Publish date: Tue, 05 Feb 2019, 11:09 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Happy CNY day 1 ... done nothing much except visited mom and sis/bro.

Not so well ... and napped. No one visited me, so far.

There is an up-coming talk : Investment Blogger Day. Interesting ... by i3-forum. So, I will try to make myself available and attend. If I m free (no tuition classes, I m sure to attend many seminars/talks) ... I m not invited (as speakers?) as I m not active in i3, and not even in blogging. Also ... this is not an INVESTMENT blog, in case some out there really thought I m obliged to write about 'stock markets'.

This blog is just another cyber space for me to ... unblock. Blog to unblock, heard of that phrase? Never mind ... most wont understand what a blog is, anyway.

We are taking a break here ... but DOW up 175 points last night and expecting to move higher tonight. Mixed news ... but I guess market in US welcoming FED-chairman 'hints". It is very difficult to follow news ... and one moment we talking about trade wars, next would be looking at FED.

Locally, we do not have GE14 to distract the market ... BUT as I have mentioned for whole 2018, we ALREADY crash ... that is what I was preparing for in 2016 : CRASH. But ... we have not seen the crash in index --- KLCI. We are indeed still strongly holding at 1700 level, pending breakout of 1725 and heading to 1800 ... perhaps ... 1900 ... new high to 2000?

ok ... ok .. it is CNY ... we are allowed to DREAM ... and do get drunk. haha. cheers.

Where are we in the cycle now?

As stock-markets in high-valuation level with NO CHEAP or UNDERVALUED stocks hangin around to pick (invest = buy-hold), we would want to check on those crashed ... example : TM, GenM, Astro ... FGV? Or Karex? haha. Even after those stocks down so much, it is still NOT cheap.

We are at the BLUE region ... "rising interest rate" after the 'rising of property prices. As the interest rate would continue to rise in coming near future, we would see selldown in stocks/equities. Slump in earnings ... cooperates failing and sectors crashing. Nope, we are not there YET ... we at increase in the interest rate level ... and might stay at this level awhile as market digesting 'inflation'.

We do see falling of share prices, actually. So ... for many sectors (such as O&G, Property stocks, Logistic etc etc) ... it is crashing. Falling of commodities also happening. Crude Oil price down from recent high of USD70 plus to USD50 plus now. Crude Palm Oil down from RM2800 to RM2000 level. So, are we in that stage now?

SLOWING down ... and moving to GLOOM.

So ... majority already STUCK in few hundreds stocks ... I have listed so many, if you remain in DENIAL mode, it is up to you to remain STUCK.

You mean, GenM moving up to RM5 or FGV to RM2 again? How about MyEg back to RM3?

Layhong to RM1? etc etc ... no, we should not allow ourselves to day-dream. But take the NEW YEAR to make new resolutions such as : I PROMISED MYSELF TO LEARN ... on how market works and NOT TO GET STUCK in stocks anymore.

Wish all happy CNY ... and huat ar? really?


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1 person likes this. Showing 5 of 5 comments


Still in blue region? Thought we are already in green.

2019-02-06 05:36


why u so negative in cny? haizzz

2019-02-06 08:45


Are you still dreaming of market is going to crash soon ?

2019-02-06 08:52


Yes...huat ah....

2019-02-06 09:08


Where to register for the investment talk?

2019-02-06 17:36

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