

2013-06-27 19:04

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