My Trading Adventure

Stock Watch : Genting

Publish date: Tue, 06 Sep 2016, 03:25 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Genting : At support RM7.80, watching to see if RM7.80 broken ... and will take the trade during coming correction.

I will not buy into Genting at current market pending-correction situation. Just my opinion.


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Thank you for you sharing Mr Teh. Taiwanese group made an experiment today and did opposite to what you advise us. We pool and bought Genting at 7.80. We already made 20 cents profit.

2016-09-06 17:09


Finally westineee found the secret on how to make money fm cpteh's tips...he asked to sell u buy...dont forget to buy him free coffee

2016-09-06 17:13


Posted by murali > Sep 6, 2016 05:13 PM | Report Abuse

Finally westineee found the secret on how to make money fm cpteh's tips...he asked to sell u buy...dont forget to buy him free coffee

Answer : We were confused after Taiwanese group suffered losses after CUT LOSS and SHORT tradings recommended by Mr Teh. One of our youngest inexperience member told us to do the opposite of Mr Teh advise. Fortunately we already able to recoup our capital. We shall continue and experiment with OPPOSITE strategy.

2016-09-06 17:21


Cpteh not odirnary sifu....even his earlier students couldnt understand this n incurred hugh loss following his buy calls /sell calls buta-buta...yes...the key word is do it Opposite....

2016-09-06 17:30


Cpteh is in the same level with koon koon...when they asked u to buy u sell...n vice versa...

2016-09-06 17:31


Thats how u can make money fm this guru guru...

2016-09-06 17:33


Master of bottom fishing. Safer and more upside than Koon Koon.

2016-09-06 19:23

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