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Stay clear of Malaysia, US fund manager tells investors

Tan KW
Publish date: Sat, 16 Jan 2016, 05:24 PM
Tan KW
0 455,914

Any positive news regarding the Malaysian economy has been wiped out by allegations of corruption at the government level, says an American fund. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, January 16, 2016.Any positive news regarding the Malaysian economy has been wiped out by allegations of corruption at the government level, says an American fund. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, January 16, 2016.Malaysia’s faltering economy, hit by claims of “rife corruption” at the government level, is a sign that foreign investors should steer clear, a financial adviser says today.

In an article on the website of Nasdaq, the electronic US stock exchange, Peter Kohli said previous positive news regarding the Malaysian economy had been affected by allegations of corruption at the government level. 

“Malaysia’s economy is not firing on all cylinders,” he said, noting news reports in November that industrial output had slipped.


“There have been many high hopes after the last few years with regard to Malaysia being a top investment destination, but in my opinion, it has never really lived up to expectations.


“I have written previously about Malaysia becoming a manufacturing hub for companies like Hyundai, but that positive news has been tempered with allegations of rife corruption in the government.”

Kohli, who is CEO of DMS Funds, said news of a RM2.6 billion political donation transferred into Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s personal accounts in particular have not helped investors’ confidence.

Other factors making Malaysia unattractive were the ringgit’s position as the worst performing Asian currency against the US dollar in 2015, and the slump in world oil prices. 

“I wish I had better news, but as long as the economy keeps contracting, foreign retail investors should stay clear. Look to Malaysia’s southern neighbour, the Philippines, as a better bet,” he said in the article.

Najib, who denies any wrongdoing, recently announced an impending revision to Budget 2016 in light of the country’s falling revenue from lower oil prices and uncertainties in the global economy.

The prime minister said the national budget needed to be “more realistic” and in line with the current economic situation, adding that outside factors beyond Malaysia’s control had influenced the economy, not the mistakes or weaknesses of the country.

Najib has been under fire over allegations of corruption and financial mismanagement related to his brainchild, state-owned investment firm 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), which had racked up debts of more than RM45 billion.

Elsewhere, a Bloomberg article quoting government estimates said Malaysia as Asia’s only major net oil exporter risked losing RM300 million for every US$1 per barrel drop.

The ringgit, Asia’s worst performing currency in 2015, slumped 19% last year and reached a 17-year low of 4.48 a dollar in September. – January 16, 2016.

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fantastic.....Malaysia kasi Bungkuslah!

2016-01-16 17:39


sounds as if they had found some virus-bird flu...or radioactive nuclear disaster in Malaysia...nice!

2016-01-16 17:41


our Rosmah learn from Imelda Marcos laa..

2016-01-16 17:48


all crooks...US now play 'economic control bullying games' just like they sanctioned Iran for whatever self interest they have...

2016-01-16 17:58


Last time Barton Briggs said he was Maximum Bullish on Hong Kong and called for a buy. But 6 days later Barton Briggs totally sold all his shares in HK.

So this US Fund Manager who told all to stay clear of Malaysia is actually looking forward to buy Malaysia on the cheap.

If Malaysia is so bad why AMCHAM (American Chamber of Commerce) is lobbying so strongly for Malaysia to join TPP?

These Americans are so active in setting up factories in Malaysia for exports to Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Canada & even back to the USA. And TPP will help American Companies in Malaysia to compete even against China.

These AmCham Business Men Even Asked Obama to visit Malaysia & persuade Pm Najib to join TPP. Why take so much trouble unless they SEE Malaysia as a worthwhile destination for US Investments.

Use you brain and THINK lah!

2016-01-16 19:19

Fam Jenny

When all papers paint a bleak scenario all the times,it is time to go in for cheap buy.

2016-01-16 19:25


Fam Jenny, u buy Airasia lah? Good cheap price, got lots of bad news. When all papers paint a bleak scenario all the times,it is time to go in for cheap buy???

2016-01-16 20:06


Peter Kohli doesn't know shhit about Malaysia ... He is only reading shhitty news from shhitty blog sites & spouting shhit outta his own arrse ...

2016-01-16 20:09


Good advise

2016-01-16 20:10


Post removed.Why?

2016-01-16 21:09


More or less, Foodie dude ... We need to be on board the TPP ship ... For trade as well as other interests ...

2016-01-16 21:10


Dream, sure need if we wanna get our hands to that piece of pie. But....belum tentu...
Malaysia would utilise the two years period by rectifying the agreement before deciding to sign it.

2016-01-16 21:20


Cabinet is virtually decided oledy

2016-01-16 21:22


Kena bahas dulu la...tunggu keputusan parliament 28/1/16 ...

2016-01-16 21:28


We must be competitive, else die die... Hehehh... What I like is the huge huge market.

2016-01-16 21:32


In this world, either we move forward or stagnant & die.

Tppa encompasses 12 countries –

Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, Vietnam and Japan.

Huat huat huat...!

2016-01-16 21:37


Opposition will oppose anything & everything dat BN gov wants to do ... Whether good or bad ...

While TM just will not let pass any opportunity to diss & criticise Ah Jib ... All sour grapes only ... Sooner or later, he's also gonna start complaining about 1MDB's planned sale of Edra Energy & Bandar Malaysia to China-based companies ...

2016-01-16 21:43


Phillipines? Wakakaka... wait till their head severe from their body only they know. Yes, Malaysia would have no choice but to join TPPA. To me, that is something positive to our country. Making us more competitive and more accessible to funds from the western fund managers. In another word, will be good for our stock market.

Back to the original point, if he believed that Phillipines is better, then go... nobody has the right to stop him. That is his choice but in reference to what he did in Hong Kong where he publicly said Hong Kong is good while he unload his equity there... would have given you some idea what of people he is and Malaysia can do without people like him. Good riddance.

2016-01-16 21:45


All great power politics, Tomm ... We small potatoes will just do what we hv to do ...

China is leading the RCEP grouping... And we'll be in that one too ...

2016-01-16 21:46


Better to be careful than to be sorry.

2016-01-16 22:26


Do you think Malaysia is a safe place to invest with all the corruption going on & the nincompoop ministers in the cabinet????

2016-01-16 22:28


Malaysia not safe? Corruption... only in Malaysia? Hahaha... that guy suggested Phillipines and giess you have never been there. Kah kah kah.

2016-01-16 22:45


Seriously, Malaysia is ok.

But I don't like what I'm reading!

2016-01-16 23:24


Good advise!

2016-01-17 01:05


Posted by foodie > Jan 16, 2016 11:24 PM | Report Abuse

Seriously, Malaysia is ok.

But I don't like what I'm reading!

Friend, we are not talking about "security" but more on CORRUPTION, the BIG C that is worse than CANCER. So any good businessman will not want to invest in country where "corruption is here & there".

2016-01-17 09:58


Hahahaha... the big C. Name me one country that is corruption free that investors flood to. US? No corruption there? LOL... what we practice here, they too practice the same there. The only difference is... they call it differently. Wakakaka!!!

2016-01-17 10:20


Well, then invest at your own risk, later don't say nobody ever warn you, hahaha

2016-01-17 10:29


The articles looks like wanna kill Malaysia economy & once succeeded, provoke the emotion of the people to topple the government. Destroy the economy and the people will riot. Of course we dun like the present government and wish that there is a change. but to attack the economy of our country, make people suffer until causing chaos in the country to achieve political purpose,is rather vicious also. It will hurt the countries economy further. He who love Malaysia should hate the greedy corruption that seize the nation's wealth, and find way to change it. but please don't add salt to the wound.

2016-01-17 11:32


I am annoyed when I see the title "Stay clear of Malaysia". Don't you feel the same with me? Do you want people to do that to our country because our leader did not do well or even did something that hurt the nation?

2016-01-17 11:43


Haha, monday not necessary a bad day.
China index may go up, then crude oil may go up as well.
KLCI may turn green.

2016-01-17 11:51


If u hv been to other countries & invested in there, u would find that M'sia is really a good country with tremendou$ potential. Sadly attention has been very distracted fr economy & nation building recently... We fight among ourselves. Outsides happily watch. Harap Hang Jebat bunuh Hang Tuah?

Property market already masuk freezer , biz nose dive, and if stock market also masuk longkang, what's left? U & me in forum killing each other seperti biasa? :p hahaha!

2016-01-17 12:10


Post removed.Why?

2016-01-17 13:35


Any PM you put last 5 years be it donkey ,lembu .kit siang .lipas .that koon or goon .. Crude oil will drop to 29Usd as today Rm drop to 4.40, so dont blame whoever is Pm . Lucky save by GST other wise willbe like Qatar and other middle east country . Even though crude drop to 29usd . Petrol over there is raised 30 dirham perlitre. Cos running severe budget deficit
The gomen has todo something to collect money to operate. Talk is cheap.
Corruption is relative and become blatant whence. involve only two parties .. The spirit and benefit and conotation change
If lot of people enjoy the fruit kikki
But the recommendation by the writer has got plain diabolical intention to create gloom perception as THOSE. Devil has taken big short positions . .. Wanting the market. To go down and they will reap the profit.

2016-01-17 17:47


True gst saves the day.

Bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita runtuh.

Quarrel very sui one u know.

2016-01-17 18:11


This country could be much better with the following :
1. Stop cronyism
2. Stop racial discrimination
3. Stop religion discrimination
4. Stop corruption @ civil servants
5. Stop education politicising
6. No need so many ....
7. .......
8. ........

I do not post all cuz some is sensitive.

2016-01-18 12:03


第二 大市跌影响

同时也Miss 掉了股价过后的反弹。

2016-01-18 23:50

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