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[转帖] 為什麼要選突破均線糾結的個股?

Tan KW
Publish date: Sun, 08 Sep 2013, 12:43 PM
Tan KW
0 458,519


1. 均線代表這段時間大家的平均成本,再加上散戶缺乏耐心以及害怕賠錢,主力就會利用這個弱點,洗出一些沒有信心的籌碼。

2. 均線糾結,也意味著此檔個股已經過一段時間的整理,整理越久的個股,當帶量突破盤整區時,由於較沒有信心的籌碼已經在盤整區時被洗掉了,主力開始拉抬時,留下來的籌碼都有相當共識,所花費的力氣就相對小,通常漲幅都會比較大。










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Ooi Teik Bee

If the price breaks out of the resistant line, I still want the color of the candle to be green. It is my requirement on top of volume and price breakout. If the color of candle is red, I will wait until it is green before I enter trade. Thank you.

2013-09-08 13:29


Hmmm...just curious OTB...if not mistaken you put a buy for puncak-wb for your stock portfolio challengers at 2.09 which is a red candle. So how this explain the above?


2013-09-08 13:32

Ooi Teik Bee

I mean when the candle breaks out of the resistant line, that candle must be green candle. Green candle means bullish breakout. Red candle means bearish breakout.
Please note that I buy Puncak-WB even it is a red candle. It is a competition, the rule is to base on closing price. Hence I want to buy it cheap or on weakness. After the breakout, the price is already bullish, I will buy on weakness if I think the chart is super strong. I do not care about the color of the candle anymore.
Hope it explains. Thank you.

2013-09-08 13:43


Thanks OTB...appreciate your explanation.

2013-09-08 13:46


sorry,OTB...I'm fresh about the chart analysis..any material do u recommended to learn about it?

2013-09-09 11:16

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