My Trading Adventure

Plantations : mid-Nov

Publish date: Sat, 17 Nov 2018, 11:17 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

FGV ... tracking the fallen giant.

Few of popular plantation stocks which with negative PER are : JTiasa (-18.53),  Kretam(-373.72), PinePac(-2.47), RSawit (-1.74), TDM (-69.66) ... and so on.

note : AVOID all the above.

GLBhd : PER -5.66 with NTA 2.13 . Closed at 38cents

done a short e-meeting last night regarding CPO crashing down at the moment and why we should avoid plantation stocks.

Trade at own risk.

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Chong Peng, whats the point of telling everybody that their mom r woman?

2018-11-18 06:35


Haha. So many stocks rebounding since last week but teh chong peng chose to focus on crashed sector. i3 members are doing a good deed critisizing his articles. I bet his real life friends are laughing at his half pail water stock market manoeuvre.

2018-11-18 09:33


@Bear Market. Are you for real? You are so dumb to believe that oil palm plantations destroys the environment. Listen to the quai loh talk cork to protect their own oil seeds . They were the first ones to destroy the environment but when they cannot compete with palm oil they come out with this environment story and you fall for it.

2018-11-19 02:26


Bear market, bear in mind that oil palm also a tree which produce oxygen. Dun you see oil palm plantation also very green if you see fr top view. Can you compare forest condition with soy bean?

2018-11-19 08:04


There many sustitutes market available. China can source soyabean from Argentina, Brazil, Russia to replace USA. US is too naive to use this source as bargaining chip. NO ONE CAN HOLD CHINA FOR RANSOM. wakaka

2018-11-19 13:23


Ok....Thus, then its very hard to expect palm oil to replace soyabean. We're heading big trouble next year. its too simple to assume that china will buy more palm oil from us just bcs of US-Sino trade war.

2018-11-19 13:28

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