My Trading Adventure

匆匆那年 by 王菲

Publish date: Tue, 07 Feb 2017, 12:14 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

王菲  - 匆匆那年

電影 匆匆那年 主題曲

匆匆那年 我們究竟說了幾遍 再見之後再拖延
可惜誰有沒有愛過 不是一場七情上面的雄辯
匆匆那年 我們一時匆忙撂下 難以承受的諾言

不怪那吻痕 還沒積累成繭
擁抱著冬眠 也沒能羽化再成仙
不怪這一段情 沒空反覆再排練
是歲月寬容 恩賜反悔的時間

如果再見不能紅著眼 是否還能紅著臉
就像那年匆促 刻下永遠一起 那樣美麗的謠言
如果過去還值得眷戀 別太快冰釋前嫌
誰甘心就這樣 彼此無掛也無牽
我們要互相虧欠 要不然憑何懷緬

匆匆那年 我們見過太少世面 只愛看同一張臉
那麼莫名其妙 那麼討人歡喜 鬧起來又太討厭
相愛那年活該匆匆 因為我們不懂 頑固的諾言
更多更詳盡歌詞 在

不怪那天太冷 淚滴水成冰
春風也一樣 沒吹進凝固的照片
不怪每一個人 沒能完整愛一遍
是歲月善意 落下殘缺的懸念

如果再見不能紅著眼 是否還能紅著臉
就像那年匆促 刻下永遠一起 那樣美麗的謠言
如果過去還值得眷戀 別太快冰釋前嫌
誰甘心就這樣 彼此無掛也無牽

如果再見不能紅著眼 是否還能紅著臉
就像那年匆促 刻下永遠一起 那樣美麗的謠言
如果過去還值得眷戀 別太快冰釋前嫌
誰甘心就這樣 彼此無掛也無牽
我們要互相虧欠 我們要藕斷絲連

As I like this song so much ... I will want to know the meaning of the song now (after listening to it for months and ... hmmmm ... more than 100 times?)


That bustle year

In that bustle year, how many times have we said goodbyes and then delayed?
It's a pity that who has loved without a fierce debate?
In that bustle year, we left unbearable promise behind temporarily.
So, we have to wait others to make it good.
Don't blame the kiss has not accumulated into cocoon.
It embraces with hibernation and does not pass away to be immortal.
Don't blame this relationship has not repeated rehearsing.
Years kindly bear us with time to regret.
If we cannot have red eyes when saying goodbyes. Can we still flush?
Just like we carve "we will stay forever" this beautiful rumour in that bustle year.
If the past is still memorable, don't forgive each other quickly.
Who is willing to let each other go?
We have to owe each other. Otherwise what can we miss for our relationship?
In that bustle year, we have known too little. We just just to watch the same face.
It's odd. It's adorable. Yet, it becomes disagreeable when he/she is not nice.
It's understandable that love has stayed shortly since we don't know those stubborn promises.
That's the preface of breakup.
Don't blame that day is cold. The tear droplets has become ice.
Spring breeze has also not blown into solid photos.
Don't blame everyone cannot love once completely.
Years kindly remain partial memory for us.
If we cannot have red eyes when saying goodbyes. Can we still flush?
Just like we carve "we will stay forever" this beautiful rumour in that bustle year.
If the past is still memorable, don't forgive each other quickly.
Who is willing to let each other go?
If we cannot have red eyes when saying goodbyes. Can we still flush?
Just like we carve "we will stay forever" this beautiful rumour in that bustle year.
If the past is still memorable, don't forgive each other quickly.
Who is willing to let each other go?
We have to owe each other. We have to keep contact.
Next is to watch the movie!!

Do what we love ... live life.
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