My Trading Adventure

Speculative : AsiaBio and Takaso

Publish date: Wed, 04 Feb 2015, 11:58 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

AsiaBio: One of the hot-stock for past one month .. today, as KLCI very bullish ... it dived. Even broken the support at 19cents.

Those TRAPPED in AsiaBio ... THINK again. WHY are you trapped inside? Do you know it is a speculative counter? Do you know the fundamental analysis? Do you think you can get-rich-quick in trading? Do you know what you are doing?

WHO asked you to buy into AsiaBio? THINK carefully ... will you trust him or her the next time? Once bitten, twice shy? No?

I am certain many greedy newbies stuck inside, many uncles-aunties bought into her by reading some rumours/tips ... and trapped inside.

Takaso : closed at 51.5cents ...

Understand the nature of speculative counters ... or else, one will continue to get burnt due to ignorance, arrogance and plain greedy.

Be careful ... who to trust. One thing for sure, retailers like these get-rich-quick counters, somehow.

Change that mindset .,.. and we continue to learn.


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if auntie uncle sure play hovid/eduspec ma
must learn play what stock you know dont play those stock never heard and dont know so you wont get trapped .
Hovid famous medical company brand in malaysia now in rocket mood
Eduspec going to boost up profit by targeting oversea education project
i think many ppl when studying during primary school sure have study thier ICT education course .

2015-02-05 00:45


most important both is nett cash company

2015-02-05 00:45

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