My Trading Adventure

Breakout : MMSV and MyEG

Publish date: Fri, 07 Nov 2014, 04:36 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
We all need a chance to break-through ... we need a chance! But, no one will give us a chance if we do not work hard to improve ourselves ... increase our values.

Majority of us ... 80% of us are losing and many given up due to the difficulties ... the lack of vision, goal ... lack of commitments. It is too difficult to overcome our laziness ... our weak surrounding people and we do not even realize that we are CONDITIONED to fail ...


MMSV : Day-traded .. bought 63 and 63.5, sold 65.5-66 ... that is tonight's dinner. Bought back 65 ... and see later ... sell 68 can get today?

MyEg is making me glad ... breakout new high. I bought Myeg-cc too.

SHL : At RM3.60, recommended by Jack of RHB ... our entry was below RM3.30 ... now RM3.60.

Do join my stock-watch group. Welcome.


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its not your fault....the market deep everyday

2014-11-07 19:03

Frank Soweto

Haiya teacher teacher sometimes u really kill me la. The other day u said market very high, aunty uncles,pak chik makchik getting greedy n u taking a break now u go n punt MMSV somemore 2 rounds in a single day? N for dinner money? Wat happened? u take a break n had some kit kat n come back all within 24 hours or u worry u missed the action? The other day u said u cut loss My eg now u buy back n make u glad – huh?. These 2 shares are already at all time high n u’re buying high selling higher? that is why so many here think u’re a punter more than a teacher so how to attract more students?

Kannot like tat la – U must understand now u no newbie nor novice ma– u ‘re A Teacher / A CIKGU ( not ciku) – respected one also ( at least for me ) it ‘s good to be humble but u must be practical also. Now u kept saying u a Teacher n u teach TA n also got stock watch. O.k good. but u must remember u also a Business man now mah so must at least act like 1 la - tell me which tratle or turtle wants to pay some novice or beginner to teach them how to punt? Especially when Here in i3 have many TA gurus who give free tips n also write TA n FA write ups n many are quite accurate so u must be better than them especially since you’ll be charging – ( of course u deserved it as u also put in a lot of hard work ) but u must separate or at least show why u r better..

N worst of all punting for makan money? that is definitely a NO NO. u know most here always wants the easiest way to make all the $$$ - the hot flavor or the day, the next 10 bagger n u seriously think makan money or learning from novice will get them to u?

So I suggest to u no more riding kapchai n wearing slippers seeing your prospective traturtles or when giving classes thinking ah pek style will prove your sincerity,but IMAGE n IMAGE is important so Please go get a nice suit & tie n put on some Alain de Lon Shoes n please change your still learning Novice n BEAR with me thingy la. Disclaimer is Fine but all the Bear n animals got to go. U have to be something like ‘Any investment will have risk or losses’. or/and 'Learn to Be a Better trader for a better future' Show them your annualized gains since u turned pro – people like good successful person/story before they put their $$$ into u.

I hope u dun mind me pointing out these to u coz when I started to come here few years back u makes the most sense in not punting speculative stocks n still do but u seriously need a make over. I know u blah3 n dun care much but u’re blahing here also hoping to get some students correct or not so IMAGE is very important – for me I want to learn from the very best not some still learning bear with me novice so take the bull by it’s horn n tell your future traturtles or let them know u’re the BEST of the rest. n that being professional then only people will take us seriously. good luck to u :)

2014-11-08 07:52


Frank - haha, you never fail to entertain me !

2014-11-08 18:13

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