he is the teacher also part time stock market teaching TA courses :) any more ???
2013-09-14 05:49
I have an old friend who has just retired. He was a school teacher. He told it was the best profession in the world because he was drawing 3 incomes- 1 active income and 2 passive incomes.
2013-09-14 09:07
One of the passive income must be from teaching out of his free time.
Whats the other. Shares ?
2013-09-14 10:58
Hi : When I were much younger, I have a hot temper, beaten and kicked my little boy badly once. This is a common behavior of many fathers when emotion burst out, I guess. Friends, let me tell what now. I am very regret till today even though many years have passed. The wrong incident is still very vivid when it struck back. The guilt hunts back and bites my heart now and then painfully. Friends, please control our temper. Shouting and burst out will not help.
2013-09-14 13:31
we shout in anger when ever we meet a con man like Mr Teh... who had lost so much money in market but still claiming he is good.... I got proof ler.....
2013-09-14 01:26