Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Obama's Visit: Any Value and Is Anyone Listening? - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Tue, 29 Apr 2014, 10:59 AM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin


President Obama has come and gone. His visit to KL has generated much feedback. Analysts concerned with the political direction of the country have been especially disappointed with his refusal to meet the opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim. It was like him visiting Myanmar and refusing to meet Aung San Suu Kyi.


One commentator, Dennis Ignatius, has called this decision “an astonishing betrayal by a country that has often portrayed itself as a world champion of democracy and human rights. It sends an unmistakable signal to corrupt and abusive governments everywhere that disrespect for human rights and the curtailing of democratic governance will be overlooked in exchange for pro-American policies.”


The critic noted that surely the US leader is not “unaware of what is going on in Malaysia – the corruption and abuse of power, the tainted elections, the harassment and jailing of opposition leaders, the racial and religious incitement, the intolerance of dissent, the narrowing of our democratic space.”


In one sense, I share the above view of the critic who incidentally is not any ordinary Malaysia. He is a retired high ranking diplomat whose profession calls for him to weigh words carefully. In my opinion, if President Obama was truly concerned about human rights and civil liberties in Malaysia, he should have met with Anwar himself rather than send his security adviser, Susan Rice in his place. Such a meeting would have served to remind Najib and other BN leaders that the US takes a serious view of the political persecution of the country's foremost opposition leader. It would also reassure that the US is prepared to use its clout to ensure that the cause of justice and freedom is not hijacked by the present occupants of Putrajaya which is clear in the way the current case against Anwar has been trumped up and pursued.


If Malaysians are disappointed by the failure of Obama to meet for a one to one with Anwar, his meeting with civil society leaders seems to be a proxy for Obama to listen to civil society on the democratic and human rights issues presently in play - religious and racial polarisation, divisive politics, free and fair elections, political persecution, rule of law, and media control by the government. This was a meeting which appears to have been scheduled for public relation reasons but the fact that it ran to over an hour shows that Obama must have realized that it is necessary for him to listen to other voices than Najib's to arrive at the truth on developments in Malaysia..


Two Issues on Human Rights:


Two issues in the human rights area appear to stand out for Obama. The first which he personally spoke out against is the discrimination against the non-Muslim part of the population. His statement to his youth audience from the region that Malaysia will not be a successful country if non-Muslims are discriminated against is good advice to Najib and his UMNO colleagues who are trying to bluff the rest of the world that there is no discrimination against non-Muslims or that this discrimination is still necessary despite nearly 50 years of the NEP. Utusan Malaysia would be doing its civil service readers and other Malay readers a great service if they can reproduce just this statement for their attention.


The second issue is Islam’s increasingly political role in the country and the use of the religion to censure human rights activists and silence constructive criticism. I am sure Obama will have paid special attention to the assertion by Dr. Ahmad Farouk Musa, chairman of the Islamic Renaissance Front, that ”there is a concerted effort by the government to silence the dissident and persecute minorities; and religious persecution remains rife and targets not only Christians but also minority groups within Islam including Shiahs and Ahmadis.” I am sure Obama knows that the way in which Islam in Malaysia is manipulated by UMNO to advance its political and religious agenda reveals the hypocrisy behind Malaysia's so-called “moderate Islamic democracy”.


In the final analysis though, let us not pin too much hopes on Obama's visit or the visit of any other foreign dignitary if there is to be change in the country. Let us recognize that President Obama has lacked resolve and commitment in keeping to the high principles and values that he claims to stand for. His compromises on many key issues in American domestic politics - health reform, carbon emission caps, Wall Street regulation, financial reform, immigration and a host of others – have led to disappointment among his Democrat supporters. His foreign policy has been a continuation rather than rejection of Bush's disastrous and bloody US empire building programme which has alienated the rest of the world including American allies..


Obama's visit to Malaysia is a part of his larger East Asian trip whose main priority is outflank China in this part of the world and to advance US commercial and strategic interests. Let us have no doubts that his position in Malaysia's domestic affairs will ultimately be determined by American political expediency and the advancement of American political interests.


We have to fight for these Noble Principles:


Although the official final communique from the visit reiterates that “respect for diversity, respect for the freedom to express different views and practice different faiths, respect for all religions and respect for the rights of all in the populations are essential to healthy and prosperous democracies”, at the end of the day, it is up to us to fight for these noble principles.


Any movement for change in Malaysia – whether it is against discrimination of non-Malay minorities or for religious freedom – will have to come from within. The forces of change have to be home-grown; and the struggle for freedom and human rights will have to be fought by Malaysians determined to defeat the extremists and opportunists in our midst.   

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3 people like this. Showing 48 of 48 comments


All shows and talks are symbolic. Meeting one-to-one is also symbolic. It is politic to Malaysian government as much as it is also politic to American government!!

2014-04-29 11:03


Forget about the visit. Focus on real business with China.

2014-04-29 11:09


". The first which he personally spoke out against is the discrimination against the non-Muslim part of the population. "

this one hardly got any mention as far as The Star is concerned...shows that the MCA mouthpiece remains pretty much what it is...don't print anything negative on UMNO...

o the other hand, glad this was hilited in a headline in The Sun

2014-04-29 11:32


There's a famous quote "Repeat a lie often enough and it will believed or becomes truth". That's why some people still believe this AI despite all the denial or the many u-turn.

2014-04-29 11:40


Obama (conformist rather than a reformist) is weak when comes to US economy reform; giving opportunity to China. That is it.

2014-04-29 13:16


Hi Mr Koon, it me again. I have resend the scholarship application to your wife last Friday. I haven't gotten any reply yet. Please help. My email is Titicamara82@gmail.com

2014-04-30 14:57

Koon Yew Yin

My wife is out of our home now and I will ask her about your case. To save time, you can write to me directly koonyewyin@gmail.com. Remember, you must have a minimum of 5A in SPM and your family income is less than Rm 3,000 per month.

2014-04-30 15:23


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2014-05-01 00:13


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2014-05-01 00:18


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2014-05-01 00:23


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2014-05-01 00:27


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2014-05-01 00:29


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2014-05-01 00:30


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2014-05-01 00:31


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2014-05-01 00:33


U ingat sini lu bapa punya tempat ah,berani marilah,tengok siapa pal8ng sakit, i boleh direct bagi u tahu, economi mesti habis kalau tak ada cina, i can 100% bet with u this game

2014-05-01 00:33


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2014-05-01 00:35


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2014-05-01 00:35


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2014-05-01 00:36


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2014-05-01 00:37


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2014-05-01 00:37


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2014-05-01 00:38


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2014-05-01 00:38


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2014-05-01 00:40


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2014-05-01 00:41


Posted by duitbesarxxx > May 1, 2014 12:38 AM | Report Abuse

Cakap manyak besar, ada berani, bawa duit haram korang balik China lah. Semua haram melayu tak mahu punya

- Kerajaan curi duit cukai org cina, buat "BRIM" Melayu, siapa kata duit melayu tak haram. Duit curi.

2014-05-01 00:42


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2014-05-01 00:45


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2014-05-01 00:45


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2014-05-01 00:46


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2014-05-01 00:47


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2014-05-01 00:48


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2014-05-01 00:51


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2014-05-01 00:52


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2014-05-01 00:53


guys , stop all racist posting lah, malay and non-malay! We can make money here together!

non malay(i m chinese too), dont lah reply to those meaningless post lah. Focus to make money mah!

2014-05-01 00:55


Ok, RIP Duitbesar, now I can remove my comment.

2014-05-01 00:55


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2014-05-01 00:57


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2014-05-01 00:57


You see...according to Newton's laws of motion number 3 : To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction

2014-05-01 00:58


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2014-05-01 01:00


Hehehe tak keluar pun......must have agreed with us hor.....kikiki

2014-05-01 01:00


Tomorrow holiday, tonight got a bit of free time to troll duitbesar...heheh..but he RIP.

2014-05-01 01:05


Post removed.Why?

2014-05-01 01:06


Kikiki...sudah takut ya......lol....lari lari lari......lol

2014-05-01 01:10


Obama said-treat others like the way u like to be treated.Ask him,why is America meddling and interferring with the present territory issues between China and Japan.while they are far too many issues which remain unresolved at home?The americans put their their feet in everycorner of the world,fr m.east,afganistan,east asia where they have a strategic militaty alliance with Japan ,Korea and Phillipine to contain China 's peaceful economic expansion.Any smart donkey will know of the havoc and sufferings they had inflicted in Iraq,Syria and etc.Now they just have a tough Ukraine to crack with the formidable Russia.As usual ,us will now how to play their game and come out of this crisis unscatched!much to the delightness of the hawkish administration.Meanwhile China will try to stay neutral in all issues and concentrate in their economic and military expansion.

2014-05-02 14:34


Only the malay with no money but still supporting umno are really fools. Wait for the GST to come. Let them experience it. Actually the federal government is not getting any fund if they pay zakat. With GST they are paying taxes to the federal government.

2014-05-05 18:51

Zuode Zhang

Please read this article by Chandra Muzaffar (http://www.malaysia-today.net/complaining-to-obama-distorting-the-truth/). I agreed that we Malaysian will have to do the fighting ourselves and not depend on any foreigner least of all USA one of the worst nation on earth.

2014-05-08 12:49

sense maker

USA has to exert its influence everywhere for greater world peace in the long run. What it fights and stands for on human rights, democracy, minority protection is noble and progressive universally that other countries should embrace. USA is by far the biggest military power in this world, followed by China.

2014-05-08 13:20

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