My Trading Adventure

Pump-n-Dump : Stages

Publish date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016, 10:54 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Morning ... we are taking a break from KLSE today ... but I will still be trading DOW after 2pm later when it activated.

Since I am free today, I will write a post about PUMP and DUMP. This is for newbies who got trapped into these goring stocks. Strong advise is ... DO NOT TOUCH these stocks. If one needs to be greedy, you will NOT survive in long run. Trust me, I have been there. Haha.

I am going to use the PUMPed ... and DUMPed Aturmaju (Comcorp still have few rounds to go)

Aturmaju  (code 7181) : Click on the chart above to ENLARGE.

Stage 1 : Huge volumes of sudden ... activated to be in one of the MOST actively trade counter and announcement to traders ... I am here. Do notice me. It was a sign of MARK UP of stage one, and if we are aware, we could TAKE the trade. Pushed up 70% for the time being(one month Jan2016) ... that will create interest in many traders ... especially retailers. INI KALI LAH ....

Stage 2 : A pullback of 20% for 2 weeks ... killed few weak ones to collect more at lower price ... must make more noises in forums, media ... and/or employ some runners!! Make sure it has great coverage .... make sure those in social-media(facebook, blogs, telegram, watsapp etc etc ... tweet it) ...

Stage 3 : Another huge volumes detected ... round 2 coming ... this time from 80cents to RM1.60 ... doubled our money!! I told you so ... coming out from many in forums (i3, investlah etc) ... everyone talking about ATURMAJU (silly me ... I was NOT aware since Jan2016 ... till recently when someone in my trading group told me to watch diving ... just like Comcorp yesterday). Anyway, stage 3 lasted till end of April.

Stage 4 : Enough of the game ... lets DUMP ... almost vertically down from RM1.60 to below 80cents in A WEEK. Incredible nice to watch ... but I have seen so many of these (for being in market everyday in 8 years, these are common show for us).

Stage 5 : Rebounded 60% for this stage at current level ... game is over? Consolidating with low volume. No buying-selling. Retailers suck inside. It could drifting lower ... as many try to sell but without buying volume, it could be difficult to sell if we have huge position inside these non-liquid(no longer as operators exited).

Stage 6 : Left to be seen if they are pushing for last round of distribution and letting those greedy retailers to average down (and trap inside more). Otherwise it will drift lower and lower ... till the base around 60cents level and ... volume will dry-off from there ... and we might nit hear of Aturmaju for loooong time.

Remember IFCA? Anyone remember the glamorous Sumatec?

Sumatec : NOTHING to do with the O&G in Kyrgyzstan ... I don't even know how to spell the country name ... perhaps we should know who Halim is ... today, Sumatec drifting lower after the operators left? Hoping for stage 6?

IFCA : Hmm ... RM1.70 to current 50cents ... drifting lower. Those good and experienced traders ride her up from 50cents to Rm1.50, perhaps ... and exited. Those without CUT LOSS traders stuck somewhere up there ... and could NOT escape the killing.

I shall leave here ... with a note. Do understand that these are for trading, not to buy-hold. Take your profit and run.

This is BIG ... do you get the BIGGER picture ... how stocks being operated?

Have a nice off-day.

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2 people like this. Showing 21 of 21 comments


Once again thanks or you unselfishness sharing Mr. Teh. I really learnt very much from your step by step and stages explanation.

Please share with us more in future.
You are the light of newbie, at least for me.

Best Regards,

2016-06-22 14:17


a V shape recovery or a IFCA/ Sumatec ?

your money.

2016-06-22 14:23


Yup tks TEH for sharing

2016-06-22 14:23


duit now make CP Teh balls grow from grape size to watermelon already...

now CP Teh will never never disappear from i3... :(

2016-06-22 14:27


good day mr teh .. i was in sumatec before ! being lured-in when they PUMPED and being dumb-dumb hold when they DUMPED :( those days, i don't recall anyone sharing all these complete with info on charts ... newer newbies (me older newbie!!) are luckier these days !! thanks for sharing

2016-06-22 14:41


omg..even connie got attracted by his assets now..

2016-06-22 14:42


I used to hentam noraini kuat kuat in sumatec thread just that u chose to trust the wrong side...

2016-06-22 14:43


Post removed.Why?

2016-06-22 14:45


oh murali .. ya man, like that lah newbies for sure cannot tahan seeing others making tonnes :( don't know how to crawl yet but then want to run .. in the end, DIE-DED !

2016-06-22 14:46


probability ... LOL

2016-06-22 14:47


Just too bad that Murali failed to hentam Koon Bee nicely b4 the ferocious dumping. Else, he will be the savior of all his supporters, me inclusive. Perhaps he was distracted by miss NetX at that juncture.

2016-06-22 14:54


I did express my view on comcorp long time ago...anyway i didnt touch it

2016-06-22 14:57


Koon bee my friend lah...i dun think he is a conman lah...

2016-06-22 14:58


From your previous exposures to Transmile n Mega Media, u should be quite familiar with the fraudulent accounting on trade receivable. U should hv forewarn Koon Bee, your friend in advance to perform a narrow escape.

2016-06-22 15:03


truth be told....

and please take it seriously.

As far as the Malay director is concerned, this company is in perpetual financial crisis, always living hand to mouth, always seems to be in cash crisis.......He don't understand why is the share speculated so much, price went up so high....and he sells every time it is speculated upon.

2016-06-22 15:12


There is no obvious accounting frauds in the case of comcorp yet...but the possibility of cooking up the profit is there..needs to monitor closely

2016-06-22 15:55


My major concern is still the high inconsistency in their profit records for the past few years

2016-06-22 15:58


besides the ever popular FA and TA ( so popular code words in i3), a lot of headaches can be avoided if people do a proper BA or business analysis and business risks

2016-06-22 22:09


Once again thanks unselfishness 马后炮 Mr. kokokok cpTeh, we really learnt very much from your step by step and stages explanation.

Please share with us more in future.
You are the light of newbie, at least for me.

Best Regards

2016-06-23 09:23



Pay money use my material. Charge u RM8 per year. Bank in to my Arab Bank account

2016-06-23 09:48


ok rm8 hell money :) ......if want then take it, dun want then sua :)

Posted by duitKWSPkita > Jun 23, 2016 09:48 AM | Report Abuse


Pay money use my material. Charge u RM8 per year. Bank in to my Arab Bank account

2016-06-23 21:52

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