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Press Statement By Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 13.10.2013

Tan KW
Publish date: Sun, 13 Oct 2013, 10:00 AM
Tan KW
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Press Statement By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 13.10.2013

Ernest & Young’s Recent Survey Of Business Executives That Malaysia Is Highly Corrupt Will Only Be Confirmed By The Excesses, Wastage And Financial Wrongdoings Exposed In The 2012 Auditor-General Report Amounting To RM 6.5 Billion.
Ernest & Young’s recent survey of business executives that Malaysia is highly corrupt will only be confirmed by the excesses, wastage and financial wrongdoings exposed in the 2012 Auditor-General(AG) Report amounting to RM 6.5 billion. DAP Member of Parliament for Serdang Ong Kian Ming had estimated a total of RM 6.5 billion was involved in the 64 cases of questionable dealings in Federal government agencies studied under the 2012 AG report.

The 2012 AG’s Report had highlighted the repeated annual problems of overspending, under-utilised, sub-standard or paid well above market prices in the procurement of works, goods and services such as:-

· RM1.3 milion worth of equipment by the police force that went missing, including 156 handcuffs, 44 weapons and 29 vehicles were missing.

· the Department of Broadcasting’s purchase of 20 wall clocks at RM3,810 each, 38 times more than the estimated RM100 each, and three A4 size scanners at RM14,670 a unit, more than 70 times the estimated price of RM200 each;

· the Customs Department’s having to destroy RM600,000 worth of shoes it had purchased because they did not suit its officers;

· the Melaka state government’s illegal building of its Customs and Immigration Quarantine Complex on private land, which eventually cost it an extra RM10.8 million to compensate the landowner, plus an extra RM40 million in building costs that had shot up because of the delay;

· Ministry of Youth spending RM3 million excessively and imprudently for the National Youth Day celebrations, including RM 1.6million to bring in K-Pop groups from Korea.

· RM1.3 billion in additional costs over the USD 2.3 billon Bakun Dam project and paying USD$133 million (RM430 million) in compensation to two foreign contractors for losses incurred which suffered delays of up to four years in civil engineering works; and

· “significant weaknesses” in the standard of the guards although the Education Ministry spent RM2.052bil on security services from 2010 to 2012.

Ernst & Young had revealed that more than one in three company executives feel that corruption is not only rampant but on the rise in Malaysia, until Malaysia is perceived as the second most corrupt country in the region after Indonesia. The survey by global management consultancy Ernst & Young (EY) garnered the views of 681 executives, senior managers and working level employees from March to May 2013 in Australia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Vietnam.

39% of respondents say that bribery or corrupt practices happen widely in Malaysia, which is nearly double the Asia-Pacific average of 21 %. However Malaysia is world champion in private companies taking the “easy way out”(corruption) when economic times are tough. 54 % of the respondents said they would take “the easy way out” as compared to China’s 34% and Indonesia’s 29%.

For this reason Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Razali Ibrahim is lying for claiming only 5% of Malaysians have been involved directly or indirectly in corruption. Until the BN Federal government not only take serious action on the Auditor-General’s Report against the culprits and accept facts instead of relying on sentiments, Malaysians would continue to loses tens of billions of ringgit every year from wastage and financial wrongdoings.


安永联合会计师事务所(Ernest & Young) 对业务执行人员、高阶管理人和雇员展开的调查报告指马来西亚高度贪污的现象,可从2012年国家总稽查司报告中所揭发的高达65亿令吉过度挥霍丶浪费和理财不当的行为中获得确定。
安永联合会计师事务所(Ernest & Young) 对业务执行人员、高阶管理人和雇员展开的调查报告指马来西亚高度贪污的现象,可从2012年国家总稽查司报告中所揭发的高达65亿令吉过度挥霍丶浪费和理财不当的行为中确定。行动党沙登国会议员王建民估计,这65亿令吉只包括2012年国家总稽查司报告中所调查的64 宗联邦政府机构的可疑交易个案。


· 警队价值130万令吉的配备失踪,包括156个手拷,44支枪械及29辆警用交通工具。
· 广播局以单位价3810令吉购买20个挂钟,比市价每个100令吉价高出38倍。三台A4纸扫描器单位价1万4670令吉,比市价200令吉高出70倍。
· 关税局必须销毁价值60万令吉的鞋子,因为它们不适合官员。
· 马六甲州政府的关税及检疫大厦非法建筑于私人地段,导致州政府必须花费额外1080万令吉赔偿地主,加上建筑费因拖延而增加4000万令吉。
· 青年部在国家青年日额外花费300万令吉,包括花160万令吉请来韩国流行歌曲组织K-Pop。
· 价值23亿美元的巴昆水坝额外支出比成本高出13亿令吉的费用,并且因为在土木工程施工延期4年,而需赔偿1亿3300万美元(约4亿3000万令吉)给两家外国承包商。
· 警卫服务的标准是“显著的弱点”,尽管教育部在2010年至2012年经在警卫保安服务上花费2.052亿令吉。


大马39%的受访者坦承,行贿与贪污风气非常猖獗,几乎是这份亚太区域调查报告中平均值21%的一倍。在经济不景时,马来西亚私人公司用“取巧”(贪污) 方式的比率,是全球冠军。54%的受访者表示,他们会选择用“取巧”的方式,而中国及印尼分别只有34%和29%。



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The question is what is the present government going to do about it?

2013-10-13 13:30


They're not going to do anything. If they're then something not right with them. You can judge by looking the previous years of AG report....dont they look almost the same ie leakage here, there and every where. So you expect anything change now? Definitely year the AG report will be the same too and leakage could get larger.

2013-10-13 13:51


imoogi99, I presume it's Malaysia Boleh always, lol

2013-10-13 13:59


...and what about this..

2 senior cops in Penang suspended for sending racist text messages

2013-10-13 14:03


Proud of our Lim Guan Eng! Our PM in 2018!

2013-10-13 18:56

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