My Trading Adventure

Stock Watch : MyEg

Publish date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014, 05:59 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
As KLCI still hanging around, many stocks are moving today, particularly property counters. GOB making huge come-back. Malton following too ... heck, RHB given target Malton RM1.80 and GOB at RM1.72 ... so, who is pushing them up?

I day-traded MyEg yesterday ... and told everyone that I wil buy hugely today, if it is in red ... and it did. Bought 2.38 till 2.45 ... sold 2.53 ... and all at 2.60. That is one good trade, considering that I am moving around for 7 hours of classes today!! Really crazy day ... missed GOB, grabbed Malton instead.

MyEg came sharply down due to news that they are not getting the GST-biz? Hmm ... reading that was like ... hmm ... that is fishy ... they pressed it all down, almost hitting 200MA ... so, be greedy when others in fear? Is MyEg under-valued? Heck ... of coz it is not!!

Look at DSonic ... how do u like her and hate her? Well, DSonic is one darling among retailers, many newbies somehow profit easily ... few folds ... and now, no way to run when operators pressing it down, or releasing their holdings for huge profits. That is how market is being played.

Well, one moment they said designating the counter la ... now is what? Thought UMA also still shooting higher? What is next? Buy due to fear?

MyEg can la ... DSonic? Hmm ... Hitting 2.70, limit down is 2.55. It closed 2.90. We shall see ...

so, hope to post Myeg and DSonic charts when I am home. I really wish I could be free to blog again ... and want to write about DSonic ... the super-sonic counter and how they trapped those retailers.

Do join my stock-watch and to check on what stocks I m trading.

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1 person likes this. Showing 1 of 1 comments


keep on promoting his stock watch… after all the con & shit he gave us.. wonder why people still trust him???

2014-04-19 19:51

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