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What is not rightly written on JAKS by KYY - felicity

Tan KW
Publish date: Sun, 19 Mar 2017, 10:01 AM
Tan KW
0 457,847

Saturday, March 18, 2017 

KYY has the tendency of not saying it all whenever he writes. 

Let me put into perspective. on this article that he writes. (Why I bought in JAKS)

His statements:

Malaysia’s first IPP
The YTL Group was just like any other ordinary contractor before the company was awarded its maiden IPP in Malaysia. From a humble beginning, YTL Corporation Bhd’s market cap today stands at RM1.65 bil (actually this is a mistake, it is RM16.5 billion and much more dividends before this), that of YTL Power International Bhd at RM12.8 bil and  YTL Land and Development Bhd (RM578 mil).
Additionally, the YTL Group also owns YTL Cement Bhd, YTL Hospitality REIT, among others.
Investors would recall that on Sept 29, 1992, a total power blackout engulfed the nation for several days. This landmark incident sparked a privatisation of the power generation sector that broke the dawn for IPPs in Malaysia.
In the process, Tenaga Nasional Bhd’s monopoly of the power generation sector was dismantled by then-Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as YTL Power was awarded the nation’s first IPP licence in 1993.
As a result, the YTL Group has been making unprecedented amount of profit every year. Before it secured the IPP, the YTL Group was just an ordinary contractor but today, it is so different.

What is not correct in his statement?

YTL's IPP during then was the sweetest ever that nobody else would have gotten it. Tenaga was sort of forced to do an offtake. Tenaga was asked to take up YTL's generation whether Tenaga needed it or not. In another words, in layman's term, whether there is such demand for example, 80% of the generation, Tenaga has to take it - even if there is no such usage demand. Another thing which is very important in that deal is that YTL's costs is fixed - meaning the fuel generation costs are already subsidised at a fixed rate. Other parties - if not wrong Tenaga and Petronas has to consume the fluctuations.

Please read this article if you are serious into investing into JAKS.

How Malaysia's IPP was born. 
This is obviously correct, as it comes from the horses mouth - the Executive Chairman of Tenaga then, and many more people know about this.

In fact, if you walk into Tenaga and asked people whom are in the know of the deal during those days, they will say, they will never give a project to YTL anymore, NO MATTER WHAT! That was more than 20 years back and many people today will not know about it.

Think about it, if YTL can pull a deal then in a year, why does it need JAKS to pull a deal in Vietnam over 6 years. It is not that sweet. 

Another of his statement which is not true until now

Many people also ask me when will I sell my holdings. Since I know JAKS will be making a lot of profit in the next 3 years during the construction and 40% of the profit from the sales of electricity for 25 years, I intend to keep all my shares for many years.

I obviously do not know KYY's net worth - it seems it is a lot, but HE HAS BEEN BUYING ON CREDIT. His purchases if you really read is all on pledged account. He and his wife's. How do you read this? Look at the red boxes.

JAKS although it is good, it is not generating good important cashflow for it to pay dividends even for few years to come. For a person to hold it until beyond 2020, he needs to get the company to pay him back (to support his pledged accounts) - either dividend or capital appreciation! JAKS is not going to pay dividend. Does anyone know that JAKS has never paid dividend before - not in last 17 years! Unless, KYY arm-twist the company to do that it is not obliged to pay dividend. And the company has no cashflow to do that.

If dividend is not forthcoming, he has to sell to pay his interests from the sale of his shares in JAKS. Hence, he will not hold for long term, he will sell some. He is pumping and dumping along the way.

His other holdings e.g. Latitude Tree has proven that.

See below. He bought a substantial stake (more than 5%) and continue to buy more after November 2014.

However, by Nov 2015, he has ceased to be a substantial shareholder. That's a year. He IS NOT A LONG TERM INVESTOR. PERIOD. He buys in and ask you to buy so that he can buy out.

What is unsure...

The profit of about RM400 mil for JAKS will flow back into the JV company to fund JAKS’ equity portion. In other words, JAKS only needs to fork out RM203mil to own a 30% stake in the power plant. JAKS is also given an option to buy up another 10% of the JV company.

Nowhere in JAKS announcement that says it is using the profit to put back into the JV company. Unless, he has inside information, which I would like to know as well. Also, usually, deals are not done that way - unless of course the China partner is such a nice partner - could happen.

What is correct in JAKS?

1. Please read my article here. JAKS in getting this project, assuming they can complete this project will be very good for the company, but one must know that JAKS has only 30% of the IPP (and option to grow to 40%, but even then the costs of buying the additional 10% is not known) - it is not even the controlling shareholder in that IPP anymore. However, the keyword is assuming they complete this project, which I think they can do - but remember it is 2020. At this moment, JAKS is sucking cashflow until 2020. 

2. JAKS would not be getting a deal as lucrative as YTL. In fact, no one gets a deal as lucrative as YTL. I again request you to read that article by Kinibiz (put it up again), as it is long and mind consuming to read it - including for me.

3. IPP (or concession like) projects with good IRR is great and I like projects like this - which is also why I bought into company like WCE but they will not get as sweet a deal as that company. It is true that the deal alone made YTL what it is today and even more that you do not see. (Such as with the cashflow, they were able to buy Starhill, Marriott and Lot10 at ridiculous low price during the 1997 crisis - in fact, 1 year profit and cashflow from the IPP enabled it to buy that entire piece of place in Bukit Bintang. That's how powerful it was. YTL Power was generating around RM500 million cashflow and they can buy these prime properties at RM323 million at worst of times, whose money - Tenaga and our rakyat's money!)

4. Despite whatever we can say good abut JAKS, all the good things that is written about JAKS, its main shareholders has not done anything to proof to me they are good directors and will share their returns with shareholders. This I am aware.

What is being speculated by me on KYY's latest article?

I am obliged to declare that I am the largest shareholder of JAKS and that I’m not asking readers to buy JAKS to support its share price. If readers decide to buy, then they are doing so at their own risk.

No, as proven again and again, he is asking us to support the share price so that he can dump onto us. Why? He seems to be in a rock and a hard place. While he has bought until 26% of JAKS, it appears that the current, controlling shareholder is not playing ball. They are calling a placement. It seems that there is no truce yet. The current shareholder can't push up (but fighting) to support KYY's sale, hence calling this placement in such a hurry.

Why I am writing this? I see writing by a so-called super investor as something that people follow a lot. It is important to write responsibly. I am not attacking him but would want to put things into right perspective. In fact, I am holding JAKS as well - not in large volume. I could have let him have his writing and I ride along as well. But investment is not for one to just pump and dump onto other shareholders. But for all to enjoy a long term ride. JAKS can still be a long term share.

I am surprised. I am half his age but yet has more responsibility when writing. (I need more money than him, but all the money in this world is not everything. Moreover, in investment, if one is careful and humble enough, we can survive and do well, better than taking a passive stand - this I believe)

Recently, obviously with the much speculation in shares (which is good), there are many more of these writers whom are just being greedy and irresponsible when writing. Some of whom, I have no intention of even countering. But it is for investors to be really careful and study.

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15 people like this. Showing 50 of 185 comments

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2017-03-22 22:44


Dear Beary,
My apology and thank you for reminding me that this is a investment forum. If you are so good in share investment please write in your recommendation and put in your own real money to buy such share. I would love to see what you can come out with and if your reasoning is so good I will definitely invest my money on it and become rich together. Till then please stop all those silly comments on people that you have not even meet or have any knowledge at all.
Thank you

2017-03-22 22:45


Post removed.Why?

2017-03-22 22:57


they send funny messages and childish messages that make me laugh unt I want to die hahahahaha

2017-03-22 22:58


Dear kk123,
Please tell me where do you get the fact that its a zero sum order for kyy to win...thousands of other old man & women will have to lose...
I am sorry to hear what have happen to Optimus but please if you are his true friend respect him and may his soul rest in heaven now. (RIP)
Please as true friend never used his name to curse other that your friend is waiting for them in hell. What kind of friend is this?
Again as per Dear Beary reminder this is an investment forum can we be polite with each other? Share our knowledge. Find a win win solution?
Share investment have its risk each of us are responsible for our own action please do not blame other.
Thank you

2017-03-22 23:11


Sslee, you still don't get, do you?

Don't be so naive, there is no such thing as becoming rich together in this world. This is a dog eat dog world.

Ok, except maybe if you have blood relation to that person, otherwise it is all bullshit and most likely he is trying to make use of you.

Sometimes, you don't need to meet a person face to face to know his character. You can derive that from what he says and his past actions.

Let me ask you, what kind of charitable person would make public letters from poor students begging for scholarship? As if that is not enough, he humiliate and degrade them further for their poor command of the English language.

2017-03-22 23:21


psychologists say, what they hate most in others are what they fear most in themselves.

talking to you

raid, culbet, beary, idiot

same impulse that cause idiots to stone woman.

2017-03-22 23:26


Karma will get the bas***** anyway ....

2017-03-22 23:27


tell me what what karma so I can earn hundreds of millions?

2017-03-22 23:31


Ppl who only knows how to PLP can never earn hundreds of millions. Hundreds of ringgit maybe... hahahaha

2017-03-22 23:33


Post removed.Why?

2017-03-22 23:37


stockmanmy you dog of kyy and otb

2017-03-22 23:41


Post removed.Why?

2017-03-22 23:41


Post removed.Why?

2017-03-22 23:41


aluha komarhejd

2017-03-22 23:44


akryad comerrasi

2017-03-22 23:45


kimiyo hontoni baka destu ne

2017-03-22 23:45


even if you lost money on KYY tips....the right thing to do is to improve your trading skills.

psychologists say, what they hate most in others are what they fear most in themselves.

talking to you

raid, culbet, beary, idiot

you have to control your losing impulses.

2017-03-22 23:47


stockmanmy younare cursed haha

2017-03-22 23:47


your soul shall be reap for 侮辱king of stock market whch is mr

2017-03-22 23:48


Dear Beary,
Repost from my comment dated Jan2 2017.
I am sorry, I cannot help you to ask donation from KYY because KYY only make donation to opposition parties in his desire to see that the current corrupted BN is voted out come GE14 and Malaysian deserve a better government.
KYY is very keen in education as he strongly believes through better and correct type of education, only then Malaysia can be save from this dark force that slowly eat into our society with racial and religion intolerance.
KYY give out scholarship to the deserving student through a properly screening process in-charge by his wife.
Any qualified student can email to:
My advice is for students with many A’s who intended to apply, please mindful of your grammar, language and your reasoning why you deserved the scholarship. I had seen him public those badly written letters and un-reasonable request (Of cause with application name black out) in his blog to stress his points how badly is our education system had failed us in English standard and ability to think critically when put forward the reasons. Please be mindful that the scholarships are for those bright and with right attitudes students badly in need of financial assistance.
KYY do donate to school and help in building student hostel so that students can benefit from an affordable and comfortable stay while they are away from home. This will definitely help students to concentrate on their study and do much better on their study subjects.
My apology again as I cannot make your request to KYY as I know it will be rejected.
Thank you

2017-03-23 08:42


Sslee, what has that comment got to do with our debate?

I asked you a simple question and you start beating around the bush and in the end you babble about opposition, racial discrimination and education.

Stop defending the indefensible. Ask your master to immediately write an open letter to apologize to all the students who had been shamed by him.

2017-03-23 09:32


lim and beary

stop playing stock market if losses so painful for you.

2017-03-23 09:42


Stockmanmy, stop being a dog and try being a man even for a while

2017-03-23 09:51



I am more man than a bear

2017-03-23 09:51


Oh sorry stockmammy if that hurts. I can't help it because your behaviour is exactly like that of an untrained dog. They will bark non stop just to show their master that they are there to protect him. They will be further encouraged when their master throws them a bone or two once in a while.

2017-03-23 10:09


Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful, that's what matters to me. - Steve jobs.

maybe kyy and otb can learn from steve jobs and be less "shameless" than now.

2017-03-23 17:36

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2017-03-23 17:42

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2017-03-23 17:47


Post removed.Why?

2017-03-23 20:57


Post removed.Why?

2017-03-23 21:02

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2017-03-23 21:12


Post removed.Why?

2017-03-23 21:14

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2017-03-23 21:15


LOL what is going on ?

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > Mar 23, 2017 09:12 PM | Report Abuse

saydon is another shameless and a big liar in I3.
FYI, I do not need to cari makan here.

I have very good records to show in I3, unlike you, you do not have any except continue to play coward act to bad mouth me.

Unlike you, lost out your educational business and use dirty technique to bad mouth me. A coward is never changed. You can charge students high fee to get rich. Why so worry and scare of me ?

Same curse to you. Please note that commit suicide will ensure you go to hell.

I will continue to curse you because you are blind, you continue to attack me without any good reason. You deserve my curse because you do not talk with facts and figures. More attacks from you, more chance you will continue to lose money in stock market. God is always very fair here, you are bullying me intentionally. You deserve my curse.

Thank you.

2017-03-23 21:16


Heartache to see cursing one another, may I humbly urged to bury the past n move ON. For me, enjoy every moment in life, avoid confrontation is utmost important.
Just busy body, sorry if wrong interference

2017-03-23 21:18

Ooi Teik Bee

Cannot win gentlemanly, use dirty technique. It is a typical act of saydon.

2017-03-23 21:18


Why KYY want to choose Jaks? 1000+ plus ctrs in Bursa why Jaks?

2017-03-23 21:20

Ooi Teik Bee

I had stopped writing in I3, still want to attack me.
A coward act to bully.
kk123, saydon and another new comer. Do not be a coward, compete gentlemanly.

Thank you.

2017-03-23 21:20


We make so much money from Jaks to buy pop corn

2017-03-23 21:21


If IPP why not Mudajaya, YTL Power, etc?

2017-03-23 21:22


Someone like kyy would choose Jaks becoz it's easy target. ie the boss has only about 10 percent of the shares and has no controlling power to stop pump and dump of its shares. and total nos of shares available is relatively small for big guys like kyy. Hope it helps, curious2

2017-03-23 21:26


But I read KYY even bought abv RM 1.5. How he make money?

2017-03-23 21:29


Something backfired him to chase price up to rm1.5 becoz of the Private placement exercise, but he will control the price now easier after having
close to what 25 percent of the shares.

2017-03-23 21:36


Dear Beary,
Sorry I only look into your comment this morning and do not have time to make a proper reply hence I reposted from my previous comment on subject concerning “ application letters for scholarships”. Note: I just reach home after dinner with customer auditor. Normally I only have time to write after office hour my apology.
Do not judge a book by its cover but by its full contents hence I would like to refer to what Mr. Koon had written:
Please read and tell yourself what were the real intention and message of Mr. Koon?
Dear student,
Yes it hurt, but please has an open minded to understand what Mr. Koon is trying to say.
The truth hurt so are you prepared to be hurt now (face the truth now) or rather hurt later when your are applying for job application and wondering why no one call you up for an interview?
I must be cruel, only to be kind. – Shakespeare
It is better to speak the truth to someone you want to help than to lie to them and make them even more foolish.
You can choose to be an open minded or a narrow minded person? The decision is yours to make.
Thank you
PS: Dear Beary, this will be my last reply as I really do not have time or energy to keep the debate going any further. You are entitle to keep to your opinion but anyhow I still hoping that somehow or someday you will be able to let go all the hatred inside you and see the other person view.
Wishing you all the best

2017-03-23 21:56


Dear Ooi Teik Bee,
Do not let anger and hatred consume you. They will win if you fall into their trap.
Take it as occupational hazard that they are always jealous people out there to lure you into the dark side. Even though we have not met but I know from my heart you are among the best Sifu in the i3. You have my highest respect.
Please take comfort from the saying: If you have no critics you’ll likely have no success. - Malcolm X
Thank you

2017-03-23 22:18

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Sslee,

Thank you for your good words.
Your advice is noted.
Thank you.

2017-03-23 22:22


Sslee, I can deduce that you are not a man of strong character or principle. You always want to play peacekeeper and be the good guy and have no guts to voice out your opinion. Like lalang, you will sway to whichever way the wind blows. You are a perfect example of cari makan type of people. To put it bluntly, people like you will always be on the look out for a master to suck up to.

2017-03-25 12:49


Dear Beary,
I cannot help myself but to write in again to reply to what you have written about me. Not to defend myself but trying to know a litter bit what wrong with you.
My curiosity had taken me to look into your entire comments total 374 and counting started from March 6 2016 on Blog: FLBHD, VS, Mr. Koon blog and latest on JAKS. Two on WASEONG dated March 18 (Thanks Calvin I bought 1000 lots at 0.725 yesterday and just sold @0.755-0.76. Make RM3k+ by contra.). MHB ((Many people got their butts roasted here hahahaha. Foolaamak.…..Foo Lat Lor! (April 28). 1.03 come mali come….(3 May))
Humiliating and belittle people: CP Teh on Blog: My Trading Adventure. Blog: Acceptance and Attitude. Jayalbert on Blog: Don’t check your stocks every hour every day cause I want to make you Rich maa!.
Praise people on Blog: DRBHCOM (Thanks Calvin bro, for putting RM 10K into my pocket, I hate Singaporeans but this Calvin is an exception. He is the best and he is also so cute and lovable. Blog: Why I increased my stake in Company J by 200% Despite its recent huge losses (Hahahaha, Murali u owe me one)
Most of all your comments is attacking Mr. Koon Yew Yin either rightly or wrongly, praise those that make you slightly richer and insulting people that have different view with you.
So there you are. I leave it to all to judge what kind of man you are?
My only hope, please see for yourself there is something not right with you and please seek professional help if you care to help yourself.

Dear all,
Please leave Bearly, alone and do not bother to look at his comments and response/reply to him.
Thank you.

PS: I had broken my promise in my pervious reply that “this will be my last reply as I really do not have time or energy to keep the debate going any further” I wish I do not have to broken it the second time. I have learned my lesson: Never say never, at time circumstance do force us to eat our humble pie and make a U turn.

2017-03-25 21:09


hi beary I totally agree with you

2017-03-25 21:40

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